3:40pm Nov 19 2012
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Lunus growled, "It's not like I made you fall in the water and curse like a sailor from Hell and attract my attention over here." he rolled his eyes.
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4:16pm Nov 19 2012
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Cujo shook her head. "Whatever. I don't have time for your bickering right now. Don't you hate me enough already? Seriously, I don't even know why I even thought I could be freinds with you in the first place! It's not like anyone else even got as close to you as I did, anyway." She shook the water off her paws, directing it away from Lunus.
4:34pm Nov 19 2012
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Lunus huffed, "I trusted you, didn't I? But then you lured me in that tree and left me to lose my balance and die!" he growled, forgetting that it was "just a dream".
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
5:21pm Nov 19 2012
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Cujo shook her head. "First, I did not lure you into that tree, you came after me. Second, I didn't leave you in the tree, I brought you down with me! Third, you're already dead!"
5:22pm Nov 19 2012
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Lunus stared at her. "Is this part of that dream then?" he asked.
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5:35pm Nov 19 2012
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Cujo rolled her eyes. "Give me a call when your done questioning the flight of penguins." She padded down the street, hoping to find some kind of anti-Lunus place.
5:38pm Nov 19 2012
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Lunus shook his fur. "So it was just a dream then." he muttered. "Why am I such a bird-brain?" his fur bristled, but he decided to follow Cujo anyway. He was... intrigued, by her. Honestly, he didn't want to lose her. He was glad to have her around.
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6:06pm Nov 19 2012
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(Oh Cujo, what am I going to do with you?) Cujo found the perfect place. It was inside an abandoned amusement park, a teacup ride flipped upside-down and cracked up so it created tons of chambers and tunnels. Perfect. Cujo weaved her way into the center, snuggling into the undisturbed ground.
6:19pm Nov 19 2012
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Lunus lost Cujo in the amusement park. He didn't dare go in there. It was disastrous, dangerous, death spelled all over it. He flicked his tail.
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7:04pm Nov 19 2012
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Cujo yawned, stretching out on the ground. She thought the place she found was as safe as she needed it. Apparently not. She heard a hissing noise coming from the left. Her fur bristled, and she felt a sharp pain in her head the way it did when she was traumatized. A coral snake came from the tunnel on that side, and Cujo was not welcome to join it. The snake raised it's head, about to strike.
7:38pm Nov 19 2012
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Lunus's ear flicked. For some reason he had an odd feeling. Cujo! He widened his eyes and bounded into the amusement park.
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8:12pm Nov 19 2012
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Cujo growled at the snake, posing like a dog that would want to play. "Come on, go ahead and attack! You can't hurt me!" The snake striked one of her paws, and she fell backward. She was determined not to appear weak. She hissed and scratched the snake with her other paw, but it came back with blood.
9:35am Nov 20 2012
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As Lizz was doing her snaeky spying, some dust caught her nose, causing her to sneeze. "shoot..." she whispered.
5:30pm Nov 20 2012
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Shadow thought for a moment and said,"I was fighting the cat who killed Fisher when I managed to make them fall of a near by cliff. I decided I would follow them and fell of the cliff too." She then added,"How did you die?"
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
5:29pm Nov 21 2012
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"A sickness," Piroshki admitted. "Cancer, I believe it was called. A disease. I fell ill and knew my fate was most likely gonna end with death, so I accepted it. Even if my life ended differently, I would of still accepted it." He licked his paw and drew it over his face, washing it. His ear flicked when he heard another cat sneeze. He stood up straight and tall, puffing out his chest, his eyes blazing with alertness, but also with a calm, and gentle passion. Understanding. "Who's there?" he called out. ~~~~~~~~~~~
Lunus ran into the amusement park. Rotating his ears this way and that to try and get a better hearing of Cujo. His mouth was parted so that he could follow Cujo's scent with his scent glands on the roof of his mouth. His fur bristled, all of it, making him look like the poofiest cat there is. "Cujo?!" he called out.
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6:41pm Nov 21 2012
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Cujo could stand up to a lot of things. Snakes aren't one of them. "Lunus!" She hissed at the snake, getting bitten once more. If she weren't a tough kitty, she'd be howling in pain, and she didn't want to start.
6:50pm Nov 21 2012
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Hearing Cujo's voice, he ran until he saw a tipped over tea cup. There was a crack just wide enough for him to come in. He hissed at the snake, yellow eyes glowing in the dark threateningly. He tossed himself at the snake, wrestling around with it, hissing and spitting. He kept clawing at it. It bit him in return in the side, where it's fangs pierced deeply in his skin. He yowled viciously, and ripped out of it's mouth painfully. He began limping, wincing heavily as blood spilled out of his wound. He whirled around though and pounced on the Adder's back, trying to keep balanced with his claws clawed in deep in the snake's body. The snake thrashed about, but then Lunus gave the Adder the killing bite and ti went limp. He slowly got off of the adder and tossed it aside, panting heavily, and limped over to Cujo. He licked her wounds clean, still panting, and passed out.
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
7:11pm Nov 21 2012
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Cujo stood up in a flash. She crouched down next to Lunus. "Lunus? Lunus?" Cujo groomed the wound on his side, hoping to stop the vicious bleeding. "Come on, wake up. I gotta get you out of here." She nudged his head, then after realising how hopeless it was, she grabbed him by the scruff and began to drag him back to her special place, a den beneath the dock.
7:47pm Nov 21 2012
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Lunus groaned as Cujo picked him up and placed him underneath the dock. He was still heavily bleeding. He felt weak and cold and empty on the inside, but filled with warmth for some reason. He couldn't see anything, just darkness. But that could just be because his eyes are closed. "c-Cujo?"
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
7:49pm Nov 21 2012
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Cujo ceased grooming Lunus's wounds for a moment. "Yes?" She then continued. She had kicked some soft soil to dry the blood, but she continued grooming it so she could be sure.