3:09pm Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 3:10pm Apr 20 2010)
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Sunni blushed and giggled not the kiss she imgained but it was sweet and she felt somthing there...She turned her face to the side and blushed she plunged in the water icy water she shivered but indide she was burning battery acid pumping through her veins her heart sputtered wshe laid next to him in the salty bath.She locked eyes with him her eyes shimmered as if they spoke love or something more she didnt know how to anwser of course she wanted to kiss him again.She hoped her eyes told that.
3:12pm Apr 20 2010
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Jace, of course, didn't return the same feelings Sunni had for him. They'd just met, after all. Sure, he did think she was cute, and nice, and his type, but he liked to take things slowly. one step at a time. He cleared his throat uncomfortably, glancing down at himself. His jeans were soaked, and his white shirt was so wet you could see right through it, revealing a smooth, marbled chest with some pretty impressive muscle tone to it. He blushed and looked away. "It's getting late," he said dismissively, not really liking the situation they were in. "Perhaps we should head home."
wuss poppin jimbo
3:17pm Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 3:19pm Apr 20 2010)
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Sunni suddenly felt cold, remorse smacked her in the face and she became nausious.She looked away heaving with regreat and embarrasment 'why im so stupid,why!?!?! i messed up its all my fault'She screamed in her head.She turned to him with a fake smile painted on her face trying to hide against such hate for herself and ovewhelming embarrasment her eyes stung and her face burned but she couldnt cry now...not now she rolled them back despereate to keep her cool.She got up fast and turned "um yea......sure"She choked.Limped and falling to get away from such a bad moment.
3:30pm Apr 20 2010
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Jace didn't get up from his wet, cold seating on the beach. "Are you okay?" he asked, biting down harder on his lip, so he drew blood. "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry. Everything's just happening so...fast." He blinked up at her, getting to his feet with a sick feeling in his stomach. "...Sunni?" His palms felt clammy, and sweat prickled the back of his neck like a bunch of needles. Guilt flooded over him like a thick black wave; crushing him and suffocating him. He couldn't even force a smile. _______ Josh managed his way back into his bedroom window, swearing under his breath when he couldn't fit his shoulders in for a moment. He flopped onto his bed, grateful for it's support, when he was disrupted by a loud crash. He glanced up from his pillow, and stared right into his father's eyes. They were out of focus, revealing that he was drunk yet again. In his right hand, he clutched what looked like an empty beer bottle. Josh sat up with a stiffled sigh. Almost immediately, his father rasied his arm, and then brought it down again with tremendous force. A white light flashed in front of his eyes as the beer bottle hit him just under the temple. Pain flared through his head so sharply he thought he would start crying. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he blinked them back and turned to stare at his father with accusing, harsh indigo eyes. That when he noticed the beer bottle had broken. And there was blood on it. He raised a hand to his face immediately, feeling the warm sticky liquid well between his fingers. He was bleeding. Actually, really, bleeding. His father had hit him, burned him, belted him and knocked him out, but not once had he bled. Adrenaline pumped through his veins like fire, making him feel stronger and braver. Almost to the point of stupidity. Josh stood up, wrenched the bottle out of his father's hand, and tossed it aside. It shattered on the floor. Then he pushed the drunk out of his way, and stormed downstairs, hand still clamped to his face. He needed medical care. Or something. He didn't know. He left his house, panting, vision starting to waver. He could already feel the strength drain out of his body, leaving him weak.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:44pm Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 3:58pm Apr 20 2010)
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Sunni turned and pimped to him.She felt dumb for almost crying and feeling so dumb for her overbearing emotion for him and the guilt to have it.The choke of embarrasment still slightly gagged her.She put her head down and looked up her eyes gl*censored*y and fragile like they where to shatter in a million peices at any moment she gulped "yea,its okay my fault i didnt mean it like that im so sorry"She tried to cver the tracks from her eager lust earlier.She shifted a littler closer to him and watched a mino in the light waves to distract herself from emotions.Then she thought she looked at him how he was beautiful he had the perfect body.She looked at her chubby self then it punched in the face 'thats why'she thought.SHe looked at him "its okay i dont blame you im sorry you dont want a fat girl all up on you..its okay"At that moment she wanted to run to ride to never see the sun again
4:36pm Apr 20 2010
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Jace was puzzled. "You're not fat, you're pretty," he blurted out almost automatically. He blushed a little bit. "And it's okay, Sunni. I'm not mad." His eyes shimmered. "And as for the whole...kissing thing..." HE blinked, "Just give it some time. I like to take things slowly." He smiled, dazzingly, and took off his glas ses. "I can stop wearing my glas ses if it makes you feel better. That way you'll just look like a big blur and it won't make any difference on our relationship if you're fat, or skinny, or pretty, or ugly."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:36pm Apr 20 2010
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(what happen? Where are Jake and Zane.. Wit.. nvm.. Kink isn;t on.. But what happen?)
10:40pm Apr 20 2010
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Jake laughed slightly and looked at Zane. He looked back at angel. "I have a favor to ask of you both.. Please, report that Zane is the one being beaten to the Child thing... I want him to be adopted. Please, adopt him. I don't want him in a house where he might one day really get beaten.. I can't bear that thought. He is too frail and he's too nice for it.." He looked at Zane. Zane's eyes widened. "no! Jake please Jake!! I don't wana leav you.. You need me like I need you.. I don't care if i'm beaten sometime.. I can take it.. Plus, i know your just going to stop Father in the middle and you'll end up beaten.. Please Jake.."
12:13am Apr 21 2010
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((Would you mind if I made another Charra? :3 Caroline? :p She's pretty chill. haha))
12:25am Apr 21 2010
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(lol.. I guess it might be okay... You'd have to Ask the others....)
12:29am Apr 21 2010
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Name: Caroline Fitzgerald (A.K.A. Carol) Age: 17 Gender: Female Crush/Bf/GF: Hahaha. No. Power?: Super strenth + speed Personality: Caroline is rather mysterious, always keeping to herself. She never likes to talk about herself or her life. She almost never goes to her house, living on the streets, working odd jobs here and there. She hates her mother with a pa.ssion, and whenever she tries to say something she has a 'bad tone' or 'attitude' about it. Carol has many 'unexplained' bruises, cuts, and scars all around her body; and, she will get extremely angry when you see or mention them. History: o-o (She doesn't like to talk about it) xD Other: She's somewhat Bi-curious but has yet to tell anyone. :3 Looks: (Never gonna find a picture to describe her. xD) Angel is about 5' 5" with long, naturally straight, black hair with bangs that usually get into her eyes, which are dark gray (Almost black). She has olive colored skin which has no blemishes, other than a few scars and such. She never wears make up because she doesn't need any. On her right cheek, there is a long, smooth scar running from her ear to her jawbone. She hides this by wearing a dark hoodie with the hood up. She has many other scars but keeps them hidden under long pants and long sleeved shirts, and the occasional 'hobo' gloves. Her build is rather athletic and she can eat as much as she wants and never gain a pound. (Lucky)
12:31am Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(holy crap.. That is almost exactly me.. I;m shorter, but i have scars around me. Just not the face scar... and my hair is black... With bangs over my eyes tthat wotn stay out...)
12:35am Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Too late. xD I already made her. :3)) Angel's father looked at her before clearing his throat. "I.. I think adoption is a big step... Maybe you two, yes, the both of you, could just stay with us instead. Adoption might upset you parents..." Angel looked out the window, trying to hide her embarra.ssment. Neither of them thought adoption was a big step. The big thing was money. Adoptions took lawyers and a lot of cash, neither of which did Angel's family have. They were going through a bit of a slump, loosing lots of money. "I'm sure it will be no problem with you guys staying with us." Angel added after a moment.
12:38am Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Woah... o-o That is weird. ))
12:41am Apr 21 2010
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Jake looked at them. "Look, i understand money is tight.. It is for us too.. That's mostly why I'm beat.. I don't have a job, I'm almost 19... and... they want to kick me.. out anyways.." Jake coughed and moaned. The pain in his chest and abdomine came back. He panted a little and looked at Zane. "Listen, Zane.... Please, do not worry about me for the time being.. You know I've seen worse, but he is stronger than before." He sighed. "Umm Sir.. Please, allow us to stay for a while or at least keep Zane for a while... I really want him to be safe.. I don't care if I'm beat a hundred times over for this.." Zane looked at Jake then Angel. "Mr. Angel's father, if your a doctor, why can't you adopt us.. I mean, aren't doctors really rich?" He looked at the two and sighed. "Nevermind.. I shouldn't get into other people's business.." He looked at Angel. "Umm.. Thank you for helping me.." He blushed slightly. "Your awefully nice now.."
12:46am Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(yeah.. Don't describe me anymore.. It's guna be creappy...)
12:48am Apr 21 2010 (last edited on 1:01am Apr 21 2010)
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((Aww...! He's blushing. So cute! xD haha)) [I think I'm going to name Angel's dad 'John' xD] John pulled into the driveway of the house and stopped the engine. He turned around to face the two boys. "Firstly: I will keep BOTH of you at my house. I will not stand the beating of children around here. And secondly: You're in pain. Let's get you into the house." Angel hopped out of the front seat, smiling at Zane as she opened the back seat door. "Alrighty, let's get him carefully out of here. Zane... You look tired. You should go inside and rest. I'll be there with you in a minute." Angel and Mr. Hart heaved Jake out of the car and lifted him upstairs to the guest bedroom. Angel stood outside for a few moment's while her dad patched Jake up. She went downstairs and looked for Zane, ready to tell him Jake was going to be alright.
12:49am Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((I won't. I usually only play one girl which is Angel. Otherwise I have guys. I almost never play 2 girls! xD))
12:54am Apr 21 2010
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(his name is Jake........) Zane nodded and got out of the car. He closed the door. "I wonder how Jake is going to fix that car seat.. It's blood-soaked." Zane sighed and walked inside. He saw angel. "Angel... Thank you guys so much.. Jake has never been helped like this.. I'm usually stuck at home waiting for him to return when he's feeling better.. Once, he was gone for a week.. But I'm glad you were here. He might hvae been dead by now.." Jake looked at John. "You know... Your the first person to really help me when I needed it.. I'm thankful.. I can repay you... Pretty nicely too... But i really just want Zane to be happy. Um.. Do you mind doing me a favor? Can you...." He looked away. "nevermind... Forget I brought anything up.." He looked at the ceiling.
1:03am Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni gulped and smiled reilief washed through her she felt lighter and happy again Jace was the sweetest boy she had ever met.She dug her toes in the sand and looked up to him.Se just wanted to run over and give him a huge hug.She looked up at the now navy blackened sky and how at night the beach opened up and the water became an inky black abyss.She would remeber as a child always being fearful of the beach at nigh.But now it didnt matter.Sunni's stomache was filled with butterflies.She pulled her hair back with an old rubber band and sighed though it was night her eyes sparkled like stars "haha no keep em yer cute with gl*censored*es"She sat down in the damp sand already soaked it didnt matter.She looked at jace for reaction maybe he forgot about wanting to leave.She didnt want this night to ever end she shivered though it was cold it wasnt a big concern for her she wanted to stay with Jace."i know we have to go but i wish be didnt"She dug her face into her knees scrunching into a ball "my grandmother..im never going home"she didnt want to tell him her thought but they just came out.
