4:42pm Feb 22 2010
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ooc; it's willowpaw stray XD and can I make another apprentice? Willowpaw shrugged. "I don't know. I just got to become an apprentice." she mewed. "They do seem like mousebrains though. Arguing gets no-cat anywhere." She stretched and yawned loudly, her muscles rippling beneath her pelt."I'm just waiting for Sapphirewind to get back."
4:44pm Feb 22 2010
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((Swiftdash will be his mentor ^^)) Cougarfeather smirked, "Thank you Fallenstar, I will take Silentpaw, Swiftdash, and maybe Falconwinf((thats ur other charra right stray?? x.x)) with me." he dipped his head, padding Swiftdash, who nodded and rose to her feet. _ Swiftdash had been listening the whole time and beckoned to Silentpaw, "let's go." she purred.
4:46pm Feb 22 2010
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Willowpaw watched as Silentpaw left. Now she wouldn't have anyone to talk to. She shrugged and went to the Medicine cat's den, hoping to see Sapphirewind.
4:49pm Feb 22 2010
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((Det, i prefer warriors))
4:49pm Feb 22 2010
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Crookedheart muttered to himself and stalked away. "I'll hunt by myself..." He muttered and walked out of camp. ((XD He's crotchity.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:51pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Thanks Snowy. And yes, Falconwing is my other character.)) Silentpaw nodded a good-bye to Willowpaw and padded quickly up to Swiftdash, paws clawing into the ground in anticipation. He watched as Falconwing padded from the warriors den and silently flinched. She had raised him, and he looked at her almost as a mother but he often wondered what it would be like to have his own mother. Tossing the thoughts away, he noticed Falconwing keep her eyes pointedly away as she greeted the others. Following Swiftdash, he scented the air for anything.
4:52pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((and cougarfeather isnt exactly the nicest of kitteh either xDDD))
4:55pm Feb 22 2010
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ooc; Nvm then :D Willowpaw lay her head on her paws as she waited, her eyelids growing heavier by the heartbeat. Eventually, she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
5:03pm Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 5:03pm Feb 22 2010)
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Swiftdash stretched her long legs and yawned, "It's been a while since I've been out of camp!" she purred. "Well you did have Greencough." Cougarfeather pointed out. Swiftdash just shrugged and laughed. Cougarfeather was sure he heard a wheeze, but then again, he could just have been imagining it. He had always been protective of his 'sister.' When Cougarfaether had been a kit, his mother had died, and who had taken care of him? but Swiftdash and her mother, Wolfcurse. He missed the friendly she-cat, but she had died of the same illness that had gripped Swiftdash not too long ago. __ Swiftdash scented rabbit and her muscled tensed, she sprang forward with a purr of delight. She lived up to her name as she caught up with the rabbit quickle. She could feel her teeth in its neck as a branch hit her paw, and she stumbled. Her stumble became a fall. A fall became a tumble. She rolled end over end into a large cypress tree, hissing in frustration. She stood up and stumbled a little from dizzyness. She glared at Cougarfeather as he rolled on the gorund laughing, "Shut up you Mousebrain! Or I will claw your ears off!" she threatened.

5:08pm Feb 22 2010
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Silentpaw clamped his mouth shut on a laugh at his mentor. But if he wanted to live and become a warrior he decided not to annoy her to much. Sitting down, he stiffened as Falconwing padded a bit away and sniffed the air herself. Padding up to his mentor, he looked around and tried to spot some prey himself, but heard or scented nothing. "Looks like you scared everything back into its hole." He teased. Fallenstar sat on top of highrock and glanced over his clan, pride swelling through him. He glanced up at the sky and wondered if the former leader was proud of what he's done so far. "Am I doing things right?" He whispered before jumping down, then padded into the nursery and looked around. "How are all the kits?" He asked, a purr rising in this throat at the sight of the small bundles of fur.
5:12pm Feb 22 2010
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Dreamsplash purred at Fallenstar, "well, they seem to be getting too big for the nursery!" she teased. _____ Swiftdash began to laugh as well, "apparently! I feel bad for Crookedheart!" she shook her head to clear the dizzyness, "so, how about we go to the StrikeClan border?" she asked with a purr, padding over to the rest of the patrol, flicking Cougarfeather with her tail as he continued laughing.
5:19pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Willowpaw woke up and decided to see the new kits Dreamsplash had had. As she padded into the nursery, she noticed Fallenstar. "I hope I'm not intruding." she mewed uncertainly.
5:24pm Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 5:25pm Feb 22 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
((Please ignore this post.))
5:25pm Feb 22 2010
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Silentpaw nodded and bounded after his mentor and the rest of the patrol, tail held high. He padded along with his ears pricked as they neared Strikeclan border, wondering if they would by any chance see any of the other clan cats. Fallenstar blinked down in pride at the kits. "They are, and will soon be old enough to become apprentices. The other clans had better watch out then." He meowed, amber eyes soft. He then noticed Willowpaw and smiled kindly at her. "No, your not intruding at all."
5:36pm Feb 22 2010
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Flashflood looked at Feralkit and meowed softly, 'Well then, our a pretty small tiger!" He dipped his head when his leader approached and purred as Feralkit played.
5:40pm Feb 22 2010
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Moonpelt felt like she was alone in the corner. She grumbled to herself. "What about Mistkit and Stonekit?" She meowed in alarm. ~ Mistkit and Stonekit stared up at Fallenstar, their eyes wide.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
5:42pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Flashflood looked at the other two kits, "Are you two tigers as well?" he asked with a hint of aughter in his voice.
5:44pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Willowpaw purred at the sight of Flashflood with his kits. "You are so cute." she mewed quietly to Feralkit, looking at the kit in wonder. "I bet you'll grow up big and strong." She sometimes wished she could ahve kittens but being a Medicine cat was more important to her.
5:45pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Fallenstar chuckled and p[added over to look down at the other two kits. Bending down, he purred at the two of them. "How could I forget about you two, your looking much bigger then last time I saw you." He meowed softly, wishing suddenly that Whisperwind was once more in the nursery curled around their three kits. But only Silentpaw remained. "You'll be apprentice son to, we'll have a pawful with all four of you."
6:18pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Reading the posts. >:u