5:37pm Nov 27 2012
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Cujo bounded down the street to a reptile store. She had seen humans leave through that place with snakes, so there had to be something. It was closed, but they had a pet door for their pet tortoise. She crawled in, setting off the frilled lizard cage. Her eyes were set on a bottle of anti-venom. As soon as she clamped her jaws on it, she went back to dreamland. "Lunus!"
7:24pm Nov 27 2012
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Lunus rotated his ears as if they were satellites. He kept an ear out for Cujo, but he could not hear her. He only heard a faint voice, but it was drowned out by all the buzzing he heard. He growled, "What is making all that racket?" He curled his lips in a snarl. He then saw something in front of him. It was of a large, long-haired she-cat. Her eyes were a crisp blue. Lunus noticed that he pelt seemed to have a star-like glow and shimmer, as if her pelt itself carried stars. "Who are you?" he asked, his ears and lips drawn back, his fur bristling. "I," said the she-cat. "Am Whitetail."
(I'm getting way too much into the warriors spirit. o__o)
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
8:00pm Nov 27 2012
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(Henceforth comes the star clan.) Cujo swung her head in every direction. "Lunus?" She dropped the anti-venom, now scampering round and round.
11:46am Nov 28 2012
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(star clan... that would be interesting. undead starclan... wow)
6:23pm Nov 28 2012
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Lunus flicked his ear, trying to listen for Cujo, but could no hear her. "What do you want?" Lunus hissed. Whitetail titled her head, and smiled. "Ah, my son, so opposing." she mewed. He lashed his tail, "I have no mother! She tried to kill me when I was a kit!" Whitetail shrugged, "And I apologize for that." Lunus rolled his eyes and stormed away, but stopped short when he saw Whitetail appear right in front of him again. "You're not my mother," he hissed. "My mother had a black pelt." Whitetail purred in amusement, "Oh did she now?"
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7:18pm Nov 28 2012
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It wasn't long before Cujo began growling. "Come on dude, this isn't funny! I know we had our differences, but to torment me like this?!" She ran forward, only to end up in the same place she was before. "Lunus! Please!"
7:33pm Nov 28 2012
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"What do you want with me anyway?" Lunus huffed. "I am here to take you to what you call, 'Kitty Heaven'." Whitetail replied. "But it's not my time!" "Oh? For all of your life you wanted to be dead." "Then why didn't you get me when I got hit by that truck!" "I don't know," the long-haired white she-cat shrugged. "But you are dead now." Lunus's fur bristled, "Then take Cujo with me, too! She's dead too!" "Cujo is not my responsibility to take. That is her family's and friends' job." Whitetail replied. "Princess will go to fetch her soon enough." "I won't leave her!" he turned around and pelted for Cujo, though it felt like he got no where. "Cujo!" he shouted. "Cuuujoooo!" Panic gripped at his heart. What happens if he never got to see her again? He would tear himself apart! Cujo! "You may have another chance, if that is what you wish, to be alive." Whitetail whispered in his ear, her scent taking over everything. "Why? So I can kill myself again in this God forsaken world? This world has no love! I'll just commit suicide again!" "You say that there is no love, Lunus, but then, how do you explain the love you feel for Cujo?" Lunus stiffened, "Let me go back. As a dead cat. If I'm alive, I won't be able to see her again." "Not enirely," Whitetail sighed, and then, Lunus's whole world went black.
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7:51pm Nov 28 2012
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(Mother of god... I mean, mother of Lunus...) Cujo swore she could hear Lunus's voice. She almost hated him for living her at a time like this. She heard another voice, who was it... Female? Definitely not Lunus, that's for sure. She picked up the anti-venom, about to go paranoid if Lunus couldn't turn up in the next five minutes. She heard Lunus again, and immediately identified his location. She grinned like a maniac, something a cat rarely does. She dug into the cotton candy ground with her claws, refusing to stop at any cost. "Lunus! I'm going to get you!"
7:16am Nov 29 2012
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Shadow smirked at the cat and said,"Fine." She then looked at Piroshki and smirked.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
4:05pm Nov 29 2012 (last edited on 4:08pm Nov 29 2012)
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Piroshki began to lick his fur, "So what are we to do now?" he asked. "Have any of you figured out what you are yet? Because if you're not, or you're new to the whole thing, I can help you." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lunus woke up, but he was no longer in the dreamy landscape anymore. He lifted his head, feeling heavy on the inside. He stood up, unaware of where he was. He began to lick his fur, and take notice of his surroundings. He was back beside the forest, next to the road. Not a car zoomed by this time. He pulled his ears back, "Where's Cujo?" he wondered out loud. ~~~~~~~~~~~
Whitetail padded out and saw Cujo. She smiled. "Would you like me to guide you to 'Kitty Heaven', or would you like to wait some more for your friends and family to come?" she asked.
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4:21pm Nov 29 2012
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Cujo lifted her head and hissed at the white abomination. "Where is Lunus?"
5:28pm Nov 29 2012
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Whitetail tilted her head, "Lunus just left." she flicked her ear. She saw the bottle of anti-venom, and her shoulders lowered. "Oh... you... won't really be needing that for him. For you maybe, but Lunus is safe now." she reassured Cujo. "Well... hopefully he stays safe."
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
5:40pm Nov 29 2012
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Cujo growled, her fur bunching up in a frizzy knot. "Who cares? I said WHERE IS HE."
5:45pm Nov 29 2012
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Whitetail bowed her head, "You do not have to worry. He is not in Kitty Heaven, as you cats call it. He is back in the Earth realm, where you had first found him. But take caution, he is not dead anymore."
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
6:31pm Nov 29 2012
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Cujo wasn't convinced. "If you're telling the truth, why do you have lyer's eyes?"
6:36pm Nov 29 2012
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Whitetail's ears flattened. "Liar's eyes?" She flicked her tail. "You are an imaginative little she-cat, aren't you? You're so use to my son's eyes that you think I'm like him too. Look, we are kin, but why would I lie about my son being dead or alive?"
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
7:09pm Nov 29 2012
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(Yet again I mispell another word. *facepalm*) Cujo's ear twitched, and she was looking around wildly. "You're not his mother. You're just a female dog trapped in a corpse. I believe what I believe and you don't have any rights to criticise me about that. No one understands that." She flattened her ears back, shivering. "Not even the likes of your filth."
7:15pm Nov 29 2012
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"That's not how you really want to talk to a Iranta-punai, missy." Whitetail narrowed her eyes., her fur bristling. "But you can believe what you want to believe. Lunus doesn't even believe that I am his mother, and who am I to judge him? I tried killing him when he was a little kit, and abandoned him so that he had to live in the wild. No doubt he has no memory of me. Next time you see that grumpy little fur ball, tell him that I am dearly sorry, okay?" She bowed her head, her eyes softening with edges of pain and regret. "Now, back to the first question. Is it your time, or are you with Lunus? I do not see your lover here to guide you? Perhaps he sees you better off as you are now? Ah, no matter." Whitetail sighed heavily and licked her tail.
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7:57pm Nov 29 2012
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Cujo hissed. "A whatta-poopy? He is not a grumpy little furball. He's just going through hard times. Plus, I'm one of the largest cats on earth, and he's an inch taller than me." She tuned out whitetail until she heard the word 'lover'. She snarled and dug her claws into the ground. "That scruffy no good feline was never my lover! He lied to me, cheated on me, even ditched me once. I hate him for not telling me about that Fisher, or even Shadow for that matter! And so many wrong things before that I won't even say! I ditched him last week." She tackled the giant cat best she could, shaking with anger. "I will give you one last chance to tell me just what it is you want... Really want, or I will personally rip your eyes out, claw open your throat and shove 'em down, shred your stomach so you may watch your unwanted son become special among others. Too bad you won't appreciate it, will you?"
4:41pm Nov 30 2012
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Whitetail flicked her tail, amused. "You sound like Lunus when he gets mad at a cat he doesn't trust completely." she chuckled. "I don't want anything from you. I'm just confused. Why are you still here, and not down in the Earth-like realm or in 'Kitty Heaven'?" she asked. "Is anyone coming to guide you there? Friends, family, anyone? Do you want me to guide you?" Whitetail stared at Cujo. After a few moments without an answer, she sighed, "Lunus is back in the Earth-like realm. I have only come to guide him to the Heaven that you cats talk so much of, but it was his wish to go back to you. He seems very... fond of you... and panics when you're not around. Ha, I think he has a thing for you."
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