12:01am Apr 22 2010
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Zane looked at Angel and placed his hand on her head. He stroked her hair and smiled slightly. "But you have loving parents.. That's why i'm asking you.. If we go back and Jake is beaten one more time, i want to know we have a home to come to if we run away. Jake would be too hurt to do anything.. Too weak to run very far.. But he can get by at least to this house. Please, if all this comes to worst, can Jake and I... Cane we stay here? We'll help all we can... I can get a job and Jake can too.. We will help you guys.."
12:10am Apr 22 2010
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Angel sighed, not really wanting to think about it. "I don't want either of you to go back... All you do is get beaten for nothing... You don't have to work, we can sustain you. It's all good." Angel shook her shoes off and lifted her feet on the couch, getting more comfortable. "I'm afraid if you work and everything, you won't stay the lovable, kid you are to me..." Angel said after a moment. "I love you the way you are and if you work 40 hours a week or run away, you might change..."
12:22am Apr 22 2010
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Zane looked at Angel and smiled. "Haha, so you think that I woul dchange just by working for once in my life? I worked before. My dad had me pulling weeds for neighbors and stuff. I did yard work." He looked at Angel's feet and legs. "You look a little sore... I can feel it.." He placed his hand on her leg and closed his eyes. "And tense.. What are you so worried about." He opened his eyes and gently m*censored*aged her feet. "Least I can do.. I used to do this to Jak ewhen he got beat..." Jake opened his eyes and sat up slightly. "Ow..." He stood slowly and walked out. "Mr. Angel's father? ow.. Where are you? I need to ask you something.. And i need to get downstairs.." He leaned against the wall and looked at his wounds. They looked like they were healing and they haven't bled.
12:30am Apr 22 2010
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Angel couldn't help but laugh when he grabbed her feet. She definantly wasn't used to that. She looked at him with large eyes filled with an emotion she couldn't describe. "Yard work isn't the same thing as a job though..." She said quietly, more to herself than Zane. She paused for a moment, thinking about his question. What was she so worried about? "I... I don't really know but I think it's about you..." She said after a moment or so. ~ John woke up from a short nap he had been taking on a small chair next to Jake's bed. There were two teddy bears next to the chair, one dark brown and the other lighter. He walked over to Jake and set a large gla.ss of water on the nightstand. "Yes, Jake?" He asked in a soft tone. "What is it?"
12:35am Apr 22 2010
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Zane smiled. "What about me? I've done worse than that.. He once almost had me beat Jake... I was terrified when he told me to hit Jake with the pan.. I couldn't do it and cried my eyes out. Father stopped beating Jake because I was traumatized, but he started after Jake ripped the couch with one of the kitchen knives." He gently m*censored*aged her feet and sighed. "This is so much easier.." Jake smiled. He drank some of the water. "I know it may be a lot to ask right now, but I'm hungry.. I forget to get our bread.." He looked at the bears. "Hmm.. What's the second bear for? Zane would love the dark one anyways.." He smiled. "I can help you cook if i have to.. I can stand if you help me down.."
12:41am Apr 22 2010
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John couldn't help but smile. "You slept really well so I got two bears: One for Zane, and one for you. They have little hearts on their chests and they each have the word 'brothers' enscribed on them... I thought you would like them..." John smiled nicely at Jake, hoping he would. He paused before continueing," It's okay. My wife will take care of the cooking, it's her favorite thing to do. What would you care to eat?" Angel looked at Zane's hands, wondering how he could touch feet like that. She never could. They were so... gross. She almost laughed for a moment. "I understand... But I don't want you to go back. Why don't you just stay here?" Angel really didn't want anyone to get beaten or abused anymore. It was against her morales, and everyone elses' in their right minds.
12:47am Apr 22 2010
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Jake looked at John and smiled softly. "Haha, thank you so much.. I love them.. Zane should love the other one as well.." He picke dup the animals and squeezed them tightly. "They are so soft.. And fuzzy.. And warm.." He smiled. "Anything is fine with me.. My parents just made whatever and put plates in front of us. Whatever was on it, we ate.." He looked at the bears and placed one on the night stand for Zane. He held his in his arms and looekd at the heart and word. He let out a childish smile and giggle. "It's... It's cute.... Thank you." He said still smiling. Zane smiled. "Alright.. Our parents don't care anyways.. They just tell us to go where we want but make sure to tell them if we were ever comign back.. They didn;t even seem to care." He let go of Angel's feet. " Feel better?" He stood up and washed his hands quickly. He walked back and sat down. "Better?"
12:52am Apr 22 2010
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((Aw. x3 Jake's so cute right now.)) John couldn't help but be appalled and pleased at one time. First: His parents' were never really parents at all, never caring. Secondly: He loved the bears. "First time I've seen you smile since you were here," John noticed with a grin. "Glad to see you like them... I'm sure Helen (Random wife name) will be done with dinner in about fifteen minutes." John got up, patted the top of Jake's hand, and left him in peace to check on dinner. Angel looked at Zane with a horrified look on her face. "Wow..." She whispered. "I guess I do have a good life..." Angel laughed when Zane washed his hands, thankful he did. Flip flops always got anyones feet dirty. "Yes, much." She said with a grin. "What about you?"
12:54am Apr 22 2010
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((Gotta go. D: Night))
1:03am Apr 22 2010
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(night and Jake is just being what the real Jake is like.) Jake smiled when John put his hand his. "Thank you.. I'm very grateful for these bears.. I've never had one.." Jake laid back down and pulled the blanket up his chest and he had the bear wrapped in his arms. He squeezed it against his body and lossened his hold on it when he began to drift off into sleep. He olaced his head on the bear's head and smiled. He snuggled it and loved how soft it was. He curled up a little and began to drift off. Zane smiled. "I'm always fine as long as Jake is.. If he's safe, I know i am. If he's happy, he cheers me up. If he's calm and relaxed adn okay, i'm perfectly fine.. Jake is finely asleep upstairs and he is safe. So, i'm fine." He smiled and looked at her. "What's with the horrified look?" He blinked and tilted his head.
6:12am Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 1,361
(REPOST) ((maybe the characters should meet up soon...)) Sunni smiled looking down at her torn up bare feet covered in black filth from life."yea but i blend in there i dont feel like i can be myself im pretty silent at school people...make fun of me about my wieght"She said it as if it didnt bother her.She felt warm deep down and sighed "i dont feel bad about it besides being shy i do what i want im confident..sorta i just gotta keep my head up no regrets if i felt bad i would regreat not living"She closed her eyes and scooted close to him enough that they where almost touching."im 16 by the way".She sniffed and closed her eyes"oh my last name is Winthrop".
2:05pm Apr 22 2010
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Angel shook her head and returned the smile to Zane. "It's nothing really... I just couldn't imagine my parents not caring if I never returned or not..." Angel looked into the kitchen where her mom was making a pot roast, humming Angel's lullaby. She couldn't imagine her mom in that way, niether her dad who was walking down the stairs. "In fact, I can't imagine then not caring at all... I've never seen my parent's drunk... I've barely seen them drink a little wine! It just amazes me how people can act in such ways..."
2:56pm Apr 22 2010
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Jace smirked, a shiver travelling down his spine. He ssaid carefully, "Not many people know...but my real name is Jason. Jason Willowspring." He chuckled. "I perfer Jace though; much better-sounding." He glanced back at her with a guarded ex pression. "Hrm. I would have thought you were older." _______ Josh was still in the park, eyes wavering. His head was reeling in countless directions. A warm, numbing feeling washed over him, making him seem peaceful and quiet. He flopped onto the gr*censored*, threading his blood-stained fingers through the emerald strands. Josh's hair stuck to the side of his face that was drenched in blood.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:07pm Apr 22 2010
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Caroline had just finished up her work: the ice cream parlor. Not much of a job, but, it was all she could get at the moment. Her hood up and her eyes down, something caught her interest: an injured dude limping towards the park. Caroline thought of not helping and just watching, but she knew how he felt. Sighing to herself, Carol quickly walked to the boy's side when she saw him fall into the gra.ss. "Er... You need help?" She said with her head down.
3:11pm Apr 22 2010
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Josh looked up at her with a puzzled ex pression. "Who are you?" he asked, blinking a few times to make her stay still. He was seein doubles. "Oh. You're a girl. And no, I don't need help." He let his eyes trail back to the ground. "I'm just feeling...tired. Mmm. Maybe a nap will do." He stiffled a yawn.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:19pm Apr 22 2010
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Carol couldn't stiffle a laugh. It sounded quite pleasent in the silence of the park. "What's the matter? Think a girl couldn't help you?" She teased somewhat. Carol noticed the blood and sighed. "I'm pretty sure a nap would just send you into a concussion and kill you. So..." She paused before asking again. "Care for some help?"
3:28pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh stretched out lazily. "I just thought you were something else, that's all." He glanced up at her, and couldn't help but smirk a little bit to himself. "concussion and kill me, huh? Doesn't sound so bad. Falling asleep and not waking up..." He blinked, shaking his head a little, which made a shooting pain surge through his temple. It cleared the fog in his mind. "Um.. Help would be nice."
wuss poppin jimbo
3:44pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Carol figured that he would give in after a while. "There's a free clinic a few miles up," She said after a moment. "Hope you don't mind it." Carol looked down and gently picked Josh up as if he was a small child. She slumped him over her shoulder and started jogging casually down the street, still quicker than the average human should have been going. After a few minutes, they reached the clinic and Carol pulled Josh back in her arms. She set him in a waiting chair and went up to the stand thing which I cannot remember the name and said, "Uhh... That guy over there needs some help..." She walked back to him and sat two seats away from him with her arms crossed.
3:54pm Apr 22 2010
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Josh was astounded by her strength at first, and couldn't help compare it to his own unnatural strength and speed. His eyes flashed. Maybe she has the same...condition...as me? He glanced up as a doctor came out to look at him with a worried ex pression. "Looks like stitches," the man muttered. Josh could help but groan a little; he hated needles.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:31pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni sat up she looked him in the eyes and cocked her head.Had she said something wrong?"A gush of nervousness pumped through her."is that a......problem?"She felt odd and dumb for telling him.