6:53pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:42pm Feb 16 2010)
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Me and Detneth Own this rp >:D Feel free to join, please no more than 10 people in total. BIO! Name: Gender: Age: Position: Personality: Looks: History: Mate: Crush: Kits: Other: BreezeCan ((<<---Cause I liek that name)) Leader: Timberstar - Me Deputy: Leafstorm - Detneth Medicine Cat: Sapphirewind - eklipse Medi Cat Apprentice: Amberpaw - Fullmoo Warriors: Rainblaze(soon to be queen) - Fullmoo Cougarstealth, Chipheart -me Otterbreeze - Det Apprentices: Scorchpaw, Earthpaw - Det Queens: Kits: Elders: Cats Outside of Clans:
7:03pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Me is deputy...or else!! >:D BIO Name: Leafstorm Age: 21 moons Position: Deputy :D Personality: She is a good thinker and is hard to annoy. (I can't think of more) Looks: Black fur with light tawny stripes on her back, legs and tail. She has long legs suited for hunting in the open moor and a neat, angular head. She has green eyes. History: Clan cat through and through Mate: Open Crush: Open Kits: Open Other: nope
7:03pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:06pm Feb 16 2010)
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Posts: 1,713
((oh oh!!!!!!! join!))) Medicine cat + a warrior ;) ? Desired Name: Saphirewind Position: medicine cat? Family: none Mate:OPEN Crush:none Age: (not needed) Additional Info Gender:Female Appearance: but deep blue eyes like this 
by_phantescaping.jpg Personality: soft kind Desired Name: silverrain Position: warrior. Family: none Mate:noen Crush: open Age: (not needed) Additional Info Gender:female Appearance: Personality: rp it out.
7:07pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Sure eklipse, wait for Eastie to answer first though :D
7:12pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; eklipse is always welcome :D
7:16pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:28pm Feb 16 2010)
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Name:Rainblaze Gender:Female Age:25 moons
Crush:NAO Mate:Umm.... >.>
Looks: Other info: She's pregnant. Rank:Warrior ~~~~ Name: Amberpaw (Ambersky) Gender:Female Age:7 moons
Crush:NAO Mate: Too young.
Looks: Other info:None Rank:Med. aprentice?
7:19pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:56pm Feb 16 2010)
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Name:Timberstar Age: 36 moons Position: Leader bb Personality: Warm, loving and loyal to his clan. Feirce and best like towards intruders. Will take in injured cats and such but won't allow a fox or badger to set in their territory. Doesn't enjoy violence but will use it if nessesary. Looks: http://berryness.deviantart.com/art/Serious-Cat-79464834 History:Mother was a rogue, father was a clan cat. Mate: Open Crush: Open Kits: None sorreh Other: Nufin u neds tah no XDD
7:21pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:26pm Feb 16 2010)
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BIO! Name: Otterbreeze Age: 16 moons Gender: She-cat Position: Warrior Personality: Sweet, caring. Likes to swim and hunt fish. Looks: Exactly like this, but smaller History: Nope Mate: Rainfeather *desceased* Crush: Open Kits: Pregnant Other: Nope
7:22pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Otterpaw had a mate that was a warrior? xD))
7:23pm Feb 16 2010
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Name: Cougarstealth/Chipheart Age: 24 moons Position: Warrior Personality: Rp it out X2 Looks: Like a cougar but smaller/Pureblack with a small spot of white on his neck, chest, and lower stomach. Has ice blkue eys rimmed in gray History: Clan cats through and through Mate: openX2 Crush: open/Silverrain Kits: openX2 Other: Nuffin
7:25pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Cougarsteath's mate can be Rainblaze? :3))
7:25pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((oh, lol out the gender too please XD))
7:25pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc;....OMG!!! Oops, she is Otterbreeze. I added that after. *facepalm* Let me edit
7:27pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Cougarstelath is a she. Eh, I'll make her a by cuz theres not enough males))
7:30pm Feb 16 2010
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ooc; Oh, Eastie, Otterbreeze is a soon-to-be-queen anf I'll make a male and female apprentice seeing as we have none.
7:32pm Feb 16 2010
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ooc; Hokai :D
7:34pm Feb 16 2010
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Name: Scorchpaw//Earthpaw Gender: Tom//She-cat Age: 6 moons x2 Position: Apprentice x2 Personality: Strong-willed tom with a fiery temper to match//Sweet she-cat with a strong, quiet inner determination Looks: Dark brown tom wih bright ginger paws and chest and amber eyes//Light beige she-cat with a light brown underbelly and green eyes History: Adopted out of the Clan//Leafstorm's kit Mate: Nope x2 Crush: Nope x2 Kits: Nope x2 Other: Nope x2
7:48pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:54pm Feb 16 2010)
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**starting, people can join later if they wish and we can make more charries as we go along.)) ((makeing a queen charrie, about to have kits.)) Name: Larkfeather Gender:Female Age:22 moons Position: Queen Personality: Rp it out Looks:up History:Was a rogue/loner Mate: No one Crush: -open- Kits:On dere way Other: Had kits,wont say who the father is, she cae in as a pregnant rogue/lonerand took a warrior name. Hates the fther of her kits now. Larkfeather lay in the nursery looking down at her swollen belly, she joined the clan a few moons ago and since then has finally felt that she belonged somewhere. Timberstar padded around the camp and headed to the nursery to check on Larkfeather, seeing she was content he walked to the warriors den and organized a patrol.
3:18pm Feb 17 2010
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Otterbreeze purred and settled down in her nest. Her belly was swollen with unborn kits and Sapphirewind had said they would come soon. She gulped up the last few bits of mouse before curling up and falling into a dreamless sleep. Leafstorm padded to the fresh-kill pile and chose a mouse for herself and lay down in a sunny patch outside the warrior's den to eat. She looked up as Timberstar walked forwards and started to organize a patrol. "May I join?" she mewed curiously. ooc; Need mentors other than my own charries for Earthpaw and Scorchpaw.
3:56pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; ~bump~ :D