11:09pm Apr 19 2010
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Angel couldn't help but tear up at Zane's words. "Shhh..." She whispered in his ear. "We'll find him, Hun. We will... Let's go to my house and check for him... If he's not there then we'll search for him else where." Angel let go of Zane and took his hand. "My house is this way.." She mumbled.
11:14pm Apr 19 2010
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Zane nodded and held her hand tightly. He trembled slightly. He couldn't bear the thought of loosing Jake. Jake was already beaten by his father, 2nd time that day. He just couldn't think of Jake running off again and getting hurt. He knew how badly Jake was hurt. That was probably a best situation beating. He saw the worst just a couple days ago when Jake smacked him for taking his stuffed animal. Zane teared up and shook his head. No.. no.. Your alive. You can't kill yourself unless you jump from a bridge.. unless you slit your wrists... Please Jake...
11:25pm Apr 19 2010
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Angel felt Zane tremble which made her hurry all the more. She quickened her pace, quickly reaching her plain white house in a matter of minutes. She opened the door and called inside. "Jake??" Angel took a step inside. "Are you there?" No reply. She went upstairs, opening every door looking for him. Nothing. Rushing downstairs, she quickly asked Zane," Where would Jake usually run off to?"
11:34pm Apr 19 2010
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Angel's words made Zane shake in fear. "I-I dunno.. I never followed him... I did once, but he saw me and ran off into a dark alleyway... He likes dark places because nobody can see his scratches and bruises.. He hates to make people worry when he's beatenn." He looked at Angel. "An alleyway.... He probably went into an alleyway.. Or the beach.. Somewhere where he can be alone... Jake isn't really a person who tells me where he goes. He's very to himself because of his SO... People just tease him so he goes alone.." Zane grabbed Angel's hand and ran out. He ran to the closest alleyway. We can statr in this one.."
11:40pm Apr 19 2010
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Angel nodded, absorbing Zane's every word incase this happened again, and hopefully, it doesn't. She followed him into the alleyway, keeping her eyes sharp incase she spotted him. "Dark... places... or the beach.." Angel mumbled as she searched through the whole alley. "I... I don't see him..." She said after a few minutes of searching. It frustrated her so, Jake running away because of his bruises and his SO. Angel thought he just needed to talk to some one about it sometime. At least to his brother!
11:48pm Apr 19 2010
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Zane dropped to his knees. "I should have listened the first time he tried to tell me everything.. I should have protected him when Dad beat him each day.. I should have been there instead of shunning him for a while... I should have.. I should have been a better brother.. None of this woul dhave happened.." Zane put his face in his hands and began to sob. "Jake is gone.. Jake is gone because I didn't listen to him.. Just please bring Jake back to me... Jake is everything I have.. The only one who protected me when Dad almost beat me..." Zane looked up at Angel. He whimpered slightly and stood up sliwly. He hugged Angel. "please help me get my brother back.."
11:50pm Apr 19 2010
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Angel felt tears fall down her face as Zane said those words. "No.." She said to him. "No... It isn't your fault. You're not a bad brother... He's not dead... I know he's not. I know he's not... We will find him if it costs me my life Zane..." Angel pulled Zane on his feet and hugged him hard. "Now, let's go look on the beach... You said he could be on the beach..."
11:57pm Apr 19 2010
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Zane nodded and looked at Angel. He took his hand and gently slid it under her eye and across her cheek. "Don't you cry... Your supposed to be the strong one in our friendship... I've never thought you would cry..." He hugged her and nodded. "Alright.. But please, let's look in the alleyways on the way. THere are a couple and I don't wana skip over Jake.. He could be hurt.." Zane began to walk again. He looked into the next alleyway and looked on teh floor. He sighed. "Not here either!!" (alleyway next to the beach... Last on ebfore your get there.. Jake's laying on the floor.)
12:01am Apr 20 2010
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((M'kay. ^-^)) Angel sighed and wiped the rest of her tears away. She never cried; so naturally, she didn't know why she was crying now. Angel found a little strength in Zane's words and continued walking. She pas.sed by the alleyway after Zane. Nothing there either. "Nope... Not in this one..." She called, moving onto the next. She sighed after peering into another. "Nothing here either... But don't get discouraged... He has to be here somewhere..!"
12:05am Apr 20 2010
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Zane nodded and walked into the next alleyway. "He isn't here eiter." he heard the waves caraching on the dock and rocks near the s*censored*. "There is only one alleyway... If he isn't there.. He has to be at the beach. I'm scared of being diasappointed.. You look Angel.." Zane walked toward te last alleyways and flopped into the sidewalk. "please.. I want to know if jake is there or not.. But i don't have the strength to walk in there."
12:12am Apr 20 2010
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Angel nodded sympathetically and walked towards the last Alleyway. She peeked her head in and noticed something unusual that wasn't in the others. It was much bigger than a rat, and it was alive, or so she hoped. "Zane!" Angel said excitedly as she entered the alley. "He's in here!" Angel ran up to Jake, fortunante she had taken that 1st responders cla.ss last year. Angel plopped to Jake's side and rested her ear on his chest. He was breathing, barely. "Jake..." She called to him, slapping his face softly; she was trying to get him back to conciousness. "Come one buddy... Come one... Breath again... For your brother..."
12:20am Apr 20 2010
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Zane's eyes widened and he ran in. "Jake! Jake!!" He ran over and plopped down next to Angel. "What's wrong with Jake?" He put his ear to Jake's mouth and felt a slight breath. "H-He's dying?! Jake...." He placed his head on Jake's stomach and layed his body flat on the floor. "I'm not leaving him here... If i Have to stay, I will... Please Angel.. Get someon who can carry him. I want him in a safe house.." Jake heard Angel's cries. He heard "for your brother" most of all. Zane... Zane went out at sunset to look for me...Zane... He felt something warm against his stomach. He slowly ad shakily placed a bloody hand on his brothers head. "Zane.... Zane.... Don't cry.... Please..... I won't leave you.... I can't leave you... until I kept my promise..." Jake's hand dropped and his breathing settled down. He was taking slightly deeper breaths.
12:36am Apr 20 2010
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Angel backed off from the two brother's letting them have their moment. "I'll... I'll call my dad," She said quietly to Zane. "He's a doctor, he'll know what to do." Angel walked out the alleyway, pulling a cell phone out of her pocket. She hit a few buttons and called her father. "Hey... Dad? Uh... I'm fine, but Jake's not. He's injured, bad beatings... Yeah... Could you drive here and help him? He's bleeding... Hurry!" Angel hung up and rushed back to the others. "Hey... Uh, my dad's on his way... He'll be here in a minute or so."
12:48am Apr 20 2010
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Zane nodded and sat back up. "Sorry Jake.. That proabably strained your breathing.. I hope you forgive me for everything I didn't do.. If I have just protected you that one time... Maybe... Maybe this wouldn't have happened. I'm such a terrible little brother.." Zane held Jake's hand in his and squeezed it. His cheek was bloody from Jake placing his hand on it. "Jake.. I'm so sorry." He looked at Angel. "Mind helping him walk. I'm not strong enough.. And thank you Angel I'm sory you had to see him get beaten.. But im glad you shouted when you did.." Jake opened his eyes and looked at Angel then Zane. "Listen Zane. Your not a terrible little brother.. And you were little the first time I got beat.. Only 11 when the bad one happened. Please Zane. Just.. Don't worry about the likes of me." He looked ta Angel. "Thank you for taking care of Zane.. He's such a mess. I wish he wasn't, but it couldn't be helped. I dropped him.."
12:57am Apr 20 2010
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All this blaming yourself was getting on Angel's nerves. "I think you two should stop blaming eachother and just be thankful you both are alive and have that strong bond that you do." Angel said as she pushed Jake into a sitting upright position. She bit her lip as she quick swept his body for wounds. "He got you good this time..." She noted to herself out loud. "I'm sure neither of you can stay in that house anymore.... I certainly won't allow it..." Angel let out a big sigh. A moment later, a silver van pulled next to the alleyway entrance. A young man stepped out and whistled when he saw Jake. "Alright son, let's get you, carefully, into the back seat... Angel, help please." Angel and her father lifted Jake softly into the back seat, placing his head unto a small pile of towels. Angel hopped in the front seat and notioned for Zane to come along to. "Let's go Zane. He's in good hands now."
1:08am Apr 20 2010
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Jake looked at the young man. "I supposed I could clean the seat after i'm all healed. It wouldn't be a problem at all. And i'm sorry for causing so much trouble. Thank you though. You and your daughter are so very kind to us.." Jake smiled Zane got into the van and sat sext to Jake. He put his brother's legs on his lap and closed the door. "I'm sorry Angel I've always been such a burden on you and never repayed you for any of it. I owe you something." He smiled and gently rolled up his brother's pants. He looked at the scratched. "Jake... Your so strong.. You put up with so much.. And yet.. Shed not a single tear.." (night)
1:09am Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 1:13am Apr 20 2010)
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Angel's father nodded sympathetically. "It's fine kid, we can clean the seats, it's no big worry. You should be worring about you health and brother more than our car." Angel sighed and turned back in her seat. She rested her hand upon Jake's arm. "No worries. You two will be our guests and we'll heal you too up fine. Your brother's right, you are strong. Which, might I add, is a good thing. He needs you, and in a way, you need him as well..." Angel looked at the brothers and felt a sort of pain. She wished she had a sibling she could care for like that. ((Alrighty, goin' to bed. Recap for all y'all~ (Between RuRu and me): We were pretty much just looking for Jake who went 'missing' aka wondered off then we found him in an alley and are bringing him to Angel's house. xD Saves you some reading. :3))
11:36am Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace nodded, stepping up to his ankles in the cyrstaline water. His eyes reflected the waves in a shade of pale silver that was mystifying. He said gently, almost to himself, "I don't think I'll ever get tired of the sand between my toes or the waves lapping at my feet. It's comforting and soothing. Nice, even." He glanced across the water's surface, letting his eyes wander a bit. His mind was suddenly elsewhere.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:56pm Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 3:04pm Apr 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni breathed in her hair blew across her beautiful face and her eyes glowed as honey as pink flamed in the ocean sky.She put her feet in the cool clear water and watched a crab walk across the white crystal abyss of sand.She sighed “hm’yea”But sunni’s mind was on another subject one she tried to hold back but yet she craved to take the plunge to live every day like you dying she thought, and she would never forgive herself if it went wrong but would lie and fail to her heart and happiness if she didn’t and would always wish she had.Her legs felt numb and her heart raced her mind screamed “live everyday like your dying live everyday like your dying”Her palms where cold with sweat and her chest ached deep inside.She faced jace she didn’t flinch or speak a word her eyes told all.She closed them and lighly pressed her lips against his…..
3:05pm Apr 20 2010
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Jace stumbled backwards in surprize, tripping and falling into the clear water with a splash. He grimaced as water seeped into his clothes and soaked him; a chill ran up his spine. His eyes were wide with shock, hair falling in front of his face in lank, wet strips. He bit his lip. "Um...That was interesting," he admitted with a small smile. Hope shimmered on his features. "Can we try that again some time?" A nervous laugh escaped his throat.
wuss poppin jimbo