2:09pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Does Flashflood have looks? Or can I make them?))
7:47pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((easteh, you can make them))
7:47pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((since ssather did post a bio for Rushkit, Wolfmoon can be her ^^))
8:19pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 8:43pm Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 2,842
Name:Icewind/Cougarstealth/Emeraldheart/Violetgaze Gender:f/f/m/m Age:30 moons/22 moons/31 moons/13 moons Rank:warrior X4
Personality: Rp it out
Looks: Down/Like a cougar but smaller with cream/ivoy eyes. They aer a birth defectgentetic testing trait/down/down Other: Nothin
8:29pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Name:Flashflood(tee hee hee)
Gender: male
Age: Umm, IDK? Adult
Rank: Warrior/wants to be leader of the entire forest Personality: Evil,Rp it out?
Looks: Down
Other: Has babbies 
((Flashflood^^ but his eyes are the colour of the cat below))
8:35pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((okai, we can start now :D))
8:40pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,060
Brokenclaw stepped out of the Warrior's den silently. She was the deputy of SwiftClan, a powerful clan in a forest ruled by feral cats. She strolled over to the pile of fresh kill, picking out a plump mouse and taking it to the edge of the camp. Eating the mouse quickly, she began to clean her pitch black fur. ooc; fail intro lol.
8:47pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Dreamsplash sat in the entrance of the nursery. She watched the sky and seemed lost in thought, she glanced back to where her two kits were. There were already about 5 moons. Soon they would be apprentices. Flashflood would take them under his wing most likely. Dreamsplash could see Rushkit going into a life like that, but not Feralkit. He was too happy. Much like she had been. ___ Feralkit yawned and stretched, seeing Rushkit. He crept up on his sister and pouned, nipping her ears playfully.
8:51pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Flashflood padded over to the nursery and looked at his kits and mate. He grinned as Feralkit pounced on his sister. ((fail)) Violetgaze padded out of the warrior den and stretched. His gray fur glisteneing in the harsh suin of greenleaf. He located the freshkill pile by scent rather then sight as his wasn't the best. He could see, but everything was always a constant blur.
8:59pm Feb 21 2010
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Dreamsplash nodded to Flashflood in greeting, not looking directly at him. Her amber eyes were now closed and her muzzle face the opposite direction of her mate. ____ Cougarfeather yawned as he padded toward the fresh-kill pile, tawny fur glistening in the sunlight, muscles flexing beneath his skin. His green eyes glowed and he selected a vole form the pile and ate it in two quick gulps.((my baby *pats Cougarfeather*))
11:44pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Moonpelt smiled at Dreamsplash's kits. "They're beautiful." She mewed and pulled her playful kits closer. "Maybe my kits will be apprenticed with yours. They are almost 6 moons old." She meowed and licked Mistkit. ~ Crookedheart yawned and stepped to the fresh-kill pile. There was only a vole left, so he decided to wait. "Cougarfeather! I want you to go on a hunting patrol with me." He called as his tail lashed impatiently. ~ Mistkit looked at His mom with wide eyes. "Mooom! I'm praticing!" He mewed. He dropped into a hunter's crouch and jumped at his sister, Stonekit.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:24am Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Flashflood walked up to the kits and play growled, "How are my kits?" he asked. His blue eyes gleamed as he thought about when he told Dreamsplash about his plan. Eagleflame stepped out of the warriors den in time to hear Crookedheart yowl at Cougarfeather. She yowled back at him, "Mind if I tag along? I've been itching to get on a patrol"
3:33pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Moonpelt titled her head and pulled her kits closer, whispering in their ear: "Watch out for him." ~ Crookedheart twisted his head around. "Well, if it gets more prey on the fresh-kill pile." He yowled back and padded to the bramble doorway that led outside. To him, that greeting was a 'Sure! Come along!' He had very different ways of speaking...
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:12pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Cougarfeather locked his jaw defiantly, "who died and made you deputy?" he spat, tail lashing angrily. ____ Dreamsplash opened her eyes, looking at Moonpelt, "hopefully, im sure Feralkit would love to have some apprentice friends." she smiled sweetly. ____ Feralkit leapt away from Rushkit and faced Flashflood, fur bristled defiantly, "who you callin a kit?" he hissed playfully, "I'm a tiger!"
4:16pm Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 4:19pm Feb 22 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
BIO Name: Willowkit Gender: Female
Age: 6 moons
Rank: Med. Cat Apprentice
Personality: She is a sweet and caring cat but has a hidden inner determination that would stun cats that don't know her. She thinks that all cats, good or bad, should be cared for. Looks:http://media.photobucket.com/image/cream%20kitten/Picke-sama/palecreamkitten.jpg?o=7 <----Go here, my link thing won't work Other:�
4:20pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Moonpelt smiled. She nodded to Dreamsplash. ~ "I don't need orders. We're out of fresh kill. Either go, or sit on your butt hoping someone else will get fresh-kill." Crookedheart hissed, his tail lashing. Crookedheart walked over to Brokenclaw. "The fresh-kill pile is almost empty. May I send otu a hunting party with me leading? Cougarfeather and Eagleflame were the ones I was planning on taking with." ~ Stonekit yowled in surprise and slowly stumbled towards Rushkit and Feralkit. Mistkit followed, and they crouched, ready to play.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:25pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Cougarfeather glared bitterly at Crookedheart, "Im going on border patrol, not hunting. Me and Swiftdash have to keep StrikeClan in check." His fur bristled slightly and his pupils narrowed into slits.
4:28pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((accepted Det))
4:31pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Thanks Snowy Willowpaw stared, wide-eyed as the two cats fought. She wondered why cougarfeather and Crookedheart were fighting. "What's going on?" she asked Silentpaw.
4:36pm Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 4:39pm Feb 22 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
((Would someone like to mentor Silentpaw ^^)) Fallenstar padded from his den, glad to feel the warmth of the sun on his pelt after such a long troubling night. He sighed slightly as he heard two of his warriors start to bicker, a wonderful way to start the day. Walking confidently up to Cougarfeather and Crookedheart, amber eyes gazing�wisely�at the two of them. "I must agree with Cougarfeather, a patrol of the Strikeclan border would be a good idea, but take another warrior along as well." He nodded sympathetically towards Crookedheart. "Pick two other warriors to take on a hunting patrol." He mentally scolded himself for doing the duty of a deputy. He�desperately�wished the former leader was there to teach him how to lead a clan, having been leader for only a few moons. Silentpaw scowled at nothing in�particular�while sitting by the elders den, tossing a ball of moss between his paws. �He wondered where his mentor was, wanting to get out of camp and do a hunting patrol or even better, a battle practice.� He looked up as Willowkit spoke to him, and smiled at the kit. "Nothing much, waiting to go out and train so I can get away from these two fur balls. They do nothing it seems then argue. Why cant Crookedheart wait for the deputy to give orders?"
