12:13am Apr 24 2010
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(( Bye D: )) Josh smirked a little bit. "I don't have a job," he said modestly. "I steal things for a living. Usually money, right out of a cash register, or something like a ring or necklace I can sell." He shrugged, watching as his breath swirled up through the air in from of his mouth. "I've never been caught; most people just think that they misplaced the money or lost their necklace or whatever. No harm done." He stretched out his aching muscles, revealing that strip of bruised skin on his stomach again. Josh wiped the blood trickling down his cheek off again, and looked at his feet as they walked at a slow pace together. It was good to be with someone like him. She didn't seem to care what he was like, or if he was a freak. Because she was a freak too. But curiousity still bothered him a little bit. He still wanted to figure out where Angel had went. And for some reason, he wanted to get that ice cream with her, and actually eat it next time.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:14am Apr 24 2010
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12:23am Apr 24 2010
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Sunni stepped back so quickly she almost fell backwards.She looked at the car not knowing Jace was in there.She looked down and saw she was drenched in blood.She didnt feel bad just suprised.She looked trying to see who's behing th tinted windows."um heelo?"SHe cocked her head and walked backwards slightly fearful.
12:28am Apr 24 2010
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Jace's parents ushered Sunni to the car door ( ugh. Sorry for powerplaying. ), and let her get comfortable in one of the back seats. Jace stretched himself out on the other, making it look like there was less room then there really was. He glanced sideways at Sunni, narrowing his silver eyes as he heard his Dad pulling away from the curb. His mother was muttering something about a hospital. He ignored them both and studied Sunni over. "Hi."
wuss poppin jimbo
12:33am Apr 24 2010 (last edited on 12:34am Apr 24 2010)
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(tis' okay and hopefully jace will remeber D:)) She spoke"ill be fine it stopped bleeding quite a bit thank you"then looked over and jace was there! her eyes widened and she plastered her self to the interior of the car door "jace"he voice croaked.Her face was twisted and contorted.She looked at the bleeding arm she looked away in shame.Did he remeber her? she didnt know and not knowing pricked her and felt like a punch in the stomache.She looked at his face searching for love hope worry?something for her...something 'please jace' she thought,please
12:38am Apr 24 2010
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((Haha. I sneakeded back on. x3)) Caroline smiled as Josh talked about how he lived. It reminded her of her old days. Days of stealing without getting caught, days of care free stupidity, days that no longer exsisted. Carol couldn't help but sigh. Something caught Caroline's eye: Josh's bruises. A small tweak of her lip appeared to a smile. She pulled her hand out of her pocket, reavilling all her scars, and there were a lot. "Secret for a secret?" She said with a grin.
12:41am Apr 24 2010
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(( He doesn't 8D And will never. )) (( Gosh, this is more fun than reading Harry Potter 8D I should ruin Jace's awesome relationships much more often. -chuckles a little- )) Jace raised one eyebrow, still a little confused about Sunni. Maybe she was telling the trust. He didn't know. "Sunni," he said slowly, not letting any emotion seep into his voice. He sat there, quietly in the car, like a statue paved of silver. His parents watched in the rearview mirror. His mother said something like, "Charles! Do something!" But he only huffed and kept driving. Jace ignored them both, showing little care. His head ache kicked up a gnotch, and a sudden pain gripped his stomach. He felt like he was going to be sick. But Jace didn't move; he didn't move an inch. He just kept staring into Sunni's eyes, trying to figure out what she was trying to say to him. She looked like she was waiting for him to figure something out. He had no clue what it could be.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:44am Apr 24 2010
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Josh only glanced at her hand. Immediately he understood what she was talking about, and obviously didn't agree with it. "I think I've had my share of secrets for today," he mumbled, eyes tracing the ground carefully. His features were unreadable. He stiffled a sigh, remembering how he had been curious about Carol's scars. She was probably just curious too. He explained in a weak voice, "I don't think...I'd be comfortable telling you about that." His eyes flickered as he moved the hair out of his face again. ( Oh. Hai. xD )
wuss poppin jimbo
12:47am Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(nani.. don't leave Jake and Zane hanging....)
12:49am Apr 24 2010 (last edited on 12:50am Apr 24 2010)
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((not to fun fer sunni oh well maybe it can be taken slowly this time...if they get back together) Tears welled in her eyes but she rolled them back.She accepted that her grandmother was dead but to her she was always dead and now Jace is dead or atleast the love or like jace and Sunni shared she accpeted she was homeless poor and will live on the streets now she had to teach herself to accept this she promised to never bring up this night to him,ever.Well if she ever saw him again and it might be best if she didnt so she herself could heal.
12:55am Apr 24 2010
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His mother looked back at Sunni. That's when Jace's world crumbled. "Honey," she said. "I was just on the phone with some people, and we're sorry about what happened to your Grandmother. My husband and I just wanted to know if you wanted to stay with us a couple nighs or something until your feeling better." She added with a smile, "Nothing permanent if you don't want that. Just a bed, a shower, and something to eat, hun." Jace bobbed his head mechanically, immitating his mother's smile. The only difference was her's was real, and his was fake. And that was obvious. "There's a spare room next to mine," he said smoothly, surprised he wasn't choking on the words. "Actually, there's a lot of spare rooms. You can pick one when you get there." He paused. "I mean, if you want to stay with us in the first place."
wuss poppin jimbo
12:56am Apr 24 2010
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((Nani...? xD)) John smiled at Jake's way of saying how the food should be done. He let Jake ramble for a little, thinking it quite nice to hear him talking so much. John gently grabbed Jake's arm to stablize him. "Of course, Jake." Angel held his hand for a bit then released it. She pushed her hands in her pockets and started walking towards the dining room, still listening to Zane. "Yeah. No one will ever hit him here unless you do," Angel said with a smile. "Most people don't hit their children anyways..."
12:59am Apr 24 2010
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Carol saw the rejection in his face. She quickly pulled down her sleeve. "Sorry..." She said quietly. Curiousity got ahold of her, and, yet again, she made someone out of their comfort zone. Caroline actually flinched away from Josh, an instant reaction. "I understand," Caroline said after a minute or so. "I have several scars that are just too.. painful to talk about." Again, she traced the scar on her cheek. It brought back to many memories Carol felt the need to cry, she didn't though.
1:03am Apr 24 2010
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Jake smiled and held John's arm. "Thank you.. Please tell me if I'm talking to much.." Jake held the teddy bear he just recieved by the arm. It hung at his side and he began to slowly walk down teh stairs. He was afriad of falling or p*censored*ing out or reopening his wounds. "Angel's lucky to have you two as parents." Zane smiled and followed her like a puppy. "Yeah, but I can't hit Jake. He is too nice and he has been beaten too many time already." He smiled and huigged her then released. "So, what did your mommy make?"
1:03am Apr 24 2010
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(( Bed time D:< This sucks. )) As soon as Carol flinched away from him, he didn't hear anything she said after that. Pain swept through him like a flood. Everyone who was scared of him...people he'd hurt with his strength...his mother... They all flinched away from him like that. He sucked in a deep breath, reminding himself that running away from her wouldn't help anything, and that she could probably catch up to him anyways. He kept his eyes far away from Carol, and didn't even notice when his hair fell in front of his eyes again. His mind was elsewhere. (( Night! ))
wuss poppin jimbo
1:04am Apr 24 2010 (last edited on 1:07am Apr 24 2010)
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Sunni looked to jace and felt his dislike in his amazing silver eyes and she was reluctant but sunni needed somwhere to recover for a little while.She looked up to his mom and smiled "that would be great as long as a wouldnt be a burden".She looked at jace and smiled showing forgiveness.Sunni still liked jace but she needed to tone it down.Now she would study him and figure her next move like a game of checkers.She looked down.i hope you'll remeber me dear jace...She looked to the window and whatched the trees be patient sunni dont be upset,dont cry you'll be okay she told herself though she couldnt believe that.Still looking out the window "the room next to jaces will be fine"immedtiatly she held her mouth did she say his name! she wasnt supposed to know his name!.Oh well maybe they wouldnt notice.
1:07am Apr 24 2010
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(( Okay... Just this before I go to bed. xD I don't want to leave you hanging Rocca... )) Jace nodded, leaning his head gingerly against the seat again. His eyelids felt heavy, and he was ready to just curl up and go to sleep again. Jace's parents had gone back to muttered to themselves, creating a soft, peaceful backround noise. He slipped into sleep, glas ses falling on the floor again. He slept all the way home.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:09am Apr 24 2010 (last edited on 1:10am Apr 24 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
(awsome sauce night peoples im sooo tired ill get to it in the morn' moo))
1:11am Apr 24 2010
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((Aww.. Bye Mewfin. D:)) John just nodded. "You can't talk too much at our house..." He walked slowly, letting Jake get his feet set on the floor. Letting him get used to walking. "Just take it slow..." John paused. That was the first time he's heard that.. "Thank you..." He mumbled. Angel smiled as Zane talked. "He has been through a lot... Hitting him wouldn't help anyways." Angel laughed softly and blushed a bit when Zane hugged her. "Uhh... Mom made Pot Roast, mashed potatoes, rolls, and green bean c*censored*erole. ~ Caroline sighed and rolled her eyes. She knew he would run away, she just knew it. She chased after him, going a bit quicker since she wasn't beaten lately. "I bet it was the cringing..." She muttered to herself as she ran. Her hood flew off and she quickly fixed it. "Josh..." She said, almost angrily. "Why're you running away? Look... I'm sorry if I said or did anything to hurt you...!"
1:15am Apr 24 2010
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Jake looked at John and smiled. "Your welcome, but it's a fact.. Zane and I don't have parents like this and we migh tnever will... " He sighed and looked and the floor. He felt dizzy and leaned on John." Sorry about that.." He got back up on his own side and felt the blood rushing from his head. He began to sway. Zane smiled. "Sounds delicious!" He looked into the kitchen. "WHat a pretty and cozy little kitchen.." He smeled the food. "Smells really good Mrs. Angel's mom.." He looke dat the food she was cooking.