1:17am Apr 24 2010
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((Aww.. Bye Mewfin. D:)) John just nodded. "You can't talk too much at our house..." He walked slowly, letting Jake get his feet set on the floor. Letting him get used to walking. "Just take it slow..." John paused. That was the first time he's heard that.. "Thank you..." He mumbled. Angel smiled as Zane talked. "He has been through a lot... Hitting him wouldn't help anyways." Angel laughed softly and blushed a bit when Zane hugged her. "Uhh... Mom made Pot Roast, mashed potatoes, rolls, and green bean c*censored*erole. ~ Caroline sighed and rolled her eyes. She knew he would run away, she just knew it. She chased after him, going a bit quicker since she wasn't beaten lately. "I bet it was the cringing..." She muttered to herself as she ran. Her hood flew off and she quickly fixed it. "Josh..." She said, almost angrily. "Why're you running away? Look... I'm sorry if I said or did anything to hurt you...!"
1:21am Apr 24 2010
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Jake looked at John and smiled. "Your welcome, but it's a fact.. Zane and I don't have parents like this and we migh tnever will... " He sighed and looked and the floor. He felt dizzy and leaned on John." Sorry about that.." He got back up on his own side and felt the blood rushing from his head. He began to sway. Zane smiled. "Sounds delicious!" He looked into the kitchen. "WHat a pretty and cozy little kitchen.." He smeled the food. "Smells really good Mrs. Angel's mom.." He looke dat the food she was cooking.
10:34am Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 253
((alright, XD before I start posting I need to know what time it is in the rp, I don't want alex waking up at 3 AM thinking it is time for breakfast XD))
Generic Signature
12:32pm Apr 24 2010
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She sighed looking at jace then his fell asleep.She felt akward alone with his parents.She tried to say silent as possable.She flicked er hair out of her eyes.Then she
looked at her teal hair..for some reason it bothered her planning to dye it ginger soon.She looked out the window watching the lakes and swamps as they p*censored*ed by.She pressed her face against the gl*censored* sucking herself into the outdoors going off to a different place.
9:14pm Apr 24 2010
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9:22pm Apr 24 2010
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((It eateded my post!! D':))
12:41am Apr 25 2010
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(aww... You should post again...)
11:26am Apr 25 2010
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( It's like, 3Am xD in the roleplay ) ( Josh didn't run away. o3o He was just thinking about it; but I'll just say he did. ) The car his a pothole in the road, causing Jace to smash the side of his head off of the window where it had been resting. He sat up, rubbing his temple, looking annoyed. "*censored*!" he cursed, a painful throbbing picking up in the back of his head. He glanced over at Sunni, a small smile on his face. He'd never noticed how pretty she was, despite the fact she was covered in blood. ______ Josh ony shook his head, unable to come up with a sharp retort that wouldn't hurt her. He bit down on his lip, indigo eyes focused on the road ahead of them. He slowed his pace to a walk, letting his mind wander ahead of him. Nothing was simple; nothing ever was. And Josh didn't cope with things that weren't simple very well. He had a habit of running away from problems, relationships and questions he didn't know how to answer. He didn't know how else to do it.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:20pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 12:21pm Apr 25 2010)
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Sunni felt eyes on her.She quickly glanced over to jace and locked eyes with him for a brief moment she saw no hate and gave a quick smile.then turned back to the window.She looked foward seeing a large white beautiful house on the beach it looked like out of a movie to good to be true even with the flowers outside and the swing bench on a large porch with the little red door.She looked up and sniffed "is this yer house?"She didnt want to say it was amazing in which it was to only find out this was not theres. (sorry for describing it i couldnt think of anything else))
12:26pm Apr 25 2010
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(( LOL. xD Nice deion. Sounds cute. )) Jace couldn't help but fidget a little bit in his seat. "Yeah," he said quietly, biting his lip again slightly. It was pretty chewed up and torn from him biting down on it all the time. He could already taste blood seep into his mouth. "That's my house," he mumbled, looking away from her. Jace could feel his cheeks growing hot with embaras sment and a touch of shame. He didn'treally like being rich, and attractive, and smart, and all the other listless things people seemed to think of him as. He just wanted to be...Jace.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:36pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 1,361
(aw poor jace,lol)) Sunni looked to him her eyes sprakled she wiped the blood off her cheek.She chewed on the spiderbites on the corner of her mouth as if feeling if they were still there."its beautiful"SHe said sincerely.Antsy to get out of the car as it slowly pulled up to the driveway and stoped.She practically jumped out of the car looking up at the house then out to the beach it rested on.She waited for the others to get out.
12:40pm Apr 25 2010
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Jace climbed out of the car, and just as he was about to walk up behind Sunni, his mom caught his arm. "We'll be inside," was all she said, but the look in her eyes made him feel awkward and exposed. He nodded and watched them disappear into the house. He walked up to Sunni, hands stuffed in his pockets uncomfortably. "So," he mumbled. "Sorry about flipping on you in the hospital. I just didn't remember anything..." blinking, he added, "I mean, I still don't, but anyways..." He smiled shyly. "Maybe we should start over. From scratch." He stuck his hand out. "My name is Jason Willowspring. You can call me Jace. Who are you?" He grinned, shaking out his hair. He wished silently he hadn't left his glas ses on the car floor.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:49pm Apr 25 2010
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Sunni wondered what his mom menat and watched her leave and walk in the house but she flicked the curiousity away.She turned to jace and smiled."its okay i probably would have done the same thing"though she felt she wouldnt have.She felt a pinch of pain having to start over but remebered she was trying to accept this."are you sure you wanna shake my hand?"She laughed painfully feeling a punch of grief for hurting herself for threatening her own life she felt sick."im Sunshine MoonBeam Wintrop,um yea my mom was a hippi,ha but just call me sunni"She smiled at him.
1:03pm Apr 25 2010
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Jace grabbed her hand and shook it gently, palms feeling warm and clammy all of a sudden. "Nice to meet you, Sunni. Now why don't we go inside and get you clean up?" He smiled warmly, releasing her hand. His eyes met her's for only a moment before he turned around and started to walk back towards his house. (( BRAIN DEAD . -dies- ))
wuss poppin jimbo
1:17pm Apr 25 2010
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(LOL) She awed at the beautiful interior with dark wood floors and yellow cream walls "um yea maybe i should"She traced her eyes to a small bathroom "um ill be right back"She walked in and ran her arm under cold water from the sink washing away the blood and sin she felt she had done.It revealed a small but deep cut.She couldnt look at it so she pulled her clean arm out and covered it with her sleeve.She washed her face and ran her fingers through her hair.She looked down seeing there was a hurge trea going down the side of her paints all the way to her arm pit on her shirt.She covered herself embarrased she yelled out to jace.Cracking the door so he could hear her "sorry to be a burden but um could i maybe borrow something to wear?"She felt stupid to ask
1:23pm Apr 25 2010
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Jace, who had been hovering outside the door nervously, looked at her for a moment. "Sure; you look the same size as my mom. I'm sure she won't mind you borrowing some clothes or something." His mother was a slight, tiny woman who looked half the age she was. He dashed up the grand staircase and veered left into a large room. The walls were painted a baby blue, and the floor was covered with light gray tile. He walked up to a dresser, and started to leaf through it. He wondered faintly what Sunni would want to wear. Finally Jace stuck with a pair of sleek, skinny designer jeans, a white tank top and a baby blue aeropostale t-shirt to go over it. He blushed, getting a mental image that his hormones had most likely produced, and pusehd the thought away. He knocked on the bathroom door, a little out of breath, and held out the clothes. He looked away, eyes tracing over his shoes.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:28pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 1:29pm Apr 25 2010)
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(haha the hormone thing made me laugh out loud!)) She grabbed the clothes "thanks"She put on the skinny jeans the were tight but managable.She put on the tank showing her very curvy hourgl*censored* body.She looked in the mirror a little tight considering she wasnt a stick like jaces mom but it looked good even though she felt exposed.She walked out and blushed.She looked at jace and shrugged "look okay?"
1:35pm Apr 25 2010
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Jace cracked a crooked smile, feeling his cheeks grow hot. "You look..." He struggled for the right word. He seemed to choke mid-speak. "You look, well...You look freaking amazing." His smile widened a little. His eyes traced over the jeans, the aeropostale t-shirt that she had pulled on over the white tanktop, and last of all her face. She did look amazing; enough to make guys drool over her. Well, he was close, but Jace wouldn't admit it. He cleared his throat, still a little embaras sed. "Well," he said slowly. "You hungry?" He nodded his head towards the kitchen; a small, but friendly room. It's walls were a light orange, the floors were white tile, and the cabinets and cupboards were white too. Everything was spotless.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:44pm Apr 25 2010
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Sunni blushed "thanks"She gulped no guy had ever though of her as amazing not ever.It made her feel good.She looked at her feet "um sure i suppose i could have something"She looked to the kitchen. (sorry blanked X.x))
1:51pm Apr 25 2010
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((Omnomnom. I'mma post in a minute. Eating mac~n~cheese! :DD))