1:28pm Sep 3 2010
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"Your father?" She tilted her head slightly, still circling the alpha...
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1:30pm Sep 3 2010
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"Did I stutter?" he stated, his eyes drifting away from his prey, awaiting her attack.
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1:31pm Sep 3 2010
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"Who is your father and why does he matter?" She asked in a deathly calm tone, wtaching him with careful eyes...
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1:35pm Sep 3 2010
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Sin was silent. "So now you show interest? When I bring to you news of your dam mutts of a family." he stated expressionlessly. "My father is of the past. You will know nothing more." he made a quick motion, clawing the circling wolf across the muzzle before relaxing himself back into his sitting position as if nothing happened.
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1:37pm Sep 3 2010
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Dusk ignored the blood dripping from her face. "Is this what you do when you're angry, just attack the nearest moving thing?" She asked with a smirk. "Alright, let's see, what grudge to you hold against me and my late family?" She wondered...
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1:43pm Sep 3 2010
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"No. Father always scolded me for playing with my food. So naturally I do what I can to disobey his words." he stated, a cold glint in his eyes. "Is playing hero your dream? Trying to avenge what you couldnt do before? Your family slaughtered, your pack becoming slaves to the far more superior tracker pack?" he continued. "My dear, I have no grudge against you or your worthless family." he stated in the same frightening, but expressionless voice.
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1:45pm Sep 3 2010
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"No, but getting revenge is." She said, whiping her claw down his muzzle. She returned to stalking him as if he were a mouse and she was the cat. Her maw twisted into a smile. "We are equal, all wolves should be, including you. You're no better than the rest of us." She said...
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1:54pm Sep 3 2010
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"Thats not what I see. I dont see revenge. But you do. I can tell by your actions. you are fighting for equality because no one has shown it to you before. Some wolves are more superior then others... you say we are all equal. But it is unso. You are alpha. You are saying the alpha is equal to an omega? I think not. You are seeking revenge on me, trying to prove that you are strong. but you're wrong." he stated calmly, lunging foward and gripping the dog's neck in his powerful jaws, throwing her to the ground with an unknown amount of force. His tail swayed behind him as his paws sent vibrations through the earth, the plants around his withering and turning to brown.
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1:57pm Sep 3 2010
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Ice shot out of her neck, spreaing his lips. "Yes, well I see a wolf who has been hurt one too many times." She growled, breaking free of his grip. "Now, did I say that an alpha and an omega were equal, I meant packs, the trackers and the runaways and the souless, we all should be equal. We each have our place, but not one pack is better than the next." She said...
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2:04pm Sep 3 2010
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"Hmm. Then how did the trackers overcome the runaways? How did the soulless slaughter almost both packs...why did Silvie or Jurip join us? Why were you not invited...there was no promise for any of the wolves. The weak are destroyed. You will join them." he pushed on. He knew the wolf was trying to get on his nerves. "Hurt to many times? Honestly you must be blind." he knew Dusk was once blind...which was why he spoke. ((Feyth, sin wasnt hurt to many times. he always had been mean. he dosnt regret anything he did.))
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2:07pm Sep 3 2010
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((Why are your characters perfect? They never falter to think up a quick retort, not everybody is like that, but every one of your characters seems to bw. Its kind of annoying.)) "I was blind yes." She snorted, unkowing he was trying to get her to snap. "I was invited, I chose not to because I am stronger than you will ever be. I had a choice and I chose not to kill hundereds of wolves with my powers and sharp nails." She said...
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2:10pm Sep 3 2010
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((recap? what the heck, feyth. Just stop. I love fun's charrys... their alphas. they have much knowledge and dont stoop down to retorting, just because your charry isnt like that dont hate on others. Maybe fun thinks your charricter is annoying with all the healing. ))
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2:11pm Sep 3 2010
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((nothing much, elamant I will rmail you, and thanks but I dont need a lawyer...))
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2:12pm Sep 3 2010 (last edited on 2:13pm Sep 3 2010)
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((feyth, well what do you want me to do? Let your charry win an argument? Uh... you think of quick retorts as well so I dont want to hear it. and wolves cant turn down an offer to be in the soulless, if they do their killed))
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2:12pm Sep 3 2010
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((Ela, I wasn't trying to be mean, but still. Sorry Funneh, just ignore me.)))
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2:12pm Sep 3 2010 (last edited on 2:14pm Sep 3 2010)
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((I suck at quick retorts. Sorry again,l your charries make me think of the bullies that always teased me from 1st grade on up. I could never think of anything to say back to them and when I did, they took my words and twisted them back at me.,))
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2:16pm Sep 3 2010
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((feyth. Im used to quick retorts... i use them a lot at school which is probobly why people dont pick at me. And my charrys are always mean (In case you havnt noticed :3) so I use a lot of the same comebacks. ))
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2:17pm Sep 3 2010
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((I know, sorry...I just wish that for once your characters weren't exactly the same. Sin and Silvie are practically related. They do the exact same things.))
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2:19pm Sep 3 2010
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((they grew up together in the same pack :3 of course they'll be the same. and sin fell in love with her, so of course they have to have something in common... omgizzle! i found a way to compromise... ok well u said sin has been hurt to much, maybe that can be when silvie left!))
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2:24pm Sep 3 2010
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((Alright!! Ok, go.))
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