9:13pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 9:30pm Apr 25 2010)
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((creepy jace @.@......)) Sunni nodded "oh"She wrote a mental note to look for this art room later.She sat down on the bed on the right.Running her hand across the pattern on the bed spread.then she heard what jace had said she flipped her head around her eyes wide she felt a rush of fear go up her back.She felt sick with anxiety at that moment she got a slap in the face that showed her who jace really was. Sunni turned and winced.Sure he was a seventeen year old boy but she thought he was different.This wasnt the jace she met it was just another jock creeping on a girl.Jace didnt know sunni at all.The moments they shared didnt happen.She gulped she didnt trust.Her eyes still in fear.She wanted to leave regretting ever going to the park that day she didnt feel safe and she hated it.She slowly got up crippled "um"Her voice shook 'creeper' her head screamed.He just wanted her body not who she was she heaved wanting to throw up with uncomfortableness"ill um just...sleep...uh .....here on the...right...bed"

1:00am Apr 26 2010
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((^-^ I'm fourteen too. I've never really gotten into the whole 'writing for fun' thing 'til I got on here. :3)) Caroline was slightly suprised as Josh placed his arms around her, but she certainly didn't reject. The new warmth felt nice to her. Her cheeks went rosy red as he said her name. It sounded sweet coming from his lips. She saw the change in Josh's face and couldn't help but smile. Her eyes glowed with an unusual happiness. Caroline felt some changes with her too, but they were just minor. Josh seemed to glow from every edge she looked at. Caroline felt as Josh's lips touched hers, and she was pleased. Placing a hand on his chest, the other on his cheek, she kissed him back. Pulling away after a moment she smiled sweetly at him. She didn't know what to say so she leaned her head against his shoulder, suddenly feeling light headed.
3:10pm Apr 26 2010
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3:13pm Apr 26 2010
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Jace pulled off his shoes, and sighed contentidly to himself. "I was kidding you know," he mumbled, blinking a few times to adjust the contacts. "You go to bed; I need to think for a minute, okay Sunni?" He smiled at her, and then strode over to the balcony. A he pushed one of the doors to the side, and then stepped into the cold air outside. His breath swirled in front of him like a cloud, and he hugged himself to keep warm. ___________ Josh smiled, sweeping his free arm underneath her legs. He caught her expertly, and held her tightly against his chest, being careful not to crush her. "Let's go to the beach," he decided. "It's beautiful there this time of night." His eyes sparkled happily as he carried her; he could still feel the warmth on his lips where they had kissed. It was a good feeling. Kissing Caroline was like drinking cool water on a hot day; refreshing, calming, and SO damn good. He looked down at her for a moment.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:48pm Apr 26 2010
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((xD I somehow found that funny. :3)) Caroline couldn't help but laugh as he took her in his arms. It made her feel safe, maybe a little too safe, but Carol was too happy to think of the concequences. She crossed her arms to keep her hands warm. She looked up at Josh as he spoke, noticing every detail as he did so. She was just fascinated that he was like her. "Uhh... Sure," Caroline said after a moment or so. "The beach sounds quite nice..." Carol couldn't help but smile as past experiances on the beach, but she pushed those out of her mind. Josh probably didn't like her that much anyways. Caroline saw Josh looking down at her and she grinned. "What?" She asked him curiously.
7:10pm Apr 26 2010
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( O__O WHAT did she do at the beach? -pales- ) ( lol I read that and was like : "LOL WTF?" ) Josh shrugged, smirking to himself. "Nothing," he said. "Just thinking." He continued to walk, eyes tracing over the sidewalk in front of him. Yes, he was thinking, but not about Caroline so much. His mind was at it again, thinking up perverted, torrent fantasies he'd probably never WANT to do anyways. He grinned as soon as one of his DC shoes sunk into the smooth, pale sand. The entire beach was washed in shades of pale silver. It was absolutely gorgeous.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:24pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Carol's a bit... Yeah. xD)) Carol watched at Josh looked pa.ssed her, it made her smile a bit. She looked ahead, watching the slow change in scenery. She loved doing this, she always did it when she was in the car. She put her hands together and moved her fingers back and forth, creating a weird imagine she thought was cool. As Josh walked on the beach, Caroline couldn't help but grin. "You want to put me down now?" She asked him with a smile. She longed to touch the sand she hadn't been on in about 13 years.
7:30pm Apr 26 2010
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Josh pretended to pout. "Not really," he teased. But, despite that, he set her on her feet gently. He glanced at the water, mesmerized by it's majesty. He kicked off his shoes, and then pried off his socks, letting the sand sink in between his toes. Smiling, he waded ankle-deep into the water. Chills ran up his spine, but he ignored it as his hair whipped around his face with the wind, the water flowed around his feet peacefully, and everything on earth seemed to be in harmony. (( ..Josh slept with three out of four girlfriends. Dx He's a BADDD boy. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
7:36pm Apr 26 2010
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((Wowza... He's a man-sl.ut. xD)) Caroline smiled as she walked on the beach. She threw off her shoes, stuffing her socks in them as well. Caroline wiggled her feet through the sand, giggling as she did. A big smile came across her face as she walked along the water line, looking the the perfect shell. She saw it, a heart clam shell. Quickly stuffing it in her pocket, she turned to look back at Josh. A moment later she was jumping for his back, just to scare him. She knew he could handle her weight, as so displayed like a minute ago. She smiled as she whispered in his ear," Got you."
7:41pm Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 7:49pm Apr 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni sighed "oh um yea"She blushed even though it still didnt feel right thoug she felt better.But she had to remeber to look for this art room.SHe never felt bad for being nosy.She smiled and got under the covers.one her head hit the pillow she fell into a black dreamless sleep. (sorry dead post...lol man sl.u.t))
7:51pm Apr 26 2010
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(( Whatta Man-Ho ;O )) Josh glanced back at her over his shoulder. "Got you," he whispered back, prying her off of him. As soon as she wasn't holding onto him anymore, she tossed her (as lightly as possible), into the water. He grinned childishly. "Wet?" he asked. He ran a hand through his hair, and waited for her to get up. He expected full fury, so he prepared himself for her to spring. __________ Jace stared outside for a minute before walking back inside. He stared at Sunni for a moment, a big mix of confusing emotions inside him, before climbing into bed himself. He pulled off the contacts, and then curled up under the blankets. Sleep washed over him, making him feel numb and warm.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:53pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((I have the sudden urge to pee. o-o)) Caroline couldn't help but laugh. She stood up, dripping with water. "Very," She said with a grin. "Come here," She said a moment later. Taking a few steps towards Josh, she quickly wrapped him in a wet hug. "Wet?" Carol said in a teasing tone.
7:59pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni suddenly jerked awake.SHe sat up forgeting where she was for a moment.A soft salty breeze hit her face momentarily carring her away from reality.Then she sniffed and her eyes traced to jaces sleeping form.She smiled his face so calm and peacful.SHe slowly got up and yelped in pain at her tailbone but she gulped it away.Her feet touched the smooth cold wood floor waking her up.She stretched what to do now?
8:02pm Apr 26 2010
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Josh rolled his eyes, "Hardly." Being the childish I-like-to-show-off-sometimes, guy he is, he tugged off his shirt, ignoring the scars, bruises and bloody cuts that were spread across his tan, muscular torso and chest. "Warm now?" he asked, pulling her into a tight hug. He waded deeper into the water, until he was up to his waist. Then he dropped her into the water, chilly water soaking him. "Doesn't matter. You're cold now." He grinned, shaking out his messy hair. ( He's pretty attractive. o3o Minus all the scars, bruises and cuts. xD )
wuss poppin jimbo
8:06pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Caroline couldnt' help but smile as he took his shirt off. It thrilled her to see it. She felt the cold water rush through her clothes as she hit the deeper water. A rush of cold hit her and she felt like screaming, but she didn't. Carol smiled as she wiped her hair out of her face. Eying Josh playfully, she shook her head. "Now I'm cold..." She complained fakely with a grin. "You should hold me." She added with a smile. Caroline took a step closer to Josh, eying his body with a grin.
8:10pm Apr 26 2010
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Josh grinned, and shook his damp hair out of his face. "I think it's your turn to take off your shirt," he teased, sticking his tongue out. He backed away from her, letting the water get deeper until it swirled around his marred chest. "Come and get me," The cold was like an electric current through his body, but it was soothing at the same time. It soothed him by numbing his injuries. Maybe he would tell Caroline about his father one day; just not today.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:13pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((moo did you not see my post?))
8:14pm Apr 26 2010
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Caroline stuck her tounge back out at him but smiled. She took of her sweatshirt, but not her shirt shirt. She laughed, wading deeper. The water hit her body, making her even more cold, but she didn't care. The water was about to her neck by the time she reached Josh. She placed her hands on his shoulder, sort of a keeping her head out of water trip, and smiled at him with her big, blue eyes. She grinned as she felt her body next the Josh, the heat between them.
8:23pm Apr 26 2010
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(( What am I supposed to do? He's sleeping. Chillax, Rocca. >__> )) Josh wrapped his arms around her, heart beat spiking. He treaded water carefully, lips at her ear. "Betcha didn't see this coming," he said in a whisper, "When you first saw me." His eyes sparkled, and his breathing was starting to quicken. He knew it wasn't right to let her do things like this to him, but he didn't care. He traced a finger shakily over the scar on her face. "Pretty scar you've got there," he mumbled, closing his eyes. "Reminds me of a time long, long ago..."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:26pm Apr 26 2010
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"No, not at all..." She murmured to him. She looked up see how he was reacting to her, he seemed to be fine. As he touched her scar, she turned her face away so he couldn't touch it anymore. "It's not pretty." She said with a frown. "It's a memory I want gone..." She was starting to get angry at the thought of what happened to her. She shook it off, not wanting to do or say something she would regret.