1:53pm Apr 25 2010
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Jace smirked, and started into the kitchen, shoving his hands back into his pockets. Again, he wished he had his glas ses with him; then he could see Sunni without the awkward blurriness tacked onto everything around him. Yes, he could see, but everything was slightly out of focus. He pulled open a cupboard, and pulled out a bowl and a box of Lucky Charms. He shut it and then opened a drawer, revealing silverware. He pulled out a spoon, then started poaring his Lucky Charms. "What would you like, Sunni?" he asked, putting away the cereal. Then he walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk. He put the milk away when he was done with it, setting his bowl on the kitchen table. Jace walked back over to Sunni, and stood in front of her while he waited for her answer. His hair fell in front of his eyes again.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:54pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Okay Kink. 8D ))
wuss poppin jimbo
2:00pm Apr 25 2010
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((I feel ruh-tarded since he didn't run away... xD)) Caroline sighed and slowed to a walk a few paces behin Josh, not wanting to bother his train of thought. She kept a silent walk until she felt the need to say something. Caroline never did well in the silence, it brought back memories. "J.. Josh... I'm sorry for what I did," Caroline said quietly, not even sure that Josh heard her. She kept her voice soft. "I guess I was being stupid and not precautious like I usually am... I don't talk much... This explination and appology is about the most I've said in a long... long time." Again, Caroline wasn't even sure if Josh heard her, but she didn't care. She said what she wanted to say, and now she would be her usual silent self.
2:00pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 2:01pm Apr 25 2010)
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Sunni smiled jace for some reason always made her smile it still didnt hit her he didnt know her it felt so odd and painful but she liked jace."um i geuss i ll just have what yer having"She turned and looked out to the crystal clear ocean."so um how are you?are you sure its okay i feel like a bruden"She rubbed her arm and looked nervous.She sighed and sniffed looking around. ((another brain dead post))
2:10pm Apr 25 2010
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Josh stopped walking, to look back at her. His eyes flickered with something unreadable and faint. He said quietly, "You didn't do anything wrong. My personality's just kicking in." Despite the feeling floating in the air, he smiled at her. He waited for Carol to walk up beside him before carefully matching his pace to her's. Josh shook out his hair, letting it fall in front of his eyes; he didn't care to move it this second. "I'm sorry for suddenly getting all defensive and cold on you earlier when you asked about my bruises. I'm just...touchy, if you can believe that." He chuckled slightly, but it was short-lived and weak. ________ Jace said as he prepared her a bowl of Lucky Charms, "I'm fine, I guess. Just have a head ache, and now the other side of my head hurts from whacking it off the car window. Plus, I misplaced my glas ses. S'okay though, I have contacts in my room." He paused and added, "It's no problem, Sunni. Believe it or not, this house gets pretty lonely all the time. My family works, and it's not like I have a dog or anything." He handed her the cereal bowl with a nervous smile and sat down.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:25pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni laughed "so ill be yer dog!?!?!"She smiled joking around.She pracitcally sucked the cereal down "thanks i guess i didnt know how hungray i was.She locked eyes with him her gold eyes sparkled in the morning light."i hope ypur okay"She touched his arm lightly.and smiled studying his breathetaking face."not to be a jerk er anything but um where would i sleep?"She yawned her body aching with exhaughstion.She sighed her voice echoed she looked around "where did yer parents go?"
2:29pm Apr 25 2010
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Jace shrugged. "There's an extra bed in my room. Or, you can use one of the guest rooms; which means more privacy." He chuckled and added, "Probably outside. That, or they went to work or something. I dunno; they don't usually tell me." His eyes flickered for a moment. He stood up, grabbing both cereal bowls, and put them in the sink. Then he walked back over and sat down next to her. Jace stared dreamily out the large glas s window on the far wall. The curtains billowed softly with the gentle wind that was blowing into the kitchen.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:38pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 2:40pm Apr 25 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni thought about it she felt wierd about sleeping in jaces room not bad or nervous just different she couldnt explain it but if she didnt want him to seem offended "i guess ill just sleep in your room i dont wanna mess up a clean room if thats okay..."She looked at him her golden eyes qeustioning.She watched Jace get up "thanks"She got up herself she felt odd about his parent being gone "oh"She said and sighed looking out the window next to jace she tilted her head "what are ya lookin' at?"She tried seeing what he was seeing then turned looking at the side of his face he had the perfect nose,she thought silently and sighed.HEr body ached with exhaughstion she so badly wanted to sleep but she didnt dare ask she would sleep when he slept and eat when he eat and so forth not to be a burden.
2:50pm Apr 25 2010
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Caroline nodded, shoving her fists into her pocket. "I can understand..." She mumbled after a moment. We have alike personalities then.... She thought at the back of her mind. "I shouldn't have mentioned it." She added a second later. Caroline walked straight ahead, listening to the sound of their feet hitting the ground. It fascinated her somehow.
3:18pm Apr 25 2010
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3:29pm Apr 25 2010
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Josh shrugged, "Doesn't matter. It's in the past now." One corner of his mouth tugged upwards, in the makings of a smile, but it faded when the ice cream shop came into view. He glanced sideways at Caroline, "Still have your keys?" He sucked in a deep breath, chilly air making his lungs burn. He ran a hand through his hair, taking a note that he desperately needed a haircut. He shifted his eyes back to Carol for a moment, mouth open like he was about to say something, but he shut it and looked at his DC shoes again. _______ Jace shrugged, dragging his gaze away to look at her drowsily. "That's cool with me. You wanna head to bed now? It's like, 3 in the morning and I'm dead tired." He yawned, and winced when it caused pain in the back of his head. "I'll show you upstairs." He stood up, stretched a little, and looked at her with an amused ex pression. "C'mon."
wuss poppin jimbo
3:33pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Will post later. D: I have to go move some stuff.))
3:36pm Apr 25 2010
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(( Okay. )) (( My sister's friend, Jeff, is playing his guitar right now -drools- He's so good. Plus, he just started playing this song. He's a good singer. o3o -stares at him- But he's like, taken, older than me, and like, so attractive he's gonna ignore me. xD I'm not even going to try. xD ))
wuss poppin jimbo
4:02pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Ah... Dissapointment! xD ~Postin' in a moment.))
4:03pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Mhmmm. o3o He had to leave just now. -waits patiently- He kinda reminds me of Jace ;D Except he has blonde hair blue eyes, not silver. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
4:09pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((xD Wow, good to be you. :p)) Carol couldn't help but grin a bit as she pulled her keys out of her pocket. On the chain were several charms, each representing a differrent thing she never talked about: A tiger, yin yang sign, a stork, and a small house. She shoved the charms out of the way and held the key to the parlor in her hand. "Yes, I do," Caroline said with a grin. "Let's go." Carol sped up and quickly unlocked the back door. Inside she went, turning off the cameras. She had been craving ice cream since Josh mentioned it.
4:19pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Rawr. :P Yeah. )) Josh walked in, hands shoved in his pockets and eyes on the ground. He was suddenly feeling awkward and uncomfortable; not because he was stealing, no. But probably because he was stealing with someone. He usually worked alone. He forced a smile, and pulled his hands out of his pockets. He looked around, studying the place carefully. "Mmm..." he mumbled. "Sudden craving; large chocolate ice cream cone, chocolate sauce, M&M sprinkles and a chocolate-dipped cherry on top." He grinned at her and added modestly, "I have a thing for chocolate." Josh grabbed a large ice cream cone, ran a hand through his ruffled, messy black hair once again and started looking through the shop for the chocolate ice cream.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:29pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Carol saw his discomfort and felt the same. Never once did she ever have a partner. It wasn't her thing. She sighed and grabbed a cone. "I'm thinking more of carmel with butterscotch toppings and sprinkles..." She said more to herself than Josh. Noticing his looking glance, Caroline walked over to the ice cream machines. "Chocolate's over there," She said pointing to a small machine next to the strawberry icecream. Carol filled her waffle cone with ice cream, reaching for the toppings on the counter. "Yummm" She said as she practically filled the rest of the cone with carmel.
4:38pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh nodded, setting the cone down. He grabbed a bowl instead, filled it almost to the brim with chocolate ice cream, and then wandered over to the toppings. He grabbed the bottle of chocolate syrup and squirted it on his ice cream, then proceeded to sprinkle mas s amounts of M&M sprinkles ontop. He stole a cherry, dipped it in hot fudge, and then set it ontop of his masterpiece. "Voilá!" he teased, grabbing a plastic spoon. He took a bite, grinning, and looked at Carol through his messy bangs. His eyes were jumbled with different emotions he couldn't seem to pick out from each other.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:50pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((My dad just made his grandchild of 4 months today do the boogie. xD And now he's crying hysterically. o3o)) Caroline couldn't help but laugh as Josh was so proud of his 'masterpiece'. She giggled as she examined her own. Plain: yes. Bad tasting: no. She laughed as she grabbed her own spoon and scarfed down her first bite. Heaven. "You like yours?" She asked Josh with a grin.