9:44am Apr 23 2010
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Jace blinked. "I told you because it's kind of important for you to know. It's something that makes me...me. And I though you'd like to know." He didn't take his eyes off the stars; they were clouded and unreadable for the moment. "I''m not going to cheat on you, with a guy or a girl. Trust me." He stroked her hair softly, glad th at they were so close. Because it was absolutely freezing outside. _________ Sarah frowned, and jogged after him. She caught up to him quickly, despite the fact she was freezing and only wearing a t-shirt and short shorts. She'd been outside so long she'd lost track of time. "Hey!" she protested, stopping beside him. Her pace turned to a walk. "Where do you think your going?" Sarah's eyes sparkled with a unique stubborness she could call her own. And she couldn't help but smile at him; Alex was kind of cute.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:32pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 2:32pm Apr 23 2010)
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Sunni snuggled in tight even though to her it wasnt cold.She sighed " i dont really care as long as yu feel for me the way i feel for you.SHe looked up her gold eyes sparlekd like diamonds she locked eyes with him nowwas the moment to speak no words that said a thousand.HEr heart fluttered as sh saw his breath taking face.She breathed in drinking in the moments tat now made her feel righ inside sure sh was a free bird but she wanted to be a free bird with him. ((we gotsta have something exciting happen))
5:38pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 5:42pm Apr 23 2010)
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((Nevermind. xD RuRu: I think you're high. x3 I totally posted with Angel before I posted with Carol... o-o I can go back and re-post if you would like... :3))
5:43pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 253
Alex smiled back and replied shyly, "no, I really have to be going, I have to feed akrin anyways." Akrin got up with fruit in his paws still and stared at Alex at the mention of his name. Alex sighed, "well, I guess I could stay a little and talk..." Alex began to chatter to Akrin with a few screeches and squeaks. Akrin nodded and flew off towards his home, leaving Alex and Sarah alone.
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6:37pm Apr 23 2010
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((um replies? maybe? sorry i dun mean ta sound mean but idk im a unpatient rper....))
7:16pm Apr 23 2010
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((Repost for RuRu. xD)) Angel shook her head and returned the smile to Zane. "It's nothing really... I just couldn't imagine my parents not caring if I never returned or not..." Angel looked into the kitchen where her mom was making a pot roast, humming Angel's lullaby. She couldn't imagine her mom in that way, niether her dad who was walking down the stairs. "In fact, I can't imagine then not caring at all... I've never seen my parent's drunk... I've barely seen them drink a little wine! It just amazes me how people can act in such ways..." ~ Caroline picked up a Health magazine, trying to ignore Josh. She saw him look at her real quick, he was probably wondering how she could have so easily picked him up, none the less run that fast. She herself was wondering how she could. Carol heard Josh groan and couldn't help but smile. "Needles aren't that bad," She said after a moment. "I'm sure you've had worse, just lookin' at you."
7:32pm Apr 23 2010
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Josh paled a little bit, letting her comment slide past him without letting it settle in. "Everybody has fears," he muttered. "Mine just so happens to be needles." His eyes settled on the doctor again, frowning to himself. The doctor instructed him to follow him into another room, looking over Josh with slightly nervous eyes. Josh grunted, standing up shakily, and looked at Caroline again. "Thanks," he mumbled, following the doctor out. ______ Jace smiled, and despite his promise, he slipped into a light sleep. His dreams were all colours, faces, shapes and sounds. A lot of running. Panic. He couldn't run fast enough. ______ Sarah didn't bother to ask him about the chattering and squeaking, because she didn't really care. The bat was gone. She finally relax a little, relief spread through her like a calm, soothing wave. "I'm sorry for pulling a blade on you," she admitted sheepishly, blushing slightly. "You just kind of freaked me out." Sarah blinked. "What were you yelling at?" ((Sorrry... I had to go somewhere with my grandparents o3o ))
wuss poppin jimbo
7:48pm Apr 23 2010
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"Uh huh," Caroline said to Josh without even looking up. "All have our fears..." She repeated, more crooned though. Carol looked at Josh, as he walked away with the doctor, in the corner of her eye. "Yeah," She said as a sort of answer to the thanks. "I'll be here when you get back so you don't die on the way home." ((Gotta go for dinner))
7:52pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 253
Alex was about to admit he could understand his bat... but then he lied to her so he might have a better chanse of her staying. "uh... he bit my hand when I tried to feed him a mango, and started screeching at me like mad..." he lied. Alex stared in her eyes, trying not to let the fact that he lied go, he calmed down a bit and relaxed his musscles... 'when you lie, you tend to be a little... tight...' he thought, 'so maby she won't notice if I relax a bit.'
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7:59pm Apr 23 2010
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Sunni closed her eyes warm all over.SHe sighed as the navy sky becan to become dark grey with the coming of morning.She sighed but felt a little sad he would leave with the sun.She flicked her hood up as she swung her legs back and forth rocking the board.She had no idea he was aslepp jace didnt seem like much of a talker anyways.She opened her eyes and looked at the dew in the fresh cut deep green gr*censored*.She looked over at the river the clearest she had ever seen it untouched,pure,
8:18pm Apr 23 2010
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Sarah nodded, blue eyes calm and collected as she tugged once more at her gloves. She was always terrified that they would fall off, so she was constantly fidgeting with them and playing with the cuffs. "I don't like bats," she admitted. "But I guess that one's okay. It seems tamed. A little bit." She let a nervous chuckled out. He seemed tense, but she pushed it away. He was probably just as nervous as she was. Not once did she let herself forget about the pocket knife in her back pocket. Just in case. ___________ Jace was alseep. :O ___________ Josh was getting his face stitched up :O (( LOL. The last two were fail. Dx ))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:21pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 8:25pm Apr 23 2010)
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((i said she had no idea she was asleep in the post...))
8:21pm Apr 23 2010
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((What is Sara doing? Sorry I took so long to get back on D8))
8:27pm Apr 23 2010
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(( Sarah's talking to Alex. Charlotte is alone in the park somewhere. xD ))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:28pm Apr 23 2010
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(( Rocca ; I still can't do anything whether she knows or not. o3o HE'S ASLEEP. lol. >___> ))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:30pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((What happened? D8 Where can Kiru pop in?))
8:33pm Apr 23 2010
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(( Charlotte's a bubbly blonde 8D So, Make Kiru walk into the park or something, or already be there, so Charlotte can be all spaz-matic and start talking to her. xD ))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:34pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 253
Alex chuckled a little too. "yea, he has just been a little misgevious since we moved here." Alex sat down on the bench and stared up at the stars in the sky. ((it IS night right? Im a little confused will edit if it is not night.))
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8:36pm Apr 23 2010
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((Ok, Kiru will be all uncomfortable and Ugh-ish xD)) Kiru walked through the green gr*censored*, her bare feet crushing the delicate stalks beneath them. Her white hair framed her pale face, her head hanging low, as the wind rustled through the trees. In her arms she clutched a small leather-bound note/sketchbook and a pencil was tucked behind her ear. She sighed patiently, counting her steps carefully so she knew where she was. I wish I could see, she thought ruefully, brushing a strand of hair from her ice blue eyes.
8:40pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 8:41pm Apr 23 2010)
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Sunni swang her legs back and forth more rapidly the thin ply wood board began to creak and moan under her not that she noticed.She sighed her eyes closed unaware then "ping!"The nail on her side of the board snapped out the the old branch and tilted causing her to plumit to earth that she was completely unexpecting then htting the icy dewy earth with a thud on her butt,"ah!"She yelled at the pain on her lower back as she stumbled and tried to get up. (need ta get some more drama maybe we should have characters meet up soon?))