8:33pm Nov 29 2010 (last edited on 8:36pm Nov 29 2010)
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[Inorite] "Stop being so submissive." Logan chuckled, flexing his broad wings. He crouched in a playful stance, smirking at her. "Rawr." He looked to the mute wolf. "Feast and famine are the way of life. In famine, the strongest of wolves survive. In famine, the gra.sses grow back due to not being over-consumed by caribou."
8:48pm Nov 29 2010
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In famine, all of us grow thin and unable to hunt when the green comes back. Feyth swore in her mind and then roled her eyes. She stalked out of the forest, even though she could still have anybody talk to her. Unless she broke the mind connection, Logan could talk back to her and she hadn't broken it yet. She sat down near the water's edge and stared down at herself before lapping up the cool, refreshing water...
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8:51pm Nov 29 2010
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Tanair lowered her front half and waggled her haunches, her own two wings spread out wide to counter-balance her body. "Who said I was?" she challenged, skirting around Creo to give a small nip on the hind leg. But of course, with her natural clumsiness that always came back when she wasn't hunting, Tanair only managed to get a mouthful of white feathers.
9:04pm Nov 29 2010
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Logan gave a yelp, piercing into Tanair's mind. 'You'll regret that.' He grinned. He ran towards her, nipping her shoulder.
Logan had spent many years studying the way cats and felines move. Since then, he has never been thrown off his feet. Ever. He also spent a long time mastering his three powers. Or rather, trying. He could tap into any mind and mess with their brainwaves, making them feel the way he wants them to. He has also mastered his ability over fire, bending it at his will.
But his third power. This one was given to him mysteriously, pa.ssed down his lineage and bestowed unto him. It was not a power. It was a curse.
9:09pm Nov 29 2010
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What's a curse? The only unfortunate part about Feyth's power was she couldn't control what she heard and often ended up hearing bits and pieces of what the other wolf on the end of the connection was saying. And don't say you, because you aren't mute. That is a curse. Anyway, just ignore me and go on thinking. Feyth trotted back to camp and closed the connection to Logan before turning to Tanair. Hello. She 'said', smiling...
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9:14pm Nov 29 2010
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You can't 'turn' off the connection to the Alpha. Even if I wasn't one, my powers are strong. My curse... I don't want to talk about that. I fear that you'll soon find out. Logan told her.
9:17pm Nov 29 2010
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Well.... no, you're right, but I tried. Anyway. Alpha... it can't be any worse than Corla. He can become a human. Of all thedirty, despicable things! I like him, but he creeps me out as that fleshy pink thing. Feyth shuddered slightly and tried to ignore the alpha wolf...
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9:20pm Nov 29 2010
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((btw, Chance, I will change Corla, shiofting to human is the only thing I could think of.))
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9:27pm Nov 29 2010
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(Hnnn...dunno how to bring my charries in. :I)
9:28pm Nov 29 2010
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I'd take Corla's power over mine any day. Logan replied. My curse is from the king of the Underworld himself.
9:30pm Nov 29 2010
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Overreactive much? Feyth lifted what would have been and eyebrow had she been human. I mean, seriously. that is the most deerbrained thing I have heard in my entire life. You could whoop the behind of the king of the underworld. Feyth was suprised by this outburst, having not meant to show her feelings for him. She chewed her lip with her teeth and turned tail, walknig a little ways away..
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9:37pm Nov 29 2010
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Tanair padded up to Creo and nuzzled his shoulder gently with her muzzle, giving a low whine. "Alpha," she began respectfully, sending a cautious glance at Feyth. "Is something going on?" It bothered her when the telepathic conversations went on, and Tanair ignored Feyth's hello. She wanted to sort out Creo first.
When it seemed like Creo wasn't answering, as to Tanair it was ovious his a Feyth's chat was still going on, she stomped one paw and growled, the hair rising along her back. "Stop it Feyth," she snarled, and sent a small shockwave towards the mute.
9:37pm Nov 29 2010 (last edited on 9:40pm Nov 29 2010)
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I mean literally. He's my Grandfather. Logan returned. He snapped his eyes towards Tanair. "Don't be mean." He chuckled. "Nothing's wrong... Yet."
9:39pm Nov 29 2010 (last edited on 9:40pm Nov 29 2010)
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Feyth whipped her head to stare at Tanair. You didn't have to do that. You could have asked me to stop and then waited till I heard you. Feyth opened her mouth to show rows of crystaline teeth. the teeth had been white, but Feyth had coated them with her saliva and then froze the watery substance. The teeth glinted in the sunlight. You have a delightful family... Feyth muttered in her mind to Logan. She let out a laugh in her mind that echoed around her brain...
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9:44pm Nov 29 2010
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"Family?" Tanair asked quizzically,her eyes wide with confusion, but the ground beneath Feyth rumbled again. "C-Logan and I aren't related. No more than I am -or wish to be- to you." Curling her lips she snarled at the mute and bared her own, normal teeth at her. Feeling the guadhairs on her shouldes bristle, Tanair retreated behind Creo before she could say something slightl less forgivable.
9:47pm Nov 29 2010
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"Be nice, the both of you." Logan commanded, growling at the two.
9:50pm Nov 29 2010
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((Btw, the original rp was the one about the past lives... right?)) Not your family, Tanair, I was speaking to logan. Feyth closed her mouth and unfroze her saliva, returning her teeth to normal. My apologes Logan and by the way, have a nice chat with your mate. The sarcastic tone was implied as Tanair wasn't technically Logans mate...
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9:53pm Nov 29 2010
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((Jess.)) *Yes* Logan snarled, leaping from where he sat and landing in front of Feyth, teeth flashing. "How dare you. R-Tanair is like a sister to me."
9:55pm Nov 29 2010
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Tanair had been about to leave, bored with arguing with a subordinate in the pack, but at these words the she-wolf whipped her head around. A low growl built in her throat as she slunk forwards, jaws gaping to reveal long white canines ready to rend and tear into the disrespectful she-wolf. "I. Have. Had. It. With. You," Tanair snarled, the fur along her back and shoulders bristling, and the sun shining through them giving the beta a red halo. "That...comment." Before she finished her sentence Tanair bunched her hind legs and leaped at Feyth, intending on giving her a lesson in manners.
9:59pm Nov 29 2010 (last edited on 10:00pm Nov 29 2010)
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Youlose your temper to easilier. I am not going to fight any of you and before you say it's because I am scared, it's not. I am not sorry for what I have said and Alpha. Good day. Feyth turned, avoiding her attacker and lifted herself into the air with her broad, powerful wings. Good Day... Creo and Raithe. Of course Feyth knew their true names... ((I was in that roleplay... remember? And wow... I was sort of a bi**h in my past life, wasn't I... Poor Feyth...))
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