1:48pm Oct 25 2010
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Panteras light blue eyes scanned the area as he pounced through trees like a panther considering he was a panther demon.He black hands and claws gave him good traction as he climbed up one of the trees.
1:49pm Oct 25 2010
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Akeno smiled and jumped from tree to tree, catching Pantera's scent. She ignored it and kept jumping.
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1:53pm Oct 25 2010
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He sniffed smelling someone nearby but he kept going.He was at the top of the tree now looking at the sky.He huffed and kept darting from tree to tree.
2:04pm Oct 25 2010
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Akeno smiled and jumped through the trees. She then bumped into a panther demon.
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2:06pm Oct 25 2010
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Pantera growled out like a panther as he had to do a back flip to keep from falling off the tree by the impact.
2:09pm Oct 25 2010
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Akeno grabbed onto the branch to keep from falling. She pulled herself up and sighed, then looked at the panther demon. "I'm sorry" she said.
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2:11pm Oct 25 2010
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His tail flickered"Dont worry about it"He jumped down from the tree oto the ground his panther feet and strong legs helping him land safetly.
2:22pm Oct 25 2010
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Akeno jumped down and landeed on her feet. She fixed her skirt and smiled before looking up at the demon. "I'm Akeno" she said.
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2:25pm Oct 25 2010
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He turned around to face her.the blue marks under his eyes shined as he did so and so did the blades on his elbows"Pantera,nice to meet you"
2:28pm Oct 25 2010
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"Its nice to meet you too Pantera" Akeno smiled. "InuYasha maybe you should go find akeno" Kagome said. "Yeah okay" InuYasha said, taking off to find his friend.
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2:30pm Oct 25 2010
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Pantera sniffed the air smelling a dog hanyou."Well,i should go"He said turning from her and starting to walk his tail swaying to the side.
2:31pm Oct 25 2010
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"Will i see you again?" Akeno asked quickly. InuYasha soon caught Akeno's scent and Pantera's scent.
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2:33pm Oct 25 2010
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He looked over his shoulder"Maybe dear one,just maybe"He gave a little smile and turned his head back forward catching Inuyashas scent.He grited his teeth and his long sharp fangs showed as he started to walk again"Until next time, dear Akeno"
2:36pm Oct 25 2010
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Akeno smiled and turned around just as InuYasha landed beside her. (G2g be on tomorrow)
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2:37pm Oct 25 2010
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(Ok bye koga) Pantera was gone in a flash yet he was still there in a tree glaring at inuyasa.He turned and darted off.
3:46pm Oct 25 2010
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Inuyasha growled and looked at Akeno. "Stay away from him" He warned her. "your not the boss of me!"Akeno shouted before running back to the group.
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3:50pm Oct 25 2010
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3:55pm Oct 25 2010
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((Sure Anti chan))
3:56pm Oct 25 2010
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(Ata should we have Akeno and Pantera meet again?)
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3:58pm Oct 25 2010
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(Yup yup that would be good preferably at night since hes a panther))