6:34pm Apr 22 2010
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Jace shook his head, silver hair starting to spike in random directions as the salty water dried in it. He chuckled lightly. "It doesn't matter," he said, resisting the urge to rip his hand out of her's. Awkwardness just seemed to fly through the air between them like sparks.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:08pm Apr 22 2010
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(( Accepted Pyro )) (( Make him talk to Sarah >:D ))
wuss poppin jimbo
7:10pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 253
((sure, can you just catch me up a little so I know at least a little of what's happening?))
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7:13pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 7:14pm Apr 22 2010)
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(( Umm.... Jace is at the beach with Sunni, Josh is stumbling around in the park, bleeding like a stuck pig, while talking to Carol, Charlotte is somwhere, Sarah's on a swingset, Zane is with Jake and Angel... somewhere. xD Don't really know where; they're moving a bit fast for me, but, you get the idea. o3o; ))
wuss poppin jimbo
7:21pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 253
Alex walked out of his house, he needed some fresh air. Akrin soon flew out after him, landing on his shoulder. Alex walked for a few blocks before seeing a girl on an old swing set. Akrin looked down at Alex, seeing he was looking at her. He began to tease Alex. "getting distracted by pretty girls again, eh Alex? isn't that what got you here in the first place?" Akrin said mockingly. Alex yelled loudly back, "Shutup you stupid bat!" He drew back, realising how loud he had yelled.
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7:33pm Apr 22 2010
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Sarah jumped, heart picking up the pace as someone yelled behind her. She automatically reached for her backpack, heart pounding in her chest, as she remembered the pocket knife she had stashed in there. And the lighter. And the dagger. Okay, she had a lot of things stashed in there. Not the point. She pulled the pocket knife out, and spun around to face Alex with wide, terrified blue eyes. "Who are you?" she asked.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:36pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 253
Alex's eyes opened wide and he had rann the other direction without a word. Akrin sat calmly on his shoulder and snickered. "your the one who made me yell, and now she's got out a knife, looking like she is going to kill me..." Alex said to Akrin.
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7:40pm Apr 22 2010
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Sarah sheathed it and shoved the blade in her back pocket, gloved hands shaking nervously. "H-hello?" she called nervously, taking a few steps towards where Alex and Akrin had disappeared. "I-I put the knife away. You can come out now..." She couldn't help it, but her heart was thudding in her chest like it would never stop. She took another couple steps, fiddling with her gloves, and stared into the darkness. A shiver ran up her spine, and fear nearly crippled her. She felt like curling up and sucking on her thumb like a baby. But she didn't; she walked very slowly towards Alex and Akrin.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:43pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 253
Alex looked out at her sheepishly. Akrin flew off his shoulder misgiviously and flew right above sarah's head, Alex quickly ran out after him. "Stupid bat! come back here akrin!" he shouted.
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7:49pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 253
((have to go in ten minutes))
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7:50pm Apr 22 2010
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Sarah paled, and considered running and screaming. She was a bit terrified that a complete stranger was running at her, screaming rubbish, in the middle of the night. She stumbled backwards, tripping. She caught herself on a bench, and looked up at him with a puzzled look. "Can I help you?" she asked sourly, standing up and brushing herself off. "Or do you just enjoy scaring the crap out of me?" Her hand automatically wanted to grip her pocket knife, but she decided she'd be beetter off leaving it in her pocket for now. Seeing the bat made shivers travel up her spine again. She hated bats. Bats, spiders, and snakes were all her least favourite animals.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:54pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 253
Akrin landed on his shoulder and Alex finnally spoke to her. "Hi. my name is Alex... sorry for scaring you, my friend here is a bit out of hand tonite." he panted, trying to catch his breath from running after akrin. "Im new in town, I just blew in from arazona."
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8:01pm Apr 22 2010
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Sarah was perplexed. "Your...friend?" she muttered, staring at the bat with immediate disliking. She continued anyways, "My name is Sarah." She moved her hand from her back pocket, considering shaking hands with him, until she remembered her gloves. Her stomach twisted itself in knots. "Um.. nice to meet you. And your...bat thing." Her eyes focused on her shoes as she played with her gloves nervously.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:26pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 8:29pm Apr 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni scensed somthing was wrong.As if one major thing was out of place right under her nose lust or anything good was poisoned if the other didnt feel the same.She looked to Jace she could almost smell him hating this.She looked down and felt a stad of pain in her chest.Sunni slowly pulled her smally sweaty hand out of his.She knew he didnt feel anything he felt pity nothing more.It was the last thing sunni needed she didnt need pity he was a lier,lying to make her happy.Fits of rage and sadness boiled through her.She stood up slowly her eyes seething in pain "im sorry"Her voice sullen and cruel as if her voice became hard as stone.She flicked her hair over her eyes.She looked to the street and started to walk into the now icy sand.More than ever she felt unloved unwanted for once and more than ever she had to go.
8:34pm Apr 22 2010
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Pain. That's all Jace felt, gripping him like an iron fist, as he watched her walk away. He didn't care if she was fat, or ugly, or short, or younger than him, or whatever she wanted to say. He liked her a lot. Yes, maybe he didn't necissarily want to date her, yet, but she didn't have to just get up and leave. His eyes glittered, and his smiled faded into a pained ex pression as she left. Maybe she didn't like him after all. Maybe she had just been leading him on for fun. Another sharp pain flared through his chest, like someone had stabbed him. He glanced sideways at his laptop, curling his hands into fists. His teeth clenched, and his eyes hardened with fury. This always happened to him; he got attached to someone, and they just walked right out of his life like he was nothing to them. Resisting the urge to scream and flail around like a young child, he blinked back his tears and turned his eyes back to the horizon. The dim moonlight painted everything a light silver, or a deep black. He was cold, shaking, and upset, but he didn't move.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:45pm Apr 22 2010
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Sunni turned and saw Jace's face.She gulped holding back tears as she felt his pain by seeing his eyes.She smiled "c'mon"Though her voice was still solen and calm as she tried to recover.She shivered rapidly her head felt woozy from going from stabbing pain to reilief."let go somewhere"Her eyes where gl*censored*y from the fury that had p*censored*ed.She like jace an instint attchment she might not have loved him yet but she needed him not because of money or getting off the street but because of companionship.Sunni wanted to run up to him and hug him but she didnt want to make him feel akward.She waited for him to come she wtched his hair dance in the beautiful moonlit night. ( i sorta fergot jace was really shy,lol)
8:56pm Apr 22 2010
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Jace looked up at her, eyes flat and fathomless. They'd lost their sparkle and charm; all that showed in them not was pain and confusion. He stood up, leaving his laptop to sit in the sand, and glanced at her evenly. So she just changed her mind all of a sudden? "Where are we going?" he asked quietly as he walked over to him. Sand fell off of his clothes, and out of his hair, leaving his clothes only slightly damp. His hair floated in front of his eyes, as he stared at her without any emotion. He didn't know what to say; one minute, she's leaving. The next minute, she's telling him to come on. Talk about annoying.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:06pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 9:07pm Apr 22 2010)
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Sunni looked down she felt the same feeling from the boy again."look i thought you wanted me to go but i saw your eyes..i geuss i was worng,again'She sighed looking at the sand and the little weed growing between the sand dirt and road.She sniffed she felt so akward and anxious,she hated it terribly."look please,just...tell me the truth"She wanted to say she didnt want to get hurt but that made her seem weak she didnt want to be that ever.
9:11pm Apr 22 2010
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Jace raised one eyebrow, silver eyes questioning and curious. "Tell the truth about what?" He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I like you, a real lot, but, I'm not ready to date. And I can't take the...the..." he struggled for the right word. "Whiplash your giving me. One minute, you want to leave, the next, your practically ontop of me." He chuckled weakly. "Not that I mind either way, but it's starting to bother me slightly. Every time I get close to someone, they leave me for soem reason or the other. They just walk away like I mean nothing to them at all." His right hand curling into a fist, nails biting into the skin on the inside of his palm.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:13pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(sure Kink, leave Jake and Zane hangin.. Thanks a lot...)