1:44pm Aug 11 2010
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Elias groaned as he entered the restaurant, wearing the clothing for his uniform at the cafe where the blind dates were to take place. He sat down at a table and rested his head on the backs of his hands. He blinked in surprise as Delilah entered as well, his co-worker also still wearing her uniform clothing. The two had been forced to come here by a mutual friend, and had only had enough time to remove their fangs and contacts before it was time for them to come here, unfortunately for them. Delilah sat down at a separate table, bright green eyes closed as she sighed. Neither one of them saw the point of this, but their friend would not shut up about it until they agreed to do it. So here they were...waiting... ((Yay for my faily intro!))
2:14pm Aug 11 2010
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Techno entered the resturaunt. He didn't know what his date would look like. He saw Kiona sitting down with Shane. She pointed to a girl with black hair. She kind of looke like a vampire. "You set me up with a Vampire?" e mouthed to Kiona. She laughed and turned back to Shane. He walked up to the table. He smiled "Hi, I'm Timothy." he told her taking a seat opposite of her. "I guess we're supposed to be on a blind date." he told her smiling.

2:17pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"You look really good."Shane said to her. He chuckled a little bit because his sister came in and bopped him on the head. Akila sat at a table and waited for her date.
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:18pm Aug 11 2010
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Delilah looked up, blinking her bright green eyes before she smiled a little, straightening up. "Ah, hello. I'm Delilah. Don't pay too much mind to my outfit. I had to come straight here after my shift at the Bloody Rose Cafe," she said, chuckling softly as she rubbed the back of her neck. "And I suppose so. My friend forced me here," she said with a little sigh. "And you? Did you come here willingly, or were you forced as well?"
2:19pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((So Mini did you switch Kari and Delilah?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:22pm Aug 11 2010
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Antoinette was texting when Antonio finally showed up. "About time!" Antonio chuckled, then sat down beside her. "So when is this thing going to start?" He asked her, sighing. he was having second thoughts about signing her up for this. And signing himself up for this. He only did it because he knew she would never go unless he went too. He scanned the room, observing the other people there. None of them looked to happy about this either. "I don't know, but if not in ten mintutes, I'm out. This is a waste of time." She replied, the tone of her voice anything but friendly.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:22pm Aug 11 2010
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((Well, since Delilah is the one who looks like a vampire, I guess she did. -bl ink- -headtilt-))
2:29pm Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 2:29pm Aug 11 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
"Woah Cas stop we past it!" Castor hit his break at her sudden outburst. He looked at her angrily. "Oops?" she said as she sank into her seat. He grunted and pulled into the nearest spot. Karienne quickled got out of the car before Castor could say anything. "Yo I'm sorry." She said as she started walking away from him. "Oh you will be" he said as he locked the car and hurried after her. "Woah Cas what are you gonna do?" she said backing away. "Oh you'll see." he said quickening his pace. Karienne green eyes widened and she hurried towards the door and opened it. Castor caught up. "Ha, we're indoors you can't do anything?" she said. "Now do you know who Linda hooked us up with?" He shrugged and leaned against the wall.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:40pm Aug 11 2010
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Antoinette looked up, seeing two others walk in. "Oh God. I hope I'm not paired with that dude." She muttered to Antonio. Knowing her luck, she would get matched with him, and that so make her madder. But what could she do? Nothing. At all. For the millionth time today, she glared at Antonio, trying not to yell. "I wonder what lucky girl got you, Antly." She was Ant, and he was Antly. They had made up those when they were kids, because of how long their own names were. Antoino shifted in his seat, uncomfortable at this saracastic comment. "She can't be as dandy as the wonderful guy you got stuck with." He told her back, matching her tone.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:04pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Lucifer walked to the themed cafe. he had been forced to do a blind date by his work colleges. they told him that if he went into it blindly, he might actually stay with the girl, unlike the oneshe would meet at the bar he worked at. He strode along the street, a rose in hand. he pushed open the door to the cafe and walked inside. heading over to a receptionist who gave him a table number. At the table sat a brunett. it wouldn't of been his first choice, but he would go along with the date. "Good afternoon." he said gentlemanly. "I do believe that i have been partnered with you?" she said with a warm smile, handing her the rose. "My name is Lucifer Knight, may I ask for yours?" she said charmingly, as he sat down into his seat and removed his gloves.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:06pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Kaitlynn stomped in, her combat boots laced up. However, the most humiliating thing was.... She was dragged here by a friend, and right after her part-time cafe job too. Long hair tied up, she was blushing furiously, for she was in a lolita maid uniform. "Stupid cafe." She muttered under her breath, not believing she had agreed to this. Strapped to her back was her guitar, and around her neck was her guitar pick. "Jeez. I skipped the interview for another cafe, that does NOT require waitresses to wear maid uniforms for this?" She exclaimed incredulously.

4:12pm Aug 11 2010
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She smiled. "Akila Montiek."She said. Maybe this date will go good. She said in her mind. "Thank you for the rose."She said.
 (Banner made by Kina)
4:13pm Aug 11 2010
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Kiona blushed. "Uh, Thanks" She smiled. "You to." she told him with a half hearted smile. Timothy smiled "I was forced into doing this." He told him. "But i guess i've been doing this willingly for the past few minuets" He smiled .

4:17pm Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 4:19pm Aug 11 2010)
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Posts: 1,446
Looking around for an empty seat, she found one at Elias' table. Walking over, she slid her guitar case from her shoulders and asked quietly, "This is the meeting place for the blind date thing right? Mind if I sit here? I have NO clue who set me up with who."

4:18pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 12,418
He smiled. "Thanks. So, what do you do for a living?"He asked.
 (Banner made by Kina)
4:21pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 1,584
"I am taking law school right now." she told him. "I've been going to school for two years now" she said. "I've wanted to be a lawyer since i was...about 9 or ten" she smiled.

4:29pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Elias looked up, blinking his deep blue eyes. "Ah, not at all," he told her with a smile. Noticing the outfit, he gave her a knowing smile. "Cafe?" he guessed, motioning to her clothing. "And I see you brought a guitar here with you. May I see it?" he asked, grinning. Delilah chuckled, smiling. "So, do you have a job?" she asked, curious to know what he did for a living. ((I fail so hard. ;;))
4:34pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((hey its okay mee too)) Techno smiled. "Well, I work in a i guess you could call it a workshop. I fix things like computers and cars and stuff. It's actually a lot of fun!" he told her. "So i guess you could say by day I'm mr. Fix it and by night i take cl*censored*es." he explained.

4:37pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 1,682
Antonio's phone rang. He answered it. It was a girl from the blind-date thing, and she told them the deions of who he and Antoinette were paired with. Upon hanging up, he looked around, his eyes settling on the newest people to come. The deion fit them both perfectly. "Come on, Ant. Your date awaits." ~ Antoinette looked at her date, the one guy she didn't want to be paired with. She scowled, then went to say something. "Hey. I'm Antoinette. According to this guy here" She said, pointing to Antonio. "I'm going to be your date today." ~ Antonio smiled, then introduced himself to the girl. "Hello. I am Antonio. Apparently, we are paired up."
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:42pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Delilah seemed to light up, smiling wide. "Technology?" she echoed, looking quite happy. "Good! We have something to talk about now!" she said, her bright green eyes shimmering as if she had just discovered a new star system or something and it was named after her.