3:38pm Mar 30 2010
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((Doomkit's prophecy))
3:46pm Mar 30 2010
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((Okay, I posted.XD))
3:56pm Mar 30 2010
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3:58pm Mar 30 2010
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((So... Who wants to start? xD))
wuss poppin jimbo
4:07pm Mar 30 2010
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((Not me))
4:11pm Mar 30 2010
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((Not me, but I will if I have to.))
4:53pm Mar 30 2010
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Jace tossed a treat to his cat, Noah, and then tried to get his shoes on quickly. He smirked, and then grabbed his keys off of the key ring. "Gotta go," he told the brown tabby. "This time, don't eat the fish, okay?" The cat mewed, narrowing it's amber eyes in response. He chuckled, and then stepped out of his apartment and locked it behind him. He was late for school, and that certainly wasn't a good thing; he was still dead tired from wandering around as a snow leaopard all last night. He adjusted his bag on his shoulder with a sigh and started towards the parking lot. _____ Josh sat in his desk, not paying attention as Mrs.Marintate droned on in the front of his math clas$. He was too busy day dreaming about flying, and wondering what his dragon was doing right now. The teacher called on him. "The answer, Joshua?" she chirped angrily. "Sixty-two and three quarters," he answered with a yawn, turning his head to face her. "That is correct," she snapped. _____ Sarah stretched her feet out in front of herself, enjoying the warmth outside. She had decided to skip clas$ today, as usual, and was hanging out in the park. She watched with a frown as two small toddlers started to fight over what looked like a Barbie doll. _____ Charlotte had her head in her arms, eyes closed and mind black as her math teacher droned on about area, perimeter, volume and some other rubbish she didn't care about. She was thirsy, tired, and in the mood to do some hunting or something. _____ Poppy kicked her soccerball with precise aim, watching as it went flying clear into the net. She smiled, and then started to walk over and retreave it. She had decided to skip clas$ today, for the first time, because tonight was the full moon and she needed some alone-time before she was forced to be wolf.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:59pm Mar 30 2010
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Aurora hurried up and ate the rest of her breakfast. She ran outside just intime to see the bus start to move again and groaned. She started to jog towards the school not very happy with forgetting to set her alarm clock last night. Aurora burst into the cl*censored* and sat down in her seat. Her least favorite cl*censored*, math, had to be the one she was actually on time for.
5:30pm Mar 30 2010
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Charlotte jumped as Aurora sat down next to her, and her scent wafted towards her deliciously. She sat up straigh, blinking her oddly violet eyes. "Hello there," she said, stiffling a small yawn. ____ Jace parked his Mustang outside the school, leaping out and sprinting to the front door. He slipped past the front door unnoticed, and then managed to get into his math clas$ without being called on. He flopped down on the other side of Aurora.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:37pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 40
Eve stepped out of the car. "Thanks for the ride, Kyle." She smiled at him and walked off. She found a seat in math cl*censored* in front of Jace. Groaning, Eve pulled her cell phone out of her pocket. Sure the cl*censored*mates could see, but they weren't tattle idiots right. She turned around and gave a quick look over the cl*censored*room. Her phone vibrated and she read her text. ________________ Kyle sighed as Eve walked into math. She was his step-sister and ever since she moved into his life he had been stuck in all the same cl*censored*es. Thats why he sent her the text: Put the phone away, Miss. Realve has eyes like a hawk! He made the cut it out motion by frowning. Eve scowled and stuck her tounge out.
I am currently : Offline D:
Something to Consider of the day: Rolling down a hill with friends after it has been fertilized isn't smart. XD
11:00am Mar 31 2010
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"Hi." Aurora said bored. Her eyes pierced the back of the teacher as the teacher started to talk about something that she could have swore she had learned last week.
11:07am Mar 31 2010
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Nails walked into the cl*censored*room, books in one hand and her sister being dragged along in the other, "Sorry," she gasped as she sat in her seat, pushing her sister to the other. Varis sat down and grinned happily, boy was she happy to be smart enough to be in the same cl*censored* as Nails. She pulled out her mathbook enthusiasticly and started to work on the problems their teacher was giving them. Nails leaned over to Aurora, "Didn't we learn this junk yesterday?" she hissed as she slipped her much battered and torn mathbook out.
11:10am Mar 31 2010
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"I think we might have." Aurora said. She leaned over grabbing her MP3 player and turned it on drownding out the sound of the teacher's annoying high voice.
11:12am Mar 31 2010
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Nails shrugged, "These damn teachers don't know anything," she said before opening her Mathbook, slipping a manga comic inside. She held it infront of herself as if she was looking at the problems, not. Varis hummed as she did the math problems, swinging her legs happily. ((Teacher's Pet >O))
11:21am Mar 31 2010
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((LOL)) Aurora tapped a foot impatiently as she waited for the teacher to finnish the lesson. She closed her eyes as her favorite song came on. Her eyes shot open as she heard foot steps and saw the teacher standing before her. The teacher had her arms crossed and looked very angry. The teacher snatcher the music player from Aurora and set it on to her desk next to her pens and pencils.
11:27am Mar 31 2010
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Nails looked at Aurora with her eyebrow raised, then folded the page in her book and set it in her bag. Sighing, she started on the problems, finishing them in ten minutes. ((did I mention she is super smart, she justs hates it ^^)) Varis grinned as she raised her hand, "Done Ms. Sporkleknork," she said.
12:37pm Mar 31 2010
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Aurora growled. She eyed the music player on the teacher's desk and snorted doing the work for the problem.
2:51pm Mar 31 2010
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Jace sat in silence, and started to make a paper airplane out of one of the papers he had ripped out of his book. He tossed it, watching as it landed almost right ontop of the teacher's head. "Who threw that?" she spat, spinning around. Jace looked away, faking innocence. _____ Charlotte yawned, stretching out her feet and switching the song on her iPod touch to a different one. She glanced at the clock; fifteen minutes until science clas$. Then she could blow crap up and not get in trouble. _____ Josh ignored the teacher as she rambled on about respect, paper airplanes, and spit balls. He entertained himself by cutting up his eraser and flicking the pieces onto the floor.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:55pm Mar 31 2010
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Aurora let out a small giggle. She felt the teachers cold eyes cut into her face and tried not to make eye contact. She pretended to answer a problem even though she had no idea what they were learning about. She looked up as the teacher turned back around and started to talk about something again.
2:57pm Mar 31 2010
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((Kicking Varis out, I hate her >O)) Nails looked up briefly as Aurora giggled and brought the teacher's attention on herself. Shrugging her shoulders, she rifled through her bag and came up with a pad of paper and some pencils. Looking around the room, she chose Jace as her subject. He seemed preoccupied with bothering the teacher so she knew she was pretty safe from detection.