Shadow went to her art room and finished painting the last bit of her sculpture. She stepped back a bit and said,"Hmm..." Then she smiled and said,"I'll kiln you tomorrow." She walked into her living room and flipped on the TV.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
Lyra whistled on her way through the door. "Hey dad." No reply, as usual. Yes, she did live with her father. U jelly? She trotted up the stairs into her room, which was small no matter how good you feel. The walls were littered with posters, including Justin Beaver with an X on his face. Lyra plopped backwards onto her bed, sprawling her arms out. A flute noise came from her cell phone. She squinted her eyes at it carefully. Mom again. Ignore.