I am the( Neko and werecat rp) first of me

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2:55pm Apr 7 2011 (last edited on 3:01pm Apr 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 849

OOc: Something a bit different. I havent seen alot werecat and neko rps lately so i thought it would be good to create one.


I must make a choice
A tough decision
Listen to my voice
Should I give in to temptation, admiration?

One leads to myself
The other someone else
Just an empty shell
Just an empty shell

It's harder than it seems
When you're told that
All your hopes and dreams
Are yours to hold if
You just give them what's expected

Something they can sell
Put upon a shelf
But I am not for sale
I am not for sale

She didnt care where she was at. She only cared where she was going. The loud thunder taunted her every move, the lightning allowed her to be seen by the beasts. everything seemed to fall into her betrayal. The nekos tears started to fall as she heard rorars and snarls from behind her. She looked at the large trench ahead of her. She had to make it across. She started to pick up speed and prayed that she would make it across. She had to. The snarls grew louder as her feet created splashes in the dense puddles.

I hear a voice inside
It's grown into a scream
I'm not the next of them
I am the first of me

'Cause I can't live the lie
I am just what you see
I'm not the next of them
I am the first of me

If I can't refuse
The prize they offer
I am sure to lose
And I will suffer
Sell my soul to make a profit

Lightning crashed and thunder roared as she made it almost near the trench. Out of nowhere a large panther nearly tackled her. She sped up missing his claws by an inch. The beast slid but managed to manuver its body so it was now running in her direction. She sobbed and trembled as she aimed to make it across. She closed her eyes and leapt high in the air. The trench was just below her and she opened her eyes seeing she was just about to make it to the other side.

All I have to do
Is make believe it's true
That's something I can't do
That's something I can't do

I hear a voice inside
It's grown into a scream
I'm not the next of them
I am the first of me

'Cause I can't live the lie
I am just what you see
I'm not the next of them
I am the first of me

She almost made it until SLASH the panther had lept with her and gave her a deep cut acrosss the back of her head and neck. The girls hopeful eyes turned sad and almost lifeless. She crashed to the other side doing a few tumbles and them stopped. She was on her stomach with her lifeless head turned to the side. Her crown continued to role, going into a small circle then stopping and falling into the girls blood. The panther roared in victory and lept at the girl. Two more big cats, a tiger and leopard came near the fallen princess of the nekos. A final tear crept down her face as the beasts made sure she was never seen again.

So, when the waiting's done
And it's time to face the truth
You know you're good enough
Deep down inside of you

You've finally woken up
If only just to prove
You were born to lead the way
And be the first of you

Summary of plot

Ok so the werecats and the Nekos are at war because the werecats kiled there princess therefore destroying there kingdom. There is also a debate of who came from who (If nekos were frist then later werecats came or vice versa). The humans are also forced to take a side with either one. The cause of all this fighting is a neko villan and his lackeys who hired some werecats to murder her. He did this so he could claim the throne for himself but he also betrayed the werecats since he declared war with them and hate. Now they are seperated by the trech and territory.Everyone is looking for a miracle to help stop the wars and bring them all together. Who will help them?


3:06pm Apr 7 2011 (last edited on 8:46pm Apr 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 849

OOc: Hoped you like the plot and hope your willing to join but i do have a few rules


  1. No powerplaying please or god modelling, nobodys perfect.
  2. Please keep the ratios even,since romance is encouraged i want to make sure, if you want romance, there will be enough for couples. You cvan have as many characters as you like
  3. I may be the villan then again i might not be so if you want to be him or his lackeys (Their are only 3 werecat, Neko or human, doesnt matter) ask please. First come first serve
  4. If you done like homosexuality thats fine but dont judge others if thats what they want. You can have homosexul characters or straight characters just dont judge other.
  5. Have fun and if you are joining and want to be apart of this rp. Be apart of it.
  6. Post somewhere *I am the first of me* in your favorite color so i know you have read the rules.
  7. Violence is encouraged as well but dont kill another persons character without asking. Thats mean Nya :p
  8. Some humans are as.sas.sins, if you want to be one let me know so i can write it down and keep track.
  9. Keep it pg 13 please


Werecats: Werecats can turn into a domestic kitten of any kind and a wild cat (Cheetah, leopard, panther ect.) of any kind. In human form most of them have long knee length hair (But you can make them have short hair) and have a long or short tail of there species. They also have feet like there species (The back legs of the animal) Which makes them taller than most people. Also they do have neko like ears but they are the shape and color of there species. Also they are ma.ssive sized wildcats when they turn into them


Age (14-20):


Species (Neko, Werecat, Human):

Type of cat or wild cat (If Werecat or neko):

S.O(Gay, lesbian, straight as a rod, you get it):


Appearance (Deions or pictures please):

Wildcat and kitten appearance (If Werecat):

Pets (if any):

History (Optional):





Villans Followers (3)


Angellina Sylvester

Ookami Say

Jerameh Say 

Vixen Clamore


Gabriel Soma

Taro Kittison

Lucifer Murciealgo

Nova Murciealgo

Elizabeth Bloodrose

Angel Nekomi

Mira Amu

Alexander carlisle



Chiko: Elizabeth

Cookie: Gabriel

Lucky: Mira

Kasa: Lucifer

Sphynx: Angellina

Kale: Ookami

Shiro: Nova


4:06pm Apr 7 2011 (last edited on 8:25pm Apr 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 849

My characters

Name: Lucifer Murcielago

Age (14-20):17

Species (Neko, Werecat, Human): Werecat

Type of cat or wild cat (If werecat or neko):He is a black panther

S.O (Gay, lesbian, straight as a rod, you get it):Staight

Personality (Optional): He is a very kind charming guy. He is sweet and comp*censored*ionate but that can turn if you tick him off. He never backs down from a fight and only hesitates when he’s nervous. He’s also very competitive. Hes sort of a gentle guy especially when around his little brother. He’s also protective of his brother and weary of meeting new people if he doesn’t get a good vibe from them.

Appearance (Deions or pictures please): He has short silver spiky hair with black and light blue tips (Think grimmjow jeaguerjaques hair). He’s handsomely muscular and has a long scar on his back. He has a tribal that goes around his neck; his skin is a little tan. He has black panther ears and tail.

Wildcat and kitten appearance (If Were cat):

Pets (if any): a black cat named Kasa

History (Optional): He and his little brother Nova were forced to watch their parents get killed. When they were sent to an orphanage it was hard getting either one adopted because they could never be apart and refused to get adopted if the other couldn’t get adopted with them. One day Lucifer was forced into being adopted but he ran away that night to take Nova from the orphanage and they set out on their own. When they were almost killed by a group of guys a couple came and saved them and took them home as their own children. 

Other: He is French but can speak English and German very well. French is his native tongue so he might speak it without knowing it. 


Name: Nova Mercialgo

Age (14-20):15

Species (Neko, Were cat, Human): Werecat

Type of cat or wild cat (If Werecat or neko):Snowleopard

S.O (Gay, lesbian, straight as a rod, you get it): He’s gay

Personallity (Optional): He’s very shy but he is very sweet as well. He always tries to make people smile and happy. He doesn’t like it when people cry either, it gets to him. He also likes to feel free and wild sort of. He is protective over people he cares about but isn’t over protective or possessive. He sometimes hesitates when meeting new people with fear that he might lose them later but he’s willing to trust people he gets good vibes about.

Appearance (Deions or pictures please): He is albino. He has long white hair that reaches his waist and sky blue eyes. He has pure white snow leopard ears and a fluffy pure white snow leopard tail. He has black slashes under his eyes that are slightly smaller than them

Wildcat and kitten appearance (If Were cat):ta:image/jpg;base64,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alt="" width="275" height="183" />

Pets (if any): An albino cat name Shiro

History (Optional): Same as Lucifers.

Other: French is also his native tongue but he speaks fluent english


Name: Elizabeth ‘Lizzy or Liz’ Bloodrose

Age (14-20):19

Species (Neko, Werecat, Human): Werecat

Type of cat or wild cat (If human or neko):She is a cheetah

S.O(Gay, lesbian, straight as a rod, you get it):Straight

Personality(Optional): She has multiple personalities. She can be shy and sweet first then she can be lively and outgoing the next. It all depends on her mood. She is easily embarr*censored*ed and she is always by herself. She likes to be alone sometimes and reflect on her life.

Appearance (Deions or pictures please):

Wildcat and kitten appearance (If Werecat):

Pets (if any): A Ferret name Chiko

History (Optional): She doesn’t like to talk about it



Name: Angellina Sylvester

Age (14-20):16

Species (Neko, Werecat, Human):Neko

Type of cat or wild cat (If Werecat or neko):She is a Savannah

S.O(Gay, lesbian, straight as a rod, you get it):Straight

Personality(Optional):She is very outgoing and high spirited but can get shy around boys and get her words tied up. She is a little easily embara.ssed but she tries to hide it. She is also always on the move.

Appearance (Deions or pictures please):Coming

Wildcat and kitten appearance (If Werecat)

Pets (if any): She has a savannah cat named Sphynx

History (Optional):She doesnt know her history. She lost all her memories when she was twelve.



Name: Alexander Carlisle

Age (14-20):17


Species (Neko, Werecat, Human):Werecat

Type of cat or wild cat (If Werecat or neko): He is a white panther

S.O(Gay, lesbian, straight as a rod, you get it): Straight

Personality(Optional):He has a gentle calm nature. He doesnt care to fight but when he has too he is no punk. He fights with a calm stoic face. Hes mostly by himself and prefers it. He doesnt think he can be loved

Appearance (Deions or pictures please):

Wildcat and kitten appearance (If Werecat):coming

Pets (if any):none

History (Optional):He was an orphan when he was first born. Directly after he was born his parents were killed. He doesnt know that hes the other heir to the throne along with the villan.



Name: Vixen 'Vixy' Clamore

Age (14-20):17


Species (Neko, Werecat, Human):Neko

Type of cat or wild cat (If Werecat or neko):She is a oriental cat

S.O(Gay, lesbian, straight as a rod, you get it):straight

Personality(Optional):Rp it.

Appearance (Deions or pictures please):

Wildcat and kitten appearance (If Werecat):

Pets (if any):none

History (Optional):Rp it out



4:11pm Apr 7 2011 (last edited on 7:33pm Apr 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 222

(( I love the idea, wanna join, oh and I am the first of me ))

 .: Bio :.

Name: Gabriel Soma

Age: 20

Species: Werecat

Type of cat or wild cat: Snow Leopard

S.O: Straight


Gabriel is quiet and secretive. Unless he knows someone rly good he, wont speak much.Hes a loner, he does not need companionship. He has never been in love, he doesnt know what that word mean, feelings are not his strong point.



Wildcat and kitten appearance:


Pets: Black Female cat called Cookie.


He was left aloneby his family because when he was still a young cub he wasnt able to change in to hes werecat form. He grew up in a temple high in the mountains, away from most of his peopl. After reaching age of 20 year and mastering Shape Shifting, he chosed to live on hes own.

Other: He wears a necklace with a small photo of his little sister that died long ago. He blames himself for her death


Name :Mira Amu

Age: 16


Type of cat or wild cat: White Tige, but she was born with out strips

S.O: Straight

Personality: Shes a cute and lovely little girl. She doesnt worry much and usualy is the one to cheer other people. She love to play hide and seek and get in trobule mostly because of that game



Pets: Hamster called Lucky


History: Most of her past is kept a secret.

Other: I would like her to be part of a Royal Family

Locations of Site Visitors

4:14pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 849
((Accepted Agnes, oh if you dont mind, can you shrink the picture so people can see the page, Thanks :) ))

4:18pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
(( ok done, it shouldnt stretch the page anymore, thanks for telling me that I havent noticed))

Locations of Site Visitors

4:18pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 849
((Oh no problem thanks for fixing it, Love your character by the way))

4:21pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
(( hes kinda cute imo XD but dont judge the book by its cover @_@))

Locations of Site Visitors

4:23pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 849
((Lol yeah, i learned that the hard way XD))

4:29pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
(( my mum use to say that learning this "the hard way" is the best way, you will never forget you lesson T^T))

Locations of Site Visitors

4:30pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 849
((Shes right, always listen to Mum))

4:45pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
(( but she could tell me that before i made somthing stupid))

Locations of Site Visitors

4:47pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 849
(( o_O ))

4:50pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
(( nvm c(: anyway i created another char could you please check if it fine with ))

Locations of Site Visitors

4:55pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 849
((Shes accepted too and i love the hamster so cute *Squeels*))

5:02pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
(( who doesnt like hamsters XD))

Locations of Site Visitors

5:06pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 849
(( People who dont like cuteness XD))

5:38pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 849

7:30pm Apr 7 2011 (last edited on 8:36pm Apr 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 12,418

(I'm the first of my kind.)


Name: Ookami Say

Age (14-20): 18

Species (Neko, Werecat, Human): Neko

Type of cat or wild cat (If Werecat or neko): Ookami-mimi(Wolf neko.)

S.O(Gay, lesbian, straight as a rod, you get it): Bi!

Personality(Optional): She's like a ninja. You can't get past he. She's orginally from Japan, hence her name. She's sweet and fun. She gets moody if you say the wrong thing.

Appearance (Deions or pictures please): View Imagetle="View Full Size Image" width="186" height="250" />(Not mine. Gray hair that matches her ears and tail.)

Wildcat and kitten appearance (If Werecat):

Pets (if any): A gray wolf name Kale

History (Optional): She wont talk about it.

Other: Ookami means wolf in Japanese :D.




Name: Jerameh Say 

Age (14-20): 17

Gender: male

Species (Neko, Werecat, Human): Neko

Type of cat or wild cat (If Werecat or neko): Toramimi(Tiger neko)

S.O(Gay, lesbian, straight as a rod, you get it): Bi

Personality(Optional): Hes like his big sister Ookami

Appearance (Deions or pictures please):View Imagetle="View Full Size Image" width="156" height="250" />(Not mine. More Tiger looking.)

Wildcat and kitten appearance (If Werecat):

Pets (if any): A tiger named Kose

History (Optional):

Other: Is Ookami's little brother.

(Banner made by Kina)

7:46pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165
(( Join as two werecats, Angel and Taro? I am the first of my kind.))

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.
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