8:51pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 243
... with boredom. Anyone interested in a small group roleplay? I can't start tonight, it's 1:37am where I am, but I'd like to get an idea of who would want to RP with lil' ol' me. <33 What I like to roleplay: - Shonen-ai. - Vampires (that do not sparkle.) - Werewolves (that change on a full moon, not when they feel like it) - Shapeshifters. - Orphanages/orphans. - Death Note based stuff (ie. the rest of the Wammy's alphabette.) - Soul Eater based stuff (ie. new Miesters and Weapons at the DWMA) - Mutants (ie. in a lab where they are tested on) - Warrior cats. - Strays. - Lions and other big cats. - Post-apocolypse. - Zombie apocolypse. - Angels and Demons. - Normal humans. - Whitches and Wizards (ie. Harry Potter) - Anthro/Furry. - Violence. What I hate to roleplay: - Sparkle animals. - Anything Twilight based. - Powered humans. - Wolves (unless played realisticly) - Anything too lovey-dovey. - Unicorns. - Winged animals. - Powered animals. - Pokemon (love the series/games/movies, hate RPing it) - Horses. - Dragons (unless done to a high standard) Drop a post if you're interested. Oh, and one more thing, you must be literate! (ie. able to post at least two to four decnt length paragraphs)

9:09pm Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 9:29pm Feb 24 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 243
I see your non-responsiveness and I raise you a bump. How d'you like them apples? >:D
9:15pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 406
I LIKE THEM TONS. I'd love to do shounen ai, post-apocalpyse, zombie apocalypse, witches and wizards, violence, normal humans, strays, and possibly lions and other big cats depending on the plot.
9:28pm Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 9:29pm Feb 24 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 243
Post apocolyptic violent zombie x normal human shonen-ai. <33 Lawl. You kiss 'em and their lips fall off. xDD ... Acctaully, thinking about it, that could be interesting...
9:47pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 406
LOL. It'd certainly be... different. Also, I don't like your apples that much. ; 3;
5:51am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 243
YOU'LL LIKE THEM THAT MUCH, FOO'!! >:U And yes, that'd be very different. Haha. <33
5:56am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 204
I like Shapeshifting. :) Savvy? :D
7:22am Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 243
7:30am Feb 25 2011
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I have an RP up, involving Vampires and Werewolves. No, 'tis not a stereotypical 'Vampire Apocalypse' RP. Too cliché .n. It's on the first page. Check it out? There are a lot of posts, but we've just started, and I'm the only one so far who has posted their introduction xD We also have a few important spots that are open, and need filling .n. I also wouldn't mind doing a Warrior Cats, Mutant, Lion, Anthro or Witch RP owo WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST ZE UNICORNS?! D8
7:01pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 243
Haha, lawl Tld. xD I might join one of those RP's, Irissa said you were a pretty literate and to watch out for your roleplays. <33 It's be cool to do Witches and Wizards with you two. c:
12:30am Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Hu's Irissa? o^o Who is pas-sing their judgement on me?! D< If you want to join, better do it quickly owo A few people have posted their intros already x3 My RPs are top-notch top-quality owo ... not really. Oya, but I'm not really a RPer of Shounen-Ai. I just do straight characters .n. I'm not those super 'gayhatorz' people, but I just don't RP bisexual/homosexual characters owo I wouldn't mind doing an RP where bi + gay + straight people are all allowed, but I can't do an RP where only bisexual and homosexual people are allowed. So. Yeah owo Hope you're okay with that. And there used to be this really great RP, of a plot between Light and Dark witches. It never too off .n. But yeah, I don't mind doing that if you're up for something else asides from HP. I do HP too. Just. Rarely ono There haven't been a lot of witch-related RPs these days. //sigh
9:27am Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 243
She just said she'd seen you 'round, joined a couple of your roleplays then skipped out in the middle, she gets bored of everything so fast. ¬_¬ Nothing keeps her interest and all her own roleplays always died. And yeah, I'd like to do a non-Harry Potter based roleplay, I'm reading enough HP fanfiction as it is. xDD I can see what you mean about there not being many Witch-related roleplays lately, people are getting so boring. T-T <33
9:49am Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 5,998
..Ah. Oh dear. I seem to have made a bad impression on Irissa :c Well, I do get bored of things sometimes, but most of the time I just leave because the role-play has gone way too far, and I know that even if I catch up, I'll fall back behind again. I live in a separate time-zone from probably 90% of Res. When I'm at school/asleep, Res is up, active and RPing. And I dun care about my own RPs dying. It's not like I have super self-centered RPs, e.g. This girl and that guy are meant to be, so everyone has to be nice to them :c Mmmf. I'd like to clear things up with Irissa, but I guess I don't want to sound like a creepy stalker :c I always try for new stuff, but it either fails [hence the 'all of her own roleplays always die'], or ends up drawing 'omg i lyke Rping gurlz only' people ._. And I'm low on creative juice recently. So yeah. Nothing original coming out of me x3 So plot? Or just wing it? o_o
10:45am Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 243
Iris has nothing against you, she thinks your roleplays are great, but she gets bored of everything in about five seconds. Haha. That's why her own RPs die most of the time, she doesn't bother to bump them. You've got nothing to clear up with her, unless you have a cure for a short attention span. xP
I'd go with a plot roleplay, it's generally easier and more interesting that way. <33
1:34pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 243
7:38pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 243
9:09pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Eneh. Separate time-zone. Like I said. Wuz sleeping e.o Any ideas for a plot? :3
8:30am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 243
No plot bunnies as of yet... Mail's brain, eet ees dead. X-X
8:40am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Hrm... Would you prefer just 'let's gang up on something' or a 'side 1 vs. side 2' kind of RP xD
9:55am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 243
Side vs Side is more exiting in my opinion, you can do forbidden romances too. xD