7:31am Nov 7 2012
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(Yeah. I know bio-polar people and man,they were hard to get them to start liking me.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:59am Nov 7 2012
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Posts: 1,188
(i finished my bios now. they were a bit messed up, so i edited them, and put them in order. im gonna start with Raphiel, then later do Lizz)
2:19pm Nov 7 2012
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Piroshki wondered the ground, glancing from side to side. He has been dead for a while, knew it too, but he didn't mind. He had accepted his death, though he didn't know he would end up like this. He was rather hoping after dieing form his terrible sickness, that he would go to Kitty Heaven, but he guessed that the angels had something else in mind. He stood up tall and straight, his fur finely groomed. He was handsome Russian Blue, and carried a thick Russian accent as well, since his human family was of Russian heir. He continued to walk though, until he came across another cat near a tomb. He paused, puzzled. He hadn't seen another cat spirit in weeks. She looked upset, pacing around the tomb. He drew back his ears and lowed his head in greetings, "Hello. Something troubling you, da?"
Lunus yawned, tired. How could he be tired if he was dead, he didn't know. But he curled up between a bush and a tree, wrapping his fluffy tail in front of his face. Then, his surroundings changed. things all became a whirl of color until he was on some other place that wasn't where he was previously. He felt wide awake, though he knew for certain he had closed his eyes to sleep. He blinked, he was standing. He wondered around for a few, until he saw the back of Cujo up ahead. (the environment is whatever Cujo's dreaming it to be.)
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
3:51pm Nov 7 2012
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Cujo felt warm, looking around at the beautiful place. It was full of trees, and she heard birds from every direction. She sat down, closing her eyes and breathing in the air that smelled like tuna. She stood up and turned around. "What's up, poofles? Not finished telling me off yet?" She smirked, kneading the green grass beneath her paws.
4:00pm Nov 7 2012 (last edited on 4:00pm Nov 7 2012)
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Lunus blinked. "How? What? Where are we?" he looked around. HE must've been dreaming himself, right? But then his ear flicked in annoyance, "And my name's not poofles!"
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
5:06pm Nov 7 2012
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Cujo tilted her head to the side. "Well, when I asked what you wanted me to call you, you didn't answer! We're in Zemlya zahalʹnoï mriï, the Land of Shared Dreams. Here we can speak to each other in our sleep, all we need to do is imagine who we want to be in our dream and poof! They would be here with you. But the question is... Why am I in your dream?" She groomed one of her paws, glancing up at poofles.
7:25am Nov 8 2012
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Shadow stopped in front of the tombstone and lied,knowing it was obvious,"No,I'm fine." She sat down and tried her best to smile,which she wasn't even good at when she was alive.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
5:22pm Nov 8 2012
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Lunus narrowed his eyes. "Land of Shared Dreams... Never heard of it." he huffed. "And how do we know that I am not in your dream?"
Piroshki tilted his head in that cute way of his. "I know you are not. Nyet... Nyet... you are not."
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
5:34pm Nov 8 2012
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Cujo shook her head. "No, I wasn't planning on meeting you here. And, I'm sure we didn't arrive at the same time either. Maybe Koshenya Boha meant it to happen? But why..." She shook her head. She muttered a few things then looked up at poofles again. "Oh, there I go talking to myself. That must have been awkward for you, eh? You know, you still haven't told me your name." She swiped one of her paws over her head.
5:59pm Nov 8 2012
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Lunus shifted uncomfortably, "I guess it wouldn't hurt if I told you my name, you'll only betray and hurt me in the future still no matter what I do," he sighed. He looked at her, "I am known as Lunus to everyone who had claimed to be my friend and family, but had betrayed and hurt me. I am Lunus, the cat who knows the truth whilst everyone else is blind of it. So there, I had answered you, truthfully yes." He flicked his tail.
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
6:15pm Nov 8 2012
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Cujo smirked. "It's going to take quite a long time to fix you."
6:18pm Nov 8 2012
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"I don't want to be fixed! What good does that do? When a vet 'fixes' you, you can't ever have a litter! Why would you want that -no litter?" Lunus stared at her with shock and fear in his eyes. "You really are a heartless she-cat!"
(oh Lord, help Lunus. -.-')
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
6:33pm Nov 8 2012
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Cujo burst out laughing. "Heck no! I would never want that! I didn't mean that kind of fix! I wouldn't have the heart for that! Have you gone mad? I meant I need to fix your attitude."
6:35pm Nov 8 2012
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Lunus's eyes got darker. "What's wrong with my attitude? I won't let you lower my guard so you can claw me in the back!" He huffed. "This must be a nightmare if you're gonna talk me into letting you do that."
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
9:22pm Nov 8 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow sighed andd said,"I know. I was seperated from the one I love. Ok?"
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:32pm Nov 8 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Cujo facepawed, still giggling a little bit. "Ugh, no. Thats also not what I meant. Nevermind. I'll just use the old way, like telepathy. Oh yeah, I'll drive you crazy!"
9:14am Nov 9 2012
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Posts: 1,188
Raphiel just awoke. he did not remember a thing, apart from falling asleep, then feeling complete pain. but now all that had vanished. he felt fine, but finer than most days. he felf his young self again. he looked back at the bloody mess of where he was lying. Raph watched as greedy cats with bloody lips ran off, in a cowardly way. "but i cant be dead. im dreaming." he groaned. he walked over to what seemed like a kitty cat party, but arguments were going on. he decided to inspect. "hello, my little kitties. whats a-going on down here on such a fine day?" he grumbled in his old, menacing voice. all these cats seemed terribly strange. "this isnt a dream." he said under his breath. "so what is it?"
2:15pm Nov 9 2012
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(who is Raphy talking to?)
"You already are driving me crazy." Lunus huffed. "Look, what I want to know is, why are you here? Why did you, summon me, as you call it."
Piroshki frowned and stepped forward to press his muzzle into her shoulder. "I am sorry to hear that," he said. He then took a step back and blinked up at her, "What was their name? I can help with the looks of their grave."
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
3:43pm Nov 9 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Cujo laughed a little bit again. "Yeah I figured. And I didn't summon you, so I would like to know if you summoned me."
3:45pm Nov 9 2012
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Posts: 1,910
(he walks in dreams though... whether he wants to or not. XD sometimes he doesn't... but... oh well .XD)
"Well, maybe we didn't even summon each other." Lunus shrugged, turning his head.
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