3:26pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ Yesh! That is an awesome idea. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:34pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((*bows.* Snoweh. want to skip to when they get out of the forest?)) "I am not scrawny" She said, but she didn't want to push herself any faster. She enjoyed striding next to him. She remembered running this way before. At the end of this trail...The trees broke away and she skidded to a stop, almost running over the edge of the cliff.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
3:36pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Luke spun to a halt, "well thats a little dangerous!" Luke said, leaning over the edge dangerously to look down. ((Sure ^_^ ))
3:38pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"Yeah, i know." She said, not wanting to tell Luke she had jumped off of it before. ((time shift XD)) "That was...different, but fun." She said to Luke as she walked out of the forest and into the school courtyard. She was still in her wolf form, but she quickly changed back.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
3:38pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:40pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((ah typing 2 rp's is hard, especially if ur trying to start another one. have patience guys lol.)) Drake and Drakine had decided to camp out for the night. It was getting darker by the minute and Drake thought Drakine looked tired. His stomach growled and his face turned red. He had gathered wood from a small forest to their right, but he couldn't get the fire to start.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
3:41pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( okay... I've read the post's... But I don't know where to jump in. 8C ))
3:43pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Luke shifted human, "Whenever you are with me, fun is pretty easy to come by." he said with a laugh.
3:44pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((I gots an idea for lauren to jump in 8D your characture sees a raven (Karr) and tries to catch him, and Ribunny is sill in Karr's mind! Or you can find Ribunny's body (which is in a state of suspended animation because she is in Karr's mind) and think there is something wrong. ^^))
3:46pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 5,310
From where Drakine crouched, still in dragon form, she sent a small jet of white flames to the pile of wood that Drake had collected. A small blaze started right up. Her golden eyes seem to twinkle in the firelight before she shifted back to her human form. As her wings melted into her back, she moved closer to the flames, watching them dance.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:50pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,002
“It’s getting late.” Taylor said. “Luke, tomorrow, we have a lot to do. We have to train, but we can’t make it too obvious that we know something. We…I mean I also have to learn to maintain my powers. We have to learn what the professors know. Oh, Luke. It’s just too much.” She said, leaning against him for support with exhaustion dragging at her mind. “Thanks Drakine.” He said and watched as the red and blue flames licked at the wood. “I’m going hunting if you wish to come with me.” He said, not repelled by the idea of a tasty deer or rabbit. “So, have you found what you’re looking for yet,” He said, not meeting her eyes.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
3:51pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Lauren. crash through the forest or something lol.))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
3:53pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Drakine tilted her head to one side, confusion fill her black eyes as she looking at him. "What am I looking for?" she asked with a confused tone. She pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her arms around them.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:54pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Luke put his arm around her shoulder, "ah yes. Training. Fun. It will be ovbious for me if I show any intrest in anything the teachers say." he painted out.
3:54pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Sure! ^^ ))
Amber suddenly heard the flapping of wings. He raised one brow, tilting her head slightly. Suddenly a black raven flew overhead. She shifted into a Dire wolf, and sniffed. That is not a raven.. She thought. She noticed that it was flying away, it's smell beginning to fade. Something is up.. I can't loose the trail. She romped after it.
3:54pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"I don't know." Drake said. "You must be looking for something if you are actually tolerating me." He said with a small laugh. "What do you want?" He asked, anxious to know her answer.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
3:57pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Karr, sencing something was following him, looked at the ground. Something is following us! He said. Ribunny, being able to see what Karr saw, gasped. It looks like a Dire Wolf! Fly faster! Karr strained his wings, trying to fly higher and faster, but the wind made it very hard and he ended up being pushed down.
3:57pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Drakine's brows furrowed together in confusion. "Your question is confusing me," she said, telling the honest truth.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:00pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,002
“What are you looking for? Happiness, hate….love.” He choked the last part out, not wanting to anger her. She looked so different now. The fury and malice gone from her face. For the first time in his life, Drakine looked…alien to him. She looked different, but Drake hoped that she wasn’t going to lose her hardness or her fiercness. No, she could never lose that. He thought.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
4:02pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,002
She looked up at Luke, chuckled, and yawned. She didn’t want this night to end. She was so happy just the way everything was right now. Her eyelids became heavy and her head drooped down. She had just finished yawning again before she collapsed and fell asleep in Luke’s arms.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.