10:00pm Apr 23 2010
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(( Bye! D: )) Sarah nodded, and sat down on the edge of the bed in the room. She let her hand drift over the soft blankets, and then laid back. She closed her eyes, all the walking and running she'd done that day washing over her in one big tide. She drifted into a light sleep, a smile on her face.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:05pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Light. Brightness... Pain. Three things occurred to Jace as his eyelids fluttered open. One, the light above him was unnaturally bright and annoying. Two, the bright light was hurting his eyes, and making him squint. Three, a thobbing, strong pain was pulsing in the back of his head. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked around the little white room in confusion. A low beeping came from a machine. A needle was stuck in his wrist, and a band was wrapped around it to keep him from pulling it out. He reached his free hand up and touched the back of his head gingerly. There was a bandage covering the wound where he'd hit his head, and he could only as sume they'd given him stitches. "Hello?" he croaked, throat and mouth dry. Jace felt absolutely parched. "Anyone there?" He felt very alone.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:08pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni heard his sweet voice even as her croaked it was beautiful.She ran in and looked at him she cocked her head standing there at the foot of the cot her was laying on "are..you okay?"She qeustioned her voice crackled from stress.She walked of to him leaned over and lightly kissed befroe pulling away for him to answer.
10:11pm Apr 23 2010
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Jace glanced at her sideways, not able to react as she kissed him. His mind was elsewhere. "I guess..." he muttered, staring at the wall ahead of him. He frowned, and narrowed his eyes in consentration. "Am I...in a hospital?" he asked, clearly disorientated.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:16pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni tilled her head away tears lined her beautiful gold eyes.She sighed and looked at him "yea you are you were hurt pretty bad"she steped out of the room into the hallway "nurse!'She yelled out as a short plump blonde woman walked in the room."he seems to be disoriented"She looked at him then walked out of the room for the nurse to do her job.
10:19pm Apr 23 2010
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Jace glared at the plump blonde woman with clear dislike. "All I need is a glas s of water," he mumbled. "Get me that and I'll be perfectly fine." She seemed to paused, as if she was worried whether or not to really obey him. He continued to glare at her. She sighed, and walked out of the room, then back in, with a water bottle in hand. Jace took it, and sipped at it as she left the room. He struggled to remember what had happened, and why he was in the hospital. And who the strange girl was who kissed him.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:22pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 10:23pm Apr 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni walked in"feelin better did she help?"She walked over to him and kissed his cheek."i think maybe we should contact your parents i feel terrible its all my fault im sorry i-i hurt you.She looked away and cried silently.Her chest hurt deep inside all her fault it repeated through her head.She almost loved the boy,love at first sight.
10:26pm Apr 23 2010
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Jace looked at her with a confused ex pression. "Do I know you?" he asked, frowning. "And is there a certain reason you keep kissing me?" His eyes flickered as he watched her, clearly puzzled and unhappy. He shook out his hair, his right hand reaching out for where his glas ses were sitting on the table next to him. He pulled them on and looked at the wall again. He still had no clue who she was, what she was doing in his hospital room, why he was in the hospital, or how he managed to hit his head like this. "Last I remember," he said slowly. "I was walking out of my house to go to the park. I had my laptop with me..." Pain flared through the back of his head as he tried to think harder. He gritted his teeth. "What time is it?"
wuss poppin jimbo
10:39pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Tears streamed down her face sa she tried to hp;d the back."Nurse"She voice caracke and whined in terrible worry."he doesnt remeber me or or anything from yesterday..will he gain his memory back"she looked at him "im sunni remeber we kinda had a...thing? its 8 am today"She spoke to him softly as if there was something worng.She looked back to the nurse her eyes sowed her dying inside.
10:45pm Apr 23 2010
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(( Can't be AM ; there's other things going on, Rocca. o3o Let's just say it's still night time. A fwe hours later, maybe. But still night, )) The nurse frowned. "He might," she said gently. "But he might not. It all depends." She walked back otu of the room, leaving Jace alone with Sunni. He was starting to get a little annoyed. "Look, what's your name? Sunni? Yeah, Sunni. Look." He said rather sharply. "I have no clue who you are. But if you could explain to me why I'm here, this would be much easier for the both of us..." His head throbbed painfully, and at that moment he wanted to curl up and go to sleep. He was tired, his body ached, he was confused, and this girl was bothering him. A frown formed on his mouth, and his eyes were dark.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:54pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Caroline set the magizine down when she saw Josh enter the room. "You look better," She said from under her hood. "But that's not saying much seeing how you looked like crap before." Carol laughed silently to herself. "Anyways... Are you good to leave?" She asked Josh. "So can I go?"
10:57pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 10:58pm Apr 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
(okay) Sunni felt like she was being stabbed in the chest "um we where in a tree to watch the sunrise and we feel you hit your head im not srue what on thoguh"SHe looked away and paced looking at the gross old stained tile floor and the smell of disenfectant and desperation she sniffed and wrinkled her nose at the melocholy stench "maybe i shoul..."Before she could finish a nures walked in a long wiry asian women with short black hair."Sunshine MoonBeam Winthrop?"Yes she bit her lip and twitched "i have to inform you your grandmother has p*censored*ed they found her in her homre she hung herself accdentally by a clothing line in the next door niebhors yard"She gulped "okay"Her voice calm she now felt nothing her face was stone she sat down in a chair by jace her hair flicked over her eyes.
11:02pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh chuckled lightly, despite feeling a little awkward. He grew serious. "You can go," he said. "But I need to ask you something first." He motioned to the door with one hand, a wry smile forming on his lips. "Let's go for a little walk." _______ (( If she hung herself in her neighbour's yard, how did they find her IN her house? o__O )) Jace blinked in comfusion, shaking his head. "I don't know you..." He tried to stand up, yanking the IV out of his wrist. Blood welled up, but he ignored it as he always did. "You're lying." He got to his feet shakily, nearly toppling over onto the floor. He stayed standing. His head was buzzing so loudly he didn't hear the woman speak to Sunni.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:05pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Carol looked at him and raised an eyebrow before walking out the door. She didn't wait for him, he could catch up. Or could he? Carol laughed to herself as she paused, turned, and waited for him to come out. Talk...? Talk about what? And why to me? She thought to herself.
11:08pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 11:09pm Apr 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
((sorry im tired...lol she was found in the yard)) She looked at jace him trying to get to her not believing her.She turned and ran she ran out the hospital and down the street.She was sore and tired but she still ran away from everything away from life away from pain away from emotion she was all alone lost and confused.She stung deep inside and she shook as she ran her hair flining in her eyes and tears streaming down her face she ran til it took her away..it took everything all away
11:08pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh jogged after her, skidding to a halt when he came up next her. His eyes were unreadable and fathomless. Nervously, he shuffled his feet, and bit down on his lip gently. Bad habits always got the best of him. "How did you carry me?" he asked, getting straight to the point. "How did you run that fast with me in your arms? And don't bother spewing the whole 'you must be imagining things. You were weak with blood loss...' Because I know what I saw." He added in a smaller voice, "and once you answer that, I'd like to show you something."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:12pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace argued bitterly with the nurses, eyes flaming angrily as they told him to go lay down again. "I need to call my parents!" he demanded, trying to push his way past them. His knees buckled though and he was forced to grab onto the bedside to keep from hitting the floor. They urged him back into the uncomfortable hospital bed, promising they'd call his parents. He nodded, feeling numb as the medicine they gave him started to numb his mind.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:16pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Carol watch Josh carefully, taking in his every movement. He somewhat fascinated her, but never enough for her to do or say something about it. She shifted her weight from her left foot to her right foot before giving a thought for what to say. She shrugged before saying," Maybe you were seeing things." She paused for a feint smile to appear. "Maybe you were weak with blood loss..." Carol was grinning now. "Maybe I lift weights. Who knows?" A sharp feeling of curiousity pipped her interest as he said that last sentance. "You know, even though that sounds soo incredibally stalkerish, I still would care to know... Secret for a secret?"
11:17pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 1,361
She stooped at an empty country roand.Her mind and soul was empty she looked down and saw a shattered gl*censored* bottle.She pulled her hair back and smiled picking up the amber piece of gl*censored* "such sweet gl*censored* do you know my pain?'She pulled back her sleeve revealing her untouched perfect arm.She took the g*censored* and pressed down slicing through her arm watching it bleed."you do now gl*censored* you do now"She walked to a clear pond and walked in the ice water blood fogging the water to rust and crimson all around her.
11:26pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(this is really fast... T-T someone give me a recap.. Kink, mind posting somethign for Jake and Zane...)