6:50pm Apr 10 2010
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((ri, i was gonna say pet, but the raven would have free will. it could like never leave her side...OOO. name it Kar. o.O))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
6:51pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 6:53pm Apr 10 2010)
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((I wanted to name it Zodiac.... o3o But Kar is cool ^^))
6:54pm Apr 10 2010
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((Or Zodiac. he's ur pet. lol.))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
6:56pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 6:56pm Apr 10 2010)
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((Imma gonna name it Karr... (Yes I added anouther 'r' its more epic that way XD) I'll name a new characture I'm making Zodiac ^^))
6:59pm Apr 10 2010
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((awsum. ri post the bio cuz i want to get back to the story lol ))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
6:59pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ Then get back to the story please. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:00pm Apr 10 2010
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((Dragon....i posted.....to drakine....waiting for you....))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:02pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 7:06pm Apr 10 2010)
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Drake strode toward her, fast as lighting, knowing he would surprise her. He grabbed her hands with his encased in ice. He expected her to burn him as he had his lips meet hers. He had waited for this for so long. His kiss was rough and hard against her lips. He wanted her to at least fight back if she didn't want him. If not, he would be lost.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:02pm Apr 10 2010
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Name- Zodiac Age- around 15 Gender- male Looks (pic please)- Brown hair and green eyes (too lazy to get a pic XD) Persona- adventerious, bold, likes to do daring things History- Got lost in a forest one day. He was rased by the animals of the forest. 8D Power(s)- Can make things come true by imagining them Other- He can't 'talk' to animals, but he was raised by them so he can 'communicate' with them.
7:11pm Apr 10 2010
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Drakine was surprised at his actions, but soon that surprisement turned to fury. Fire encased her hands and up to her elbows as scales covered her skin. She pulled away from him before sweeping his legs from underneath him. Hissing she backed up a few feet before crouching down as a ripple went down her spine.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:13pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 7:19pm Apr 10 2010)
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His hopes crashed down on him. He had thought surprise was the only way to get to her. He fell flat on his face, causing his nose to bleed, but Drakine's body had singed him. “Drakine.” He choked out before he ran behind the school, holding his burning arms as the tears slid down his cheeks and the blood ran down his nose. “She hates me, she hates me.” He kept repeating to himself as he layered coverings of ice over his arms, but that wasn't what was burning him. His heart had torn itself apart, knowing his love would never accept him. ((oh and i edited Drake to 19...))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:21pm Apr 10 2010
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Drakine growled as she watched Drake run off. The fire disinigrated and she stood up. Whiping the back of her hand across her lip. Snarling, she stalked off to Professor Gale's cl*censored*.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:24pm Apr 10 2010
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Drake swiveled his head around the corner to see Drakine's reaction. His chest ached when he saw waves of anger coming off of her. The sight of it nearly burned his eyes. Tears clouded his vision again as he watched the woman he loved walk away from him, knowing she had hurt him, but did not care.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:33pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 7:33pm Apr 10 2010)
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Professor Gale looked up in time to see Drakine entering her cla.ssroom. "Since when have i become this popular." She said to Drakine. Then did a double take as she saw Drakine's appearence. She looked outside in time to see was it...Drake holding his red arms and crying. Drakine came it with fury on her face. Great. The professor thought. "Drakine, you know how us teachers feel about you um burning the students." She said.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:37pm Apr 10 2010
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Drakine glanced at Drake out the window. "My deepest apologize, Professor Gale," she said, her tone void of any emotions.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:39pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 7:40pm Apr 10 2010)
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((dragon lol. can u like post more. lol)) Drakine spoke in a monotone and the professor chuckled. "He kissed you didn't he," She said matter-of-factly. "Oh, Drakine." She looked at her face, blank of any emotions. She tried to figure out what Drake saw in her and eventually gave up. "Give the kid a break, Drakine. Learn to love life while you got it. What did you want anyway?" She asked.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:45pm Apr 10 2010
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[[ I post what comes to mind and most of the time its not much. ]] Drakine narrowed her eyes, but said nothing. "I've been loosing control on my powers, recently, and would like some extra lessons on how to control them. If you don't mind, Professor," she said.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:49pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Apr 10 2010)
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((lol okay Dragon. Drakine's not one to talk anyway. XD)) "Okay. Drakine, i can see why you've been losing more control lately." She said with a last glance at the window. "Drakine, you already know my tests." She said. "You know what i will do to make you angry and after a while, it just doesn't work on kids anymore. I can't teach you. The only help i can give you is something you probably won't like. Don't draw yourself away from everyone else. Give people chances and find out what they're really like. Don't hate everyone because of your own problems Drakine. Maybe if you had someone to share these problems with, it wouldn't be hard. Look at Luke and Taylor for instance." She nodded to Drakine, picked up her bag and opened her cla.ssroom door. "If you don't mind, i have to see Professor Black for something. At least think about what i said, Drakine."
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:59pm Apr 10 2010
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Drakine gave a one-shoulder shrug and flipped her black bangs out of her face. "Why share?" she asked. "Why do most things that involve trust? Trust is an illusion of the heart." She shifted her head to let her bangs cover one eye.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:03pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 8:03pm Apr 10 2010)
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The professor stopped. "Why Drakine? Because that is how the human mind works. It is not an illusion if you scrape your knee. You feel pain. Is it an illusion when adrenaline goes through your veins when you use your powers? If it is not an illusion on the outside, physically, then why is it an illusion on the inside, emotionally. Ask yourself Drakine, are you happy the way you are right now?" She said. ((complete and utter fail XD))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.