1:05am Apr 21 2010
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((Oh mah gosh. x3 Sorry 'bout that. I'm a little tired. Spaced on the name...)) John looked at Jake, a concern in his grey eyes. "What son?" He asked in a soft tone. "You can ask me anything." He pulled up a chair and sat next to Jake's bed. Angel pulled Zane into a hug and smiled. "Anything for a friend. I mean, you pretty much are my only friend..." Angel sighed and looked at Zane. "Would you care to go see your brother now? He's feeling much better..." ((Fail posts. D:))
1:13am Apr 21 2010
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(tis fine) Jae looked at John, his eyes a soft reddish color. "S-Son...?" Jake thought back to the last time he had even been considered a son. He shook off the thought of never being called that. "Umm. The money Zane has for my parents' bread... Can you take it... And buy him a stuffed animal? He's never had one.. I wanted to get him one for his birthday, but I could never get away from him long enough to go find one... I know it sounds really stupid, but he is the only person left that loves me. I want to get him something he's never had." Jake gave a weak smile and reached out for John's hand but his hand fell on his knee. "Keep this a secret: I think I might run away soon... I don't want to take Zane.. He's too frail for the world. Or at least I might find a different house for me and him.." Zane smiled and looked at Angel. He kissed her lightly on the lips and then burried his face in her shoulder. "I dont want to see Jake... I always end up pissing him off and his wounds open up.. I rather wait for him to summon me..." He blushed at the thought of what he just did. D-Did i really just do that.. She's my beast friend.. Oh god she's guna hate me... Zane closed his eyes tightly.

1:19am Apr 21 2010
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John looked at Zane with serious eyes. "Now... I don't like the idea of you running away, especially when your brother is so... frail without you... But if you do feel the need, you will have to take the money. A bear won't cost that much on my part... It's my treat." John patted the top of Jake's hand and smiled. "Now... It might be wise for you to get some rest before you... elope." Angel was extremely suprised by Zane's kiss. She never thought he felt that way about her. But, of course, she could never reject him. He needed her in a strange way. Angel ran her fingers through Zane's hair, hoping to calm him down. "It's okay Hun... You won't piss him off... He loves you too much to get mad at you right now." Angel grinned at him and kissed him softly on the cheek.
1:26am Apr 21 2010
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(i gotta go) Jake nodded and smiled. "Alright. Please don't tell Zane about the bear. It's a secret." Jake gave a weakened laugh and closed his eyes. He smiled as ehf ell asleep. Never in his while lif ehad be felt that a father was with him Zane blushed. "A-ANgel... Thank you.. I know i'm being just a big baby, but i can't help it. I'm glad you were able to put up with it for so long.." He smiled. "Sorry about the kiss. I don't really know hwy I did that.. I'm sorry. I will stop.. and I won't kiss you again... I guess, Jake may have wanted that first anyways.." He laughed slightly. Jake... Your such an idiot at times.. Getting hurt but not shedding a tear... Teach me...
1:31am Apr 21 2010
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((Me too. Night)) Angel smiled at Zane, blushing a bit herself. "It's okay Zane. You're not a big baby... You've gone through a lot and I think you deserve to feel what you have been... I know I would be." Angel paused and looked into his eyes, noticing a bit of pain that she did not recognize. "Jake...? What...? Nevermind," Angel said, shaking her head. She didn't know, or want to know, what he meant by that. Angel sat down on the couch, pulling Zane with her so she could lean on his shoulder.
2:22pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
(REPOST)..((just in case moo would or did miss it :D)) Sunni gulped and smiled reilief washed through her she felt lighter and happy again Jace was the sweetest boy she had ever met.She dug her toes in the sand and looked up to him.Se just wanted to run over and give him a huge hug.She looked up at the now navy blackened sky and how at night the beach opened up and the water became an inky black abyss.She would remeber as a child always being fearful of the beach at nigh.But now it didnt matter.Sunni's stomache was filled with butterflies.She pulled her hair back with an old rubber band and sighed though it was night her eyes sparkled like stars "haha no keep em yer cute with gl*censored*es"She sat down in the damp sand already soaked it didnt matter.She looked at jace for reaction maybe he forgot about wanting to leave.She didnt want this night to ever end she shivered though it was cold it wasnt a big concern for her she wanted to stay with Jace."i know we have to go but i wish be didnt"She dug her face into her knees scrunching into a ball "my grandmother..im never going home"she didnt want to tell him her thought but they just came out.

5:03pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace frowned a little, sitting in the sand beside her. The dry sand stuck to his clothes, making him feel weird and uncomfortable, but he didn't really mind. "We don't have to go this second," he said honestly. "But I don't thi it'd be good for you to be out here all night." He blinked at her last comment, a little off guard. "Maybe you should...find somewhere else to live. I think there's a house for sale two streets from here. It's only $1000. Not bad, if you ask me. It's a new house, too." He glanced at his laptop back, which was absolutely soaked. "And I'm going to need a new laptop." He chuckled weakly.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:17pm Apr 21 2010
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Sunni layed down and gulped the akwardness coming from jace put a pit in her stomache.She looked up at the stars twinkling in the navy sky."i couldnt afford it ill be okay i can sleep on the beach its not to bad laying on it"She laughed."the stars are so pretty tonight my grandmother used to tell me for my birthday i would pick a star because we couldnt afford a present that was before her...disabalitties"She sighed "i know you dont understand me wanting to live but i need to"She inched her hand next to his. (sorry short post))
5:24pm Apr 21 2010
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Jace, oblivious as ever, didn't even notice her hand move. Concern flitted in his stomach like a bird trying to stretch it's wings in a cage too small for it. "Aren't you worried someone will..." he struggled for the proper wording. "Hurt you while you're alone on the beach?" He turned to face her, silver eyes wide behind his glas ses, which he had just put back on moments ago. "And I could always help you pay for a house. It's not a problem, you know." ___________ Josh tripped a few times, despite his usual gracefulness. His legs felt weaker than jell-O as blood leaked down the side of his face. "Bastard actually made me bleed..." he muttered crossly to himself, eyes a little unfocused. He walked across the street, and towards the park again, a pounding head ache forming. He groaned inwardly to himself. Leave it to him. Only Josh could get himself in a mess like this. He sighed, considering punching someone out or kicking someone all the way to the moon.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:32pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
sunni touched his shoulder "it will be okay" she smiled and laughed it off.Good ole' sunni always laughing it off.She slid her hand over and held his."talk about something let...akward maybe"She smiled her eyes sparkled like diamonds and her face glowed pale in the moonlight."live everyday like your dying"she blurted.
7:07pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace's eyes were calm and thoughtful. "That's a good motto to live by," he admitted, staring at the sky. A shock ran up his arm when she took his hand, making him feel fluttery and light. He frowned for a moment. "I've never seen you at school before." he said quietly. "I go to Windsong high; I'll be a senior next year....Do you even GO to my school?" He chuckled lightly.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:41pm Apr 21 2010
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Zane plopped on the couch and blushed slightly. "um.. Alright..Angel, if worse comes to worse, would you please let me and Jake staynhere for a long time. Father doesn't like Jake and I love him.. I feel like Jake is going to run away any moment now.." He sighed and looked at the ceileing. His eyes darkened without any bright lights. "I want to run away with thim this time.."
8:09pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni smiled looking down at her torn up bare feet covered in black filth from life."yea but i blend in there i dont feel like i can be myself im pretty silent at school people...make fun of me about my wieght"She said it as if it didnt bother her.She felt warm deep down and sighed "i dont feel bad about it besides being shy i do what i want im confident..sorta i just gotta keep my head up no regrets if i felt bad i would regreat not living"She closed her eyes and scooted close to him enough that they where almost touching."im 16 by the way".She sniffed and closed her eyes"oh my last name is Winthrop".
8:54pm Apr 21 2010 (last edited on 9:09pm Apr 21 2010)
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Posts: 253
((Join? :D)) Name: Alex "Talon" Hunt Age: 15 Gender: Male Crush/Bf/GF: none Power?: talking to animals Personality: He is a bit of a troublemaker, especialy when he is bored, he will cause trouble for npo apparent reason. But he has a very soft spot for animals,especialy bats. He is not very flirty though, if anyone gets to him, he will love them sencirley. History: He came from a small town in arazona, and always visited the caves, he loved the bats there, and the only girlfriend he had found him talking to the bats there andthought him as crazy and left him. nis only friend was then a bat whom was named akrin. he moved out and now lives alone with akrin. Other: He has a pet bat named akrin, akrin is a small fruit bat. Looks:He has short black hair and blue eyes. he is usualy wearing a shirt with a "mario mushroom" on it (XD), and blue jeans. ((sory for it being a little short, I don't have much time to be on the computer now...)) ((edit: to answer a question, he is bi ))
Generic Signature
9:07pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(answer one thing for me... Is he Straight, bi, bi-curious, or gay?? Its a little confusing when ppl dont say anything...)
9:46pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((i think since its moo's board doesnt she decide?))
9:48pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(if pyro get to joins, rihgt? I know. I just wana know if Moo let's pyro join)
10:28pm Apr 21 2010
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10:42pm Apr 21 2010
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(i know that...)
11:50pm Apr 21 2010
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Caroline had just finished up her work: the ice cream parlor. Not much of a job, but, it was all she could get at the moment. Her hood up and her eyes down, something caught her interest: an injured dude limping towards the park. Caroline thought of not helping and just watching, but she knew how he felt. Sighing to herself, Carol quickly walked to the boy's side. "Er... You need help?" She said with her head down. ~ Angel felt like daggers stabbed her heart. Her friend, leaving?!?! Her only friend, leaving?!?! She held back the tears, thinking of how Zane said she wasn't one to cry. "I don't want Josh to run away..." Angel said, rested her shoulder on Zane so he couldn't see her face. "I don't want either of you to run away... Not without me..."