7:09pm Aug 2 2010
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Akila saw Kana and them. "Hey!"She said as she stood next to them. She had her black rose backpack on. She sighed after she found out that forgot something. ((~Ish braindead~))
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7:12pm Aug 2 2010
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"Hey Akila"Macy said,her nose and lip ring began to change different colors again.
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7:33pm Aug 2 2010
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"Hey Macy."She said. She looked into her bag. She fould her mood necklace. She put it on. It changed orange.
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7:35pm Aug 2 2010
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Macy smirked."My cousin just got me the mood lip ring and mood nose ring today"She said.She took the two rings out and smiled.She looked like a normal everyday teenage without her face piercings in.
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7:38pm Aug 2 2010
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"My brother got me this. It's wierd though."She said.
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7:42pm Aug 2 2010
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"How is is weird and how is your brother?"Macy asked."I've got a huge crush on your brother though,Akila"Macy said,smiling as she put the ring back into their correct places.
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8:19pm Aug 2 2010
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Akila smiled. "This isn't wierd. Shane's the weird one. He has a huge collection of mood thingys."She said. "I think he has a huge crush on you too."She said.
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12:14pm Aug 3 2010
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Koron shook his head"I dont want to hear this conversation"he stated as he got up and stretched.Kana looked at all of them,they were such a weird group.They were very different but yet they had something in common."While you guys talk about crushes, Im just gonna...go"he said as he transported.Kana sighed"Does he always dissapear like that?"she asked Macy and Akila.
3:52pm Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 8:44pm Aug 7 2010)
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Thanera leaped up and did a flip over the fence on one side of the dark alley. As expected, there was her group, her family. "Hey Kana, Macy Akila... Come one Koron, girls are like that. Don't go. They were just joking." Thanera smiled. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where did the sodas come from? Didn't anyone get me one?" And she laughed. When it was obvious that no one really did get her a soda, Thanera simply went to sit on a crate in the corner with a lazy ex pression. She took out her swiss army knife and started playing with it, flipping it in and out. Then she had a good idea. Thanera put away her knife and held her hand forward. A thin stream of water shot out of her hand, aimed at the ball of fire in Macy's palm. But it missed it's target and went straight into Macy's face with a splash. Uh oh. This was not good. Thanera tried, but failed to hold in a snicker. "So... What's up?"
4:04pm Aug 7 2010
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Kana smiled"Not much...I just got here...but everything is fine I guess"Koron came back and smiled"Here's your soda Thanera!"he laughed as he handed it to her."If girls are always like that then what the heck am I doing here?"he joked as he sat down on a barrel.Kana laughed"We're not ALWAYS like this.It happenes once in a while."Koron laughed"Yeah,okay.Just keep me out of it and everything will be fine."
4:21pm Aug 7 2010
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"Ha ha! Thanks!" She said, standing up and popping it open. "You are here because being different together is better than being different alone. We're family. You were unfortunate enough however to be the only boy. And girls gotta have their gossip. It's like... boys and football, except it's just talking. Okay, scratch that thought. This lecture is getting nowhere. And admit it Kana, girls gossip more than just once in a while." She laughed and sat back down. This was fun. Just being with her group in the alley.
4:30pm Aug 7 2010
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Koron started clapping"Thats has got to be....the most touching ,lecture I have ever gotten"He laughed and then seriously he added"But you are right about one thing.We are a family...Im glad that I have you guys....Ah look!You've got me being all sentimental!"he laughed again.Kana smiled"Alright!Yes we do gossip alot,but just get used to it"Koron wondered if Kana had any power at all"Maybe not...but it wouldnt hurt to try.."he thought to himself.Kana noticed Koron staring at her"What is it?"she asked questioningly.
1:06pm Aug 8 2010
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"Hey, you guys wanna get a bite to eat later on? Maybe Chinese, or that new Italian place... or I could just go steal some hot dogs. Maybe we can take a road trip someplace. I want to go on an adventure. Aren't you guys sick of meeting her all the time just to talk? Lets have fun. I want to see what we can do in the big, wide world." Thanera looked at Koron, Kana, Akila, and Macy.
4:44pm Aug 10 2010
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Koron laughed"That...was a mouthfull!But yeah...the world hasnt seen what we can do and its just a matter of time before they realize it"Kana nodded and smiled.Koron threw a bottle at Kana out of nowhere,she ducked and shot him a glare"What was that for!?"she asked angrily.Koron sighed"That doesnt look like power"he thought."Oh nothing...."he told her.
4:53pm Aug 10 2010
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Akila sighed. She looked at her necklace. "I hate being Bi -polor."She said as her necklace turned black. Her eyes turned black also.
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5:17pm Aug 10 2010
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Koron smiled "Alright how about this?"he asked as he transported to the Italian place Thanera had talked about."Lets take the table all the way in the back"he told them as he walked over.Koron took out his PSP and blasted the song"Numb",not caring about the weird looks he got from the other people.Kana smiled and sat down next to him,she listened to the song and tried to figure out he meaning of the lyrics.
6:56pm Aug 10 2010
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"Perfect, thanks." Thanera said. After sitting down, she reached into her pocket to scrape out what cash she could. She barely had any. Then she looked at the menu and picked out a cheap ravioli. But it just seemed like they had too much time on their hands. Life was only so long but it felt like an eternity if you did nothing, if you were not seen. Realizing, she was just staring into space while contemplating the meaning of life, she tried to focus on the song playing. Hm, sometimes she felt numb. Thanera didn't want to keep thinking like this. Maybe she could do something worth while. "Guys, I'll be right back." Then, with her head down and her hands in her pocket, she walked out of the Italian restauraunt. Just across the street was an old bar that surprisingly still in business. It was actually pretty crowded. Even better. Thanera walked in, pulling her sweatshirt hood over her head. Then she slipped past the drunken, loud, people and into the bathroom. No one was in there. But Thanera never came out. Instead, a huge, stealthy cat leaped oud. It was a white tiger, with distinct black stripes. It's sapphire eyes shone with wildness. Noticing the cat, people started running everywhere. It was complete chaos. The screams were extremely loud and some yelled profanities. It was pretty funny to Thanera actually. In her tiger form, she felt free.
11:16am Aug 15 2010
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((Bump. this thread is dying!))
11:46am Aug 15 2010
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"AkilaCan I talk to you?Alone?"Macy asked.Smiling.She looked at the other and sighed.She then fingered the note in her back pocket.It was to Shane,telling him she liked him and all.
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12:03pm Aug 15 2010
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Lanera snarled at some people, giving huge ferocious roars. Some people ran ou of the bar and others cowered in the corners. She gave a tiger grin. Then she made a gutteral sound in her throat that sounded somewhat liken chuckle. "Help! Ahhhhhhhh! Rabid tiger on the loose! Run!!!" Then the white tiger retreated back into the bathroom. Lanera stumbled out a little dizzy and her clothes were kind of torn. She just walked out laughing. No one noticed her. Everyone was clutchig their beer bottles and shivering in fright, their eyes were trained on the bathroom. Lanera just walked into the Italian place and sat back down. "Hey, guys. Just had to go to the bathroom." She snickered.