5:00pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((I'll be poofing in a moment, too.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
7:57pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,060
Brokenclaw's ears twitched when she heard the other c ats having a good time. She got up, stretching her long, slender legs and began to walk slowly toward the nursery.
8:02pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Flashlfood pulled his paw away from the hyper little kit, "They do, do they?" he batted at the kits tail a little and sat next to Dreamsplash not wanting any of the other cats to know of his hunger for power.
8:04pm Feb 23 2010
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Dreamsplash's ears twitched as her mate sat by her. She wrapped her tail around her paws, "Are you going to tell the kits?" she whispered.
8:08pm Feb 23 2010
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Flashflood looked at her, "Why shouldn't I?" he snarled under his breath, "I told you. Why not them?"
8:09pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,060
Brokenclaw peered into the nursery, it seemed to be filled with cats. She sat down, half inside and half outside the nursery. A large fake grin was plastered onto her face, but she couldn't hide the pride of having two fine kits in the clan, even if they weren't her own.
8:13pm Feb 23 2010
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Dreamsplash's voice became bitter, "because I dont think its something Feralkit wants." she forced her fur to lie flat, "after all, it wasnt what i really wanted either."
8:17pm Feb 23 2010
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Brokenclaw's eyes narrowed when she heard the tones in Dreamsplash's and Flashflood's voices. She hadn't heard what they said, but she was beginning to become suspicious. She ignored her feelings, wondering why she had been so edgy lately. ooc; Could I add another character? A rogue? xP
8:20pm Feb 23 2010
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((shad, sure ^^))
8:21pm Feb 23 2010
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Flashflood snarled and his boice was as bitter as herbs, "And how was i supposed to know that? It's no something I can control. KNwoing what you think isn't at the top of my priority list"
8:22pm Feb 23 2010
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Dreamsplash unsheathed her claws, "well It should be." Her eyes narrowed and she fought the urge to slash his face with her shors claws.
8:24pm Feb 23 2010
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Flashflood snarle, "You are at the top of my list. Knowing exactly what you think isn't!" he nearly yowled at her and stalked off.
8:29pm Feb 23 2010
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Name: Refugee
Gender: Male
Age: 16 moons
Rank: Rogue
Personality: Roleplay it out Looks: Refugee is a very slim cat. His fur is dark, dark brown with jagged black stripes down his back. The black stripes fade once they reach his tail. His ears are a lighter shade of brown, same for his paws. Right eye is forest green, left is dull yellow. His left eye's sight is a bit blurred, but it's been like that since he was born and isn't getting worse. Other: Was born a kittypet. His father was a rogue and the mom agreed to let the dad take him.
8:35pm Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 8:35pm Feb 23 2010)
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Refugee slithered silently through the forest. His whiskers twitched in muted exitement. His dad had died not long ago, but with every pas.sing day, his father was fading away. Refugee had never been part of the clans and his dad had died before he was able to tell him about them. He continued to stalk through SwiftClan's territory, ignorantly.
8:40pm Feb 23 2010
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Swiftdash smelled a rouge, and lunged forward, barreling into Rufugee, hissing angrily, "what are YOU doing here rouge?" she hissed in his ear, fur puffinf out.
8:44pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,060
Refugee flinched slightly. His eyes quickly shadowed, showing no defiance and no fear. "If you couldn't tell, I was just p*censored*ing through." he hissed, not fighting against the other cat. Why didn't dad tell me about these forest cats..? he thought to himself, remembering the strange cats he had seen throughout the forest when he was young.
8:48pm Feb 23 2010
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Swiftdash lashed her tail, "Well, It doesnt matter, this is OUR territory, and if you want to keep your face, you will stay off it." she snarled, baring her teeth as Cougarfeather joined her.
8:54pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,060
Refugee just shrugged, "I'd like to see you try to take my face. I'll stay off your territory then." he agreed simply. Brokenclaw heard hissing in the distance. She took one last look at Dreamsplash's kits solemnly before exiting the camp. She followed the sound of the snarling.
8:56pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Emeraldheart snarled at the rogue. He had been out hunting alone and heard his clan mates yowl, dashing up to them he looked at the tm, "You have no reason to be here" he snorted, "Leave"
8:59pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,060
"I would, but I'm a bit stuck here." Refugee retorted, twisting his head so he could see the cat who had spoken. A loud yowl rang through the small clearing. Brokenclaw appeared from behind a medium-sized boulder. "What do we have here?"