4:00pm Mar 31 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm Mar 31 2010)
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"I'm Aurora." Aurora said. She turned off the music so she could hear Josh and Charlotte easier.
4:00pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails sighed, I have a compulsive drawing disorder alright? If I don't draw I go into rescession, She looked back at her drawing and shaded in the last little bit, adding her signature at the bottom right. "Here," she muttered as she quickly tossed the drawing at Jace, looking away again just as quickly. She noticed Aurora talking to the other girl and the teacher dimissing them, "Uh..gotta go," she said to Jace, hurrying out of the cla$s.
4:05pm Mar 31 2010
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Jace stared after her in surprise for a minute, then looked down at the picture in his hand. It was him, drawing on his desk. He squinted at the paper, and made out the small snow leopard that he had been drawing earlier. She really pays attention to detail....And she really knows how to glorify a peasant. Looking at the picture, the sketched version of Jace looked more confident, caring and serious that the real Jace; he looked much more handsome too. Sighing, he placed the picture carefully in his textbook, closed it, and grabbed his bag. He left the room, chewing on his lip as the bell sounded. __________ "Nice to meet you," Josh said with a friendly grin. The bell sounded, and Charlotte jumped to her feet. "I'd say the same, but I'm not sup post to lie," she spat at the dragon-boy. Charlotte danced out of the room, throwing her bag over her shoulder. Josh blinked at her in surprise, then turned back to Aurora. "We'd better go, eh?"
wuss poppin jimbo
4:06pm Mar 31 2010
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((Do they have dorms or something?))
4:08pm Mar 31 2010
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(( Well, Jace lives in an apartment, but I guess they could have dorms. xD I don't see why not.))
wuss poppin jimbo
4:09pm Mar 31 2010
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Aurora looked at Charlotte, "I wonder what that was about." She said thoughtfully. She smiled, "Yeah." She said getting up.
4:11pm Mar 31 2010
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((Ok ^^)) Nails walked to her dorm room, her feet thudding on the ground as she walked quickly. So Jace is one of the Grave people, she thought as she opened her dorm room. Walking in, she threw her bag down on her bed and snatched up her drawing pad yet again. Grabbing one of her better pencils, she started to draw Jace again, only this time he was kneeling next to a giant Snow Leopard, his arm around its shoulders.
4:13pm Mar 31 2010
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Josh smirked sarcastically. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," he sighed, getting on his feet. "See you around? I have history right now; yay." ______ Jace left the room, keeping his eyes on his feet as he pas$ed by the school bullies. For once, they seemed to ignore him and his accent. He exhaled in relief and stopped infront of his locker, opening it with ease. He took out his science books, and then turned around and headed to his next clas$. ______ Charlotte flopped into an empty seat in the back of the clas$room, putting on her goggles carefully. Her mind went over all the biohazardous ways she could blow up the clas$room.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:16pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails glanced at the clock and cursed, she was almost late for chemistry. Grabbing her bag again and stuffing her pad into her pocket (it's pocket size alright >o)), she ran to her cl*censored*. As she ran past science she didn't notice her sketch pad falling out of her pocket, but just kept on going, intent on not being late. Walking into the cla$sroom, she pulled her chair out and sat in it, reaching for her pad. Her eyes closed in horror as she realized it was missing.
4:21pm Mar 31 2010
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Jace walked to clas$, startled as he seemed to kick something. He picked it up and flipped through the small book with interest; it was Nails' sketchbook. He quickly closed it, not wanting to make her mad because he looked at her sketches. He put it in his pocket, walking into science clas$ and grabbing a pair of goggles. He sat down at an empty table, setting the sketchbook and his text book in front of him.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:27pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails put her head in her hands and groaned. Why me? she thought sadly as she pulled her chemistry book out, why me? "Madison, I want you paired with Charlotte," barked her teacher, Mr. Knork. "Uh, yeah," she muttered.
4:31pm Mar 31 2010
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Charlotte nearly groaned out loud; the only thing she hated more than dragon-people were shapeshifters and werewolves. She put on a fake smile, trying to look happy to have Nails as her partner. She better not keep me from blowing something up... she thought bitterly. ________ Jace blinked in surprise, glancing over at Nails as she pas$ed by. He mulled the situation over carefully, considering whether or not to give her the book now or later.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:34pm Mar 31 2010
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Aurora walked into the cl*censored* and sat down at the very back. Science...Great. She thought bitterly. She hated this teacher even more then the last one.
4:35pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails sat next to Charlotte and looked at the desk, "Uh...do you like blowing things up?" she asked curiously, hoping she didn't sound like a freak. her hands clutched the edge of her desk, her knuckles white.
4:41pm Mar 31 2010
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Jace fidgeted unhappily in his desk, trying to take his mind off of the sketch book in front of him, and the curious girl from earlier. He sighed, sinking in his seat and setting his head in his hands. _______ Charlotte blinked at Nails. There is hope in her yet! "Yes, actually, I was planning to blow up something today. Care to help?" She grinned, revealing two long, pointed fangs that held venom.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:43pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails smiled, revealing her black fangs, "Sure! I love to destroy things, I thought you'd think I was crazy!" she grabbed a test tube filled with black liquid, "I think if we mix it with the blue it should explode, hopefully."
4:49pm Mar 31 2010
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Charlotte shook her head, smirking. "We have to mix the black, with the grey and orange ones." She picked up two test tubes, pouring the grey one in slowly; the mixture turned a bright green. "When I add this orange one in, put a cork or something in it, and then throw it at the teacher." She grinned, "It'll blow up."
wuss poppin jimbo
4:50pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails rubbed her hands together gleefully, "But...if we add the purple, it'll be an exploding stinkbomb!" she whispered in Charlotte's ear, "That'll be far funnier!"
4:52pm Mar 31 2010
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Charlotte chuckled. "It would be, but the orange will be biohazardous and toxic, so no clas$ for a while." Her eyes glinted. "A long while."
wuss poppin jimbo
4:55pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"Let's add both then! Send the teacher away gasping for fresh air and get out of cl*censored*..." she stopped suddenly as their teacher walked by them, then started again, "And I have my own 'laboratory' in my dorm, it's hidden under my floorboards!" she said, smiling. ((A laboratory under her floor >.>))