9:42pm Apr 18 2010
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Jake finally woke up several hours after his beating. He stood up and quietly shifted on his shoes. He walked outside and onto the porch. He was used to the beatings a little but not being taken care of. He slowly made his way down toward the park. He legs ached and his gut felt like it was on fire. He noticed Sunni talking to another boy. He made a sour look at the sight of her. He knew she didn't do anything, but he just felt like blaming her for his beating. He panted slightly and slowly made his way toward the beach. Blood dripped from his hair with every step. He put his hand against some of the buildings. He couldn't walk much farther, but he wanted to find Zane.
6:13am Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((bump :D))
2:46pm Apr 19 2010
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6:00pm Apr 19 2010
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um...bump again? is it dead?
6:12pm Apr 19 2010
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Jace frowned. "Well, shouldn't you at least bring your Grandma to a nursing home or something? I understand the feeling of wanting to wander around and discover new things, but..." He blinked, glancing at the horizon again in silence. "Let's just drop the subject, shall we? Let's go to the beach." His silver eyes sparkled with his personal thoughts as he walked beside her.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:27pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Angel glanced at Josh before frowning. "Hey, uh... Could we just skip the ice-cream? I hear Zane..." Angel's face filled with worry and almost pain. Zane needed her, but she didn't want to abandon Josh.
6:29pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh nodded, a frown tugging at his smile. He pushed the hurt feeling off. "It's okay," he said quietly. "I get it. Go help your friend; I can walk myself home." He flicked his hair out of his face, smiling at her. But his smile never met his eyes; and he certainly didn't feel like smiling.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:34pm Apr 19 2010
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Angel looked at him with concerned eyes. "No..." She said quickly. "I'll pay for ours and you can come with me to help him." It was more of a command than a statement or question. She pulled the money out of her pocket and put it on the counter. "I don't want you to walk home alone..."
6:38pm Apr 19 2010
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Josh shook his head, "I don't think that's a good idea. Really." He blinked stubbornly at her. "Let's just say... I'm not good with other people. And I've been in worse conditions than having to walk home alone, you know. I'm not seven." His eyes darkened with troubled thoughts, but he shoved it off and smiled again.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:41pm Apr 19 2010
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Angel had deep concern for Josh, expecially when he looked that way. "You may not be seven, but I'm not stupid either..." She said with a weary look. That was his eyes darkened made her worry.
6:47pm Apr 19 2010
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"I never said you were stupid," he protested with a small smirk. "But you don't have to worry about me; honestly, I'll be fine. Go find your friend. What's his name.. Zane? Yeah. That's it. Go help Zane." He grabbed his ice cream, keeping his indigo eyes away from her's. "I'm fine."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:55pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 2,927
"Yeah, I know..." Angel couldn't help but chuckle. "But it seemed sort of reasonable for me to say that..." Angel grabbed her ice cream also, but kept it at her side. "Zane... Will be fine for a few minutes..." She mumbled. " 'cause you don't seem that 'fine' at the moment..."
7:04pm Apr 19 2010
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Josh looked up at her in shock, tugging at the edge of his shirt nervously. Had she seen the marks on my stomach? He blinked, certainly hoping not. "I'll be fine," he insisted, adding almost silently, "Well, until I get home that is.." He tried to lighten his nearly black eyes. "You know what? I'm not hungry." He glanced down at his ice cream, not feeling in the mood for it all of a sudden. He handed it to Angel, leaving it untouched. "Give it to your friend when you find him or whatever." He turned around, pausing for a second with his mouth open like he was about to say something, but closed him mouth. Josh walked away from her without another glance backwards.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:10pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Angel seemed shocked at both his words and sudden disappearance. She dumped her ice cream in the trash and walked after him. "Why until you get home?" She asked with concern. She laid her hand on his arm, wanting him to stop and talk. "And.... and what were you going to say back there?"
7:18pm Apr 19 2010
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The hair on Josh's arm stood on end where her hand touched him. It sent a shock through him. He stopped, and looked at her with calm, solemn eyes. "Let's just say not every family is like you'd imagine in books." He added on thoughtfully, "And you'll see what I was going to say. Eventually." A ripple of pain flashed through him as an image of his father drowning his sister raced though his mind. He shoved it off immediately, stumbling backwards a few steps. "Look, this has been nice and all, but I have to go. Now." He spun around on his heal, and walked away, more quickly than before. He ducked into an allyway and disapeared out of her sight.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:24pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Josh's actions made Angel worry all the more. She sighed as he walked away, noticing how fast he was. "I wonder how much he walks away from stuff..." She said aloud to herself. She watched his disappear into the alley, having the strong urge to follow him again. Instead, she went against her instints and sat at the mouth of it. In the corner of Angel's mind, she felt that maybe she was the issue. Maybe he ran away because of something she said or did. Angel pushed the thoughts away, but they kept coming back. It bothered her a lot when she thought about it. Angel put her head on her knees, almost if she was waiting for him to come back, though it wasn't likely.
7:39pm Apr 19 2010 (last edited on 8:27pm Apr 19 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni nodded she thought about it and somewhat felt bad about her grandmother whom she hadnt seen in days.But at that moment jace meant more to her.He was here and now her grandmother was a shell a blank.She looked down sand began to edge the road showing the beach was near.She saw the glowing pink sun against the going teal sky.She kept walking her eyes closed she thougt."yea i know but im just not sure i can handle that,i know its seems wrong...creul even"She sighed And looked to him her hair blew against her pale perfect face but "but this is now shell be okay if theres any problems the niebhors will care for it"She looked to the side at the beach that crept nearer.She looked to her ripped jeans.She hated going deep.She looked up again inches from the crystal white sand she took on step and plunged in the hot river of sand.She smiled to herself and felt the cool breeze the ocean brought yet it felt like lava oozed inside her heart raced and she breathed in to calm"the world never ceaces to amaze me"....

9:06pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Zane stood up and wiped his tears. :if nobody's going to help me now.. I guess it's time to make something of myself. To help my older brother.. For once in my life." Zane walked down to the park then turned and tried to remember the way back to Angel's house. "Aww man... I knew leaving was a bad idea..." Zane began to walk back the way he came. He looked around and sighed. "Why am I so stupid.." Zane looked at the floor and began to walked down the streets again. His eyes never leaving the floor. He walked into an ice cream parlor and sat down. He wanted someone.. Something to help him. He didn't want his brother to bleed to death, but if he couldn't remember the way back, how was he supposed to help him. Jake stumbled down the street. His eyes darkening as he approached the park. He felt the blood dripping down his hair. He wondered how nobody noticed all the blood he left behind. He coughed a little with the blood loss. He sighed and stumbled into alleyway. He stood silently again the walll and slid down. He sat down and put his head on his knees. He covered his head with is hood. He wished someone would come. Somebody would save him, but that feeling quickly faded with the sun. He collapsed onto his side and looked at his hand. It blurred and he closed his eyes. "Ngh.... Za....ne..." Jake pas.sed out.

10:02pm Apr 19 2010
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Angel finally got up, leaving the ice cream. She walked down the street, thinking she heard Zane. After looking for a few minutes, she saw him in the parlor. "Zane?" She said quickly. "Wh.. Where's Jake?" Angel pulled Zane into a hug, knowing he needed it.
10:25pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Zane looke dat Angel and hugged her tightly. "Angel... I needed you so badly... Angel..." Zane's eyes filled with tears but he shook them off. "Jake.. I don't know the way to your house.. I forgot the way and I don't know if Jake is there or if he wandered out into the street. He's not used to being in a house for very long. He runs away a lot.. And I can never find him unless I leave too.. Please Angel.. Check your house... I want to help Jake.. I want him to be okay.." Zane looke dup at Angel and gave his childish smile.