8:30pm Apr 26 2010
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((g2g D:))
8:38pm Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 9:00pm Apr 26 2010)
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((well i mean its not like real time so i mean you know 24 hrs could eqaul one post really)) Sunni looked around sky was velvety black how long had she been asleeep?.She sighed and walked around the room she didnt want to wake up jace but she got bored.SHe opened the door to the balocny looking over to the clear beautiful ocean she sighed sitting on the wooden plank floor looking through the gaurd rail she sighed thinking about everything that had happened.She thought about her grandmother pain welled her more than she thought would tears streamed her face as she let the saly breeze dry them.She thought about the pain she inflicked on herself it made her feel guilt and remorse that ran deep and jace how he didnt remeber but that was so far away to her it wasnt jace in her memories just a blank face yet deep down she would never forget whos blank face that was.
8:45pm Apr 26 2010
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(( Dude; Josh and Caroline are on the beach, so it can't be daytime. As I said, they went in the middle of the night. >__> )) Josh looked upset. "Don't be mad," he mumbled, "I think it's pretty. It's unique. It's...Caroline." He forced a smile. "I have scars and marks myself, but I let their memories fade as best I can, to leave a unique mark on me." Peace swirled around him with the current. "Scars are just the presence of a lesson learned." ( Bye ! D: )
wuss poppin jimbo
8:59pm Apr 26 2010
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((okay ill edit it...))
9:00pm Apr 26 2010
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all fixed....
9:06pm Apr 26 2010
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Jace sat up, reaching for his glas ses, until he remembered he didn't have him. Stiffling a groan, he stood up, shaking out his ruffled silver hair. "Sun-" he was cut off as he tripped, and fell onto the floor. A sharp pain flared through his skull again, making him cry out in shock. He sat up, hand on the back of his head, and looked around. Grey dots danced in front of his eyes, but there was no blood.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:15pm Apr 26 2010
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((Back! xD I sneakeded on 'cause I'm awesome that way. o3o)) Carol couldn't help as he said it was 'her'. She wrapped her cold arms around his waist and grinned. "Thank you..." She murmured. Caroline didn't know what else to say. She instead just stood there, tracing several of Josh's scars on his stomach, wondering what story was behind each scar.
9:17pm Apr 26 2010
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Sunni turned to the bang.SHe got up and slammed the gl*censored* door opens so hard it shattered crystal diamonds drowned the dark wood floor.She put her arms around him her golden eyes gl*censored*y with fear.The breeze went through the room chilling her.her voice shook "jace! are you okay?!?!?"She gulped her emotion away trying to help him.
9:24pm Apr 26 2010
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(( He's gonna be pissed you shattered his door... xDDDD )) Jace looked up at her, dazed for a split second. Her arms around him made him shiver, but not from the cold. "Sunni," he groaned. "You broke my door!" He, obviously, wasn't concerned about himself. I mean, when WAS he? "You okay? I think you stepped on some glas s." _______ Josh kicked his feet until he could stand in the water, instead of having to swim with Caroline in his arms. They water still came up to about his chest. He didn't say anything, but a tickling sensation formed in his stomach as she traced over his scars. Each had a painful story that he'd forced himself to forget. "I wonder what heaven's like," he whispered softly into her ear. His voice was smooth and seductive like silk. "I wonder if it's a place like this..." He closed his eyes, and breathed in deeply, completely at home. He didn't care that he was freezing, and topless. He didn't care that her shirt was most likely see-through. He didn't care that he wasn't making-out with her, or whatever else his mind might think up. He didn't care about anything. Except Caroline.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:33pm Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 9:33pm Apr 26 2010)
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Sunni looked down at her bloody foot full of chunks of gl*censored* how did she not feel them? oh well it didnt matter now "sorry and it doesnt matter are you okay?"SHe hugged him the pain in her feet began to show deep pain hit her and blood oozed to the floor at least it was just one foot she thought to hersef.She got up limping to the bed with jace still in her arms "you hit your head again.."She sighed it hurt her more than her foot that her was hurt like a stab in the chest.She put her hands through his pretty silver hair feeling the bump.She sighed "should i go find help?"She qeustioned though she was sure jace would say no it would be her call.
9:34pm Apr 26 2010
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((It eated my post! D< Anyways, Josh is such a gentleman. xD)) Caroline couldn't help but ponder Josh's words. "I bet heaven isn't as good as this..." She said with a grin. "Because this is perfect." Or so she thought, she didn't know about Josh. She snugged up to Josh, trying to get warmer 'cause she was freezing her butt off. Looking up at her Josh, Carol couldn't help but smile. She went on her tip-toes to kiss him tenderly on the neck, right about the shoulder line; a definant sign of affection from Caroline. She blushed a tad bit before resting her head on his chest again.
9:39pm Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 9:41pm Apr 26 2010)
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(scars are the tattoos of our lives....yea i decided to read up on caroline and josh))
9:44pm Apr 26 2010
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(( When he wants to be. XD He's a gentleman who steals for a living, is a man-ho kinda, and is totally half-naked with a girl he just met. )) Josh's heart gave a little squeeze as he rested his gaze on her tenderly. "Promise me something," he said quietly. The air was thick with unsaid emotions. "Promise me you'll never let go." He could feel her heart beat against him, and it was making his stomach feel funny. He closed his eyes, but he was aware of everything that mattered. He could feel the gentle waves pushing him towards the s*censored*, and then pulling him away. He could feel his heart racing in his chest. He could feel the midnight air. And he could feel Caroline's body pressed against him; warming him like an oven. _________ Jace shook his head, looking at his foot with a frightened ex pression. "At least let me look at it, Sunni. You're hurt, and that bothers me." It did bother him; it bothered him a lot, despite just meeting her a few hours ago. Apparently memories faded, but feeling's didn't. His hands travelled lightly down her leg, positioning it so he could look at her foot. He grimaced. "This is bad..." he mumbled. "Sunni; I have to get you to a hospital. It might need stitches." His eyes flickered with unsaid feelings.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:44pm Apr 26 2010
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((haha. xD It's all good Rocca. :3 It's all one big Rp.))
9:52pm Apr 26 2010
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Sunni gulped she looked at her foot and then to jaces eyes she felt emotion behind them it made her feel like maybe his mind forgot but his body didnt.Her large eyes flickered with emotion them se=he looked down to her foot."it will be okay its not deep i just need tweezers to pull them out"She sighed and then smiled "sorry about yer door i sorta freaked out"She flickered her thick teal hair out of her face it annoyed her.She looked to the ocean at night it made her feel eery despite her able of water.She looked back to jace and gasped at his beautiful face.
9:54pm Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 9:55pm Apr 26 2010)
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((idk i just had to say that "scars are the tattoos of our lives" my dad used to say it all the time...and sunni's foot that happened to me last year D: it wasnt fun))
9:54pm Apr 26 2010
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((You said 'Unsaid feelings' in both posts. xD)) Caroline opened her eyes, never hearing anything even remotely close to that said to her. Her breathing increased slightly as did her heart rate. "Never," She said after a moment, and she meant it. Caroline suddenly felt a chill when a cold breeze washed over her. "Let's say we get out of this freezing ocean water?" She said with a smile. "Maybe somewhere with a heater?" She added with a small laugh. She needed a change of clothes too, hers were soaked.
10:08pm Apr 26 2010
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(( OMG. D:< Stupid parents. I g2g. I'll respond when I get the time. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:08pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Aww... D: Bye Moo!))
11:12pm Apr 26 2010
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(Kink.. did you see my post? I wana know if i should just quit....)