I am ZIIIIIIIM!!!!! (Lanin and me, keep out or I'll melt your face off or something!!)

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9:08pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 1,289
Hai.XD I will be Zim and the Tallest?:3


9:11pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 1,289
Oh, by the way, what style shall we roleplay?:3 sc
ript form, 3rd POV, or 1st POV?:D


9:12pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 14
"I wasn't dead.....I was just snoozing, and what about talking hotdogs? Wait, how are they going to help us?"

9:12pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 1,289


I love that show, srsly...XD


9:13pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 17,364


9:14pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 14
I know right, it was one of my favorites when I was a kid.

9:14pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 14
Zozane, what's up with the mythwar2 creature?

9:17pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 1,289

DB< *melts Zozo's face off*


Ok. Here's how it goes.;3 You pretend that u are whoever you're roleplaying as, such as GIR or the piggy, and put their personality in you. Then, I'll write little bit, making a plot or something,andyou follow that plotline.:3 Kay?:D Now... How bout 3rd point of view?:3


9:19pm Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 14
Oh, lol, I thought we were going off your Mordecai thing at the bottom of your posts. Yeah sure I can get that. Not to sound lame but can you refresh me on 3rd person?

9:23pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 9:26pm Feb 26 2011)

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Posts: 1,289

((Kay.. I'll start.>:D))

                ...............XD Episode opening woo!XD

"HAH! Take that, Dib-stink! I win!" an extremely tiny Irken shouted Dib, a giant headed Human.

"...Win what?" the human asked, confused.

"THIS!" Zim, the Irken, held up a piece of paper. On it was a test on how the Earth was doomed. Over the top, 100% was written in pen over the top. Dib gasped. He only got a 99%.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" the Dib creature screamed and dropped to his knees. Zim proceeded with his trademark laugh.

"Inferior HUUMAN!" he roared(which didn't really sound like a roar) and marched off to the base.



((EDIT: I forgot something!! *points up*))


9:24pm Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,289
Like that.XD Third person is when you write without using "I" as a reference to a character. You can reveal all thoughts that way.:3


9:26pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 14

As Zim marches away from the distraught Dib human something came flying right at him, "Master, master," said gir as he crashed into Zim.

"Master, I made waffles!" 


9:27pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 14
like that?

9:31pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 1,289

"NOO!" Zim screamed. "NOT THE WAFFLES!! Gir, I command you to throw those away! I need to call my Tallest! We haven't called in a few days, so they must be wondering!" he announced.

With that, he began walking towards the base. But s he did so, Dib crept up behind him, holding ((DUNDUNDUUUUN)) ...A camera!! 

"Eh!?" Zim said and turned to see the camera. 

"Ha! Got you right on tape, space boy!!" Dib sneered. Zim just looked at the camera and then at dib. He then grabbed the camera and threw it on the ground, smashing it to pieces.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dib screamed again. He then got up and ran to his house to do something Dibby.

"Let's go, Gir!" Zim said and walked towards the base again.


9:31pm Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,289
YES. Perfect.:DD


9:35pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 14

Gir looks down, sad because Master wouldn't eat his waffle......."SQUIRREL!" He chased after the squirrel for a moment and followed Zim back to the base.

"Ima eat meh some waffles!" Gir dives right into the m*censored*ive stack and starts munching not even noticing that Zim had already headed down the trash.


Hey I'm ganna be right back, I'm going to take a smoke break. 


9:43pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 14

9:47pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 14
O.o why did they censor the word m-a-s-s-i-v-e?

9:55pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 1,289

In the M*censored*ive... *MUSIC*

"Incoming transmission from Earth."

"ZIM." the Almighty Tallest groaned simultaniously. The image of the shortest Irken whothought he wasan invader appeared.

"Greetings, my Tallest," the Irken stated.

"What is it now, Zim?" Red asked, irked((Lol get it?XD)).

"The Dib thing tried to get evidence of me, but I successfully destroyed it. You have chosen well, my Tallest," he boasted. The Tallest just stared at the screen with half lidded eyes.

"All right! That's all I need!" Zim said. "Farewell for now, my Tallest." The transmission was ended.

".... That was short," Red said in surprise. Purple nodded.


 Zim's base...

"All right, Gir! Let us rain our doom upon our filthy human enemies!!" Zim announced. "...somehow... Eh. Let's just go watch a movie." he said and walked over to the couch, without his disguise on.

Little did Zim know... That Dib sneaked into his base through the open window that Gir left unsupervised and was filming WITHOUT the lens cap on. A smirk appeared on his face, which was on his freakishly large head. After he had filmed the amount of evidence he needed, Dib snuck out through the window and dodged the gnomes, saving his gloating to Zim for later. He then ran to his house again, grinning evilly.

"Agent Darkbooty! I finally got a real video on the Alien I've been talking about!" he shouted excitedly when the silhouetteof Agent Darkbooty appeared. He had already made the video into a CD, marked "Mysterious Mysteries". It was loaded ont his computer and he pressed the play button. As the film went on, Agent Darkbooty was taken aback. He never had believed the large headed boy and his alien stuff about Zim, so this was surprising. Dib was watching Darkbooty's reaction and beaming.

((What was Dib's agent name?XDD))


9:55pm Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,289

I dunno.XD


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