5:25pm Feb 17 2010
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Jaywing heard a cat scream. He ran back to the camp and saw Aurorafang curled into a tight ball screaming, 'What is going on?" He asked running over to her.
5:30pm Feb 17 2010
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Otterbreeze looked up, pain filling her eyes. "She's having her kits!" she meowed anxiously. She started to lick her ruffled fur and stopped to nudge Aurroraclaw. "Get some poppy seweds." she mewed with conviction. "It'll help the pain."
5:32pm Feb 17 2010
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"Won't it make her fall asleep though?" Jaywing asked looking at Aurorafang. He didn't wait for an answer but ran to the Medicine cat's den and grabbed the poppy seed.
5:38pm Feb 17 2010
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Otterbreeze shook her head. "It depends on how much is given to her. Only one seed will be fine. It'll dull the pain." she meowed. She softly stroked her tail along Aurorafang's flank, heaving with pain. "ssh, It'll be fine." she purred soothingly.
5:41pm Feb 17 2010
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Aurorafang let out another scream as the first kit came out. She tried to lift her head to see it but couldn't. Jaywing gave Aurorafang the poppy seed and grabbed the kit starting to lick it.
5:43pm Feb 17 2010
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Otterbreeze purred and meowed to Aurorafang. "It's a (tom/she-cat). It's beautiful." she took the kit from Jaywing and begn to lick it vigorously. "Watch for the next kits." she mewed to him.
5:50pm Feb 17 2010
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Aurorafang took a deep breath as another kit came out. Jaywing grabbed the kit and started to lick it. He watched as one more kit came out. He set the kit that he had been licking and took the other kit. He gave them to Otterbreeze and walked over to Aurorafang who was breathing heavily. Aurorafang lifted her head up and saw the three kits. She purred looking at them grabbing them by the back of the neck and setting them next to her so they could get food.
5:57pm Feb 17 2010
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Otterbreeze sighed gratefully as the kits started to feed. "Good job!" she meowed, "Now get some rest. I'll fetch you some fresh-kill." she padded out of the nursery and picked up a rather plump vole. Placing it gently down beside Aurorafang, she purred at the sight of the kits. "You have to name them soon you know." she reminded her.
6:00pm Feb 17 2010
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Aurora purred. She looked down at the kits, "Yes...I have already thought of a name for this one!" She said sniffing a tom with dark gray hair and aqua eyes.
6:01pm Feb 17 2010
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"Well?" prompted Otterbreeze. ooc; Brain-dead XD
6:05pm Feb 17 2010
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"This one is going to be Ashkit." She purred looking over towards her other kits. One of them had brown fur with a dark gray face. It was a girl and had light blue eyes. The other one was another tom. It had dark brown fur with dark blue eyes like the father,"That one will be Rainkit." She said pointing towards the girl,"And this one will be Whisperkit." She purred weakly. She took a bite out of the vole and layed down her head drifting into a quiet deep sleep.
6:08pm Feb 17 2010
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Otterbreeze licked the kits and lay down in her own den. Yawning, she closed her eyes and drifted off into a sweet, dreamless sleep.
6:10pm Feb 17 2010
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Aurorafang woke up. She looked down at her kits who were sleeping or that was what it looked like. She ate the rest of her vole and looked around. She was very thirsty right now but didn't want to wake her kits. ((If any of you want to be the kits you can but if not I will make a bio for them.))
6:18pm Feb 17 2010
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Otterbreeze woke and saw Aurorafang looking thirsty. She stepped out and got a ball of moss dripping with (blood XD) water. P*censored*ing it to Aurorafang, she began to clean herself, feeling satisfaction at the crunching bodies of fleas.
6:22pm Feb 17 2010
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((Lol)) Aurorafang drank the water and set the ball of moss down. She set her head back on the ground andfell back to sleep.
6:24pm Feb 17 2010
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Otterbreeze was getting some fresh-kill when the pangs started. Oh no! Not my kits to. she thought in panic. Stumbling blindly back to her nest, she moaned low from the back of her thoat as the pain washed through her.
6:29pm Feb 17 2010
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Aurorafang heard something. She looked up and saw Otterbreeze moaning in pain. She stumbled up looking down at her kits who started to shiver right away, "Jaywing!" She called. Jaywing ran in there. He looked at Otterbreeze with a sighn of worry in his eyes, "What do you want me to do?" He asked. "Keep my kits warm I remember a little bit from when I wanted to become a medicine cat." Aurorafang said getting up. She walked over to Otterbreeze and looked down at her, "Everything is going to be okay now just don't panick." She said in a soothing voice. She ran towards the medicine den and grabbed two poppy seeds. She then ran back and gave them to Otterbreeze.
6:34pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Otterbreeze feebly licked up the seeds as her first kit came out. It was a small tabby tom, just like his father. She gasped as the second kit appeared, but it was dead. She licked it sadly and the third appeared. It was a small orange she-cat.
6:37pm Feb 17 2010
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Aurorafang started to lick the small kits. She looked at the dead one sadly glad that one of hers hadn't been deads but sad for Otterbreeze.
6:39pm Feb 17 2010
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Otterbreeze purred as the kits began to suckle, mewling and clambering over eachother. "They're so adorable." she whispered, only to realise that the toms leg was twisted. Sighing she looked at Aurorafang. "I'll name the tom Twistedkit and the she-cat Sunkit." she mewed, exhausted.