8:46pm Feb 18 2010
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"WEll then" Cougarstealth meowed, "I guess you are. Is there anything ou would like me to bring back specifically for you?"
8:59pm Feb 18 2010
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Twistedkit stumbled into Cougarstealth. "Sorry!" he squeaked as he tottered away, his crippled leg making him clumsy.
9:06pm Feb 18 2010
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"Come and play!" Rainkit said to Ashkit. Ashkit walked over to them. He tripped over a rock catching himself before he hit the ground. Rainkit tossed the moss ball towards Whisperkit who hit it hard towards her. Rainkit ran towards it and shot it at Ashkit. Ashkit caught it in one of his paws. He smiled letting it drop onto the gound. He took a step back as Whisperkit ran by. "Try to take it from me!" Whipeskit moewed guarding the moss ball.
9:06pm Feb 18 2010
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Cougarstealth looked down at Twistedkit, "Hello there youngone" he murmured, "Its no problem." He purred and licked the kts head.
9:10pm Feb 18 2010
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Twistedkit purred. He managed to stumble his way back to the kits and tripped again over Whisperkit. Landing on the moss ball, he scattered it till all that remained was a few tattered scraps.
9:18pm Feb 18 2010
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Whisperkit hissed. He looked got up and shook the moss off of his head. Ashkit walked away. He ended up running into Twistedkit,"Oops. Sorry." He said. He took a step back tripping back wards and landing on his butt. Aurorafang walked out of the nursery,"Are you playing nice?" She asked picking Ashkit up by his neck and giving him a few licks.
9:21pm Feb 18 2010
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Otterbreeze hissed at Whisperkit. "Be nice!" she warned and with that, she picked up Twistedkit and placed him in the nursery beside Sunkit, who was sleeping.
9:24pm Feb 18 2010
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Aurorafang hissed, "Don't you dare tell my kit to be nice! Maybe you should try to control your more." She snapped stepping in front of Whisperkit. "Mom..." Whisperkit sighed.
9:34pm Feb 18 2010
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"Well, at least your kit can walk! It wasn't Twistedkit's fault he has a crippled leg!" she growled. She crouched down. "Teach your kits some manners before you correct mine!"
9:39pm Feb 18 2010
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"I am sure my kits could teach you a few manner!" Hissed Aurorafang, "Twistedkit isn't the only disabled kit so stop acting like it!" She hissed. "Hay!" Ashkit snapped. "Sorry Ashkit but still." Aurorafang hissed.
9:41pm Feb 18 2010
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"That may be so, but Ashkit can still walk can't she? Twistedkit will never make a great hunter or warrior. He will only become a burden to the clan! So I will protect him all I can, no matter who's kit is bothering him!" she yowled.
9:48pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Larkfeater looked at the arguing queens, "Will both of you stop yowling?" she nearly yowled herself, "My kits are sleeping, please go watch your outside." The warm aroma of milk filtered her nostrils as she looked down at her kits. The two beautiful beautiful kits, oe tom, one she cat. ((posting their bios)) Name:Kestrelkit/ChuckNorris Fawnkit Gender: Male/Female Age: like 5 minutes Position: kits Personality: unknown Looks: Coming :D History: They were born Mate: not gunna happen for like a t least 20 moons Crush: nope Kits: they are :D Other: NU!
9:50pm Feb 18 2010
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"Yes but not without running into a tree!" Aurorafang hissed, "My kit can't see and you think having a bad leg is bad?" Aurorafang nearly screamed her fur bristling. Ashkit took a step back a tear coming to his eye. "I am just a big weight holding everyone down! I am tired of everyone treating me different I wish I was never born!"He yelled turning around and running away. "Ashkit!" Aurorafang yelled after him. Rainkit jumped up, "Now look what you have done! Ashkit could die out there not being able to see what is coming after him of where to run!" Rainkit hissed, "Ashkit wait!" She yelled. She ran after him looking where he might have gone.
9:56pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Can we pretend Twistedkit and Scorchpaw never happened? I can't post all of the cats....D8 Sunkit yawned sleepily and padded over to Larkfeather. "Are they old enough to play?" she mewed curiously. Blackie nodded, overwhelmed at the offer. "Of course!" he meowed, nodding his head. "If you will have me." he murmured. Leafstorm padded up to Cougarstealth and Chipheart. "I want you two to check the bounderies, Swiftclan may have moved them." she growled.
9:57pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Lol. Okay but that would mess up like off of this page...D8))
9:59pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 6,296
"If you could get me a robin...." Rainblaze smiled. "that would be perfect. But you don't have to if you don't want to."She purred, rubbing against Cougarstealth.
9:59pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Let's say that Ashkit got angry for no reason, instead of the queens fighting...yesh, i know, sucky answer D8
10:01pm Feb 18 2010
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((Can't you delete another cat or something? It would be really confusing but if you do delete Twistedkit then I guess I could live. Lol. 8D))
10:03pm Feb 18 2010
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ooc; Well, he's not going anywhere interesting with his crippled leg...all I can post is him running into other cats D8
10:04pm Feb 18 2010
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((Lol. yeah I guess but we should wiat until EasternBluebird says it is okay.))