11:13pm Apr 26 2010
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((Ohmygosh, I totally forgot to repost! D: No, you shouldn't quit! D:< I would be mad.... I'll repost in a minute. o3o))
11:20pm Apr 26 2010
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(oh.. I see...)
11:30pm Apr 26 2010
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((Can we skip dinner? xD It's so boring. haha. :3))
11:47pm Apr 26 2010
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(yeah... Just go ahead... I was going to anyways.. But first off, Jake kind of felt dizzy and didn't eat much. Zane finished his food.)
11:52pm Apr 26 2010
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((M'kay. Well, Angel scarfed down her food like usual. xD)) Angel sat on the couch again, smiling as she just had a full meal. Father was in his study while mom was in her room, redoing her nail polish. Angel was extremely bored, but she couldn't really go anywhere because she knew Zane would want to stay with his injured brother. She looked across the room and called to Zane and Jake. "Yo... You guys should come in here, keep me company."
12:15am Apr 27 2010
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Zane walked over and sat next to Angel. He smiled and laid his head on her lap. "Your mom's food is delisious!!!" He smile and curled up into a ball. Never in his whole life had he had a meal so big and delicous! "Hey, Jake.. Come on over here.. You look lonely." Jake slowly stood up, clutching his stomach. "I agree with Zane. We've never had a meal so big. We get smaller portions because our father never bothers to buy enough for big helpings. I got used to it.. Zane didn't. He scarfed down my portion.." He sat next to his brother and looked at Angel. He smiled slightly, then looked at his brother.
12:17am Apr 27 2010
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((We need a girl for Jake... He's so lonely. xD)) Angel smiled and ran her fingers absentmindedly through his hair. "You did look kind of lonely over there," She said with a smile. "Well, I'm glad you both liked it... My mom doesn't get to entertain guests much so I think she enjoyed making it for you guys." Angel smied at Jake then down at Zane.
12:30am Apr 27 2010
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Jake smiled and looked at Zane. "Your such a child.. I don't think angel wants your head on her lap.." He rubbed Zane's back like he was a crying child. "Little bro, i'll be back right now.." He slowly stood up and walked toward John's study. "Umm Sir, are you doing anything right now? I need help up the stairs. I wana give Zane his gift.." He peeked his head in. Zane pouted. "Jake doesn't know anything abotu it.."He smiled and looked at Angel. "That feels good. Jake did that to me when I would cry about him. Then he'd just simply say: It's not your fault. Don't cry for me.... I never understood what he meant..."
12:34am Apr 27 2010
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Angel gave a small laugh at Jake's words. She looked down at the pouting Zane and grinned. "I guess I somewhat understand..." Angel said sympathetically. As she combed through his hair, Angel started to realize how much she liked Zane, which was a lot. She felt herself blush thinking about it. John looked up from his book, his gla.sses nearly falling off his nose. "Would you prefer me to get it for you?" He asked Jake with a smile. "It might be easier on your wounds..." John stood up and stretched, placing his novel on the side arm of the chair.
12:50am Apr 27 2010
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Zane looked at Angel when she blushed. "Your cute when your all red in the cheeks." He smiled childishly. "Do you mind explaining to me what you think? I'll ask Jake to explain it tonight before we go to bed.." He looked away and let her comb through his hair. It was soothing to him. Something his own brother did when he was crying after Jake was beat. She's always been here. Jake looekd at John and nodded. "Please Sir, if it's not too much trouble." He gave a smile and held his stomach. "Oww.. Do you think he brok emy ribs?" He leaned against the wall and began to beeath a little heavy. "Damn him.."
12:55am Apr 27 2010
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Zane's words made Angel all the more happy, and nervous. "And I think he was just trying to protect you... Make it so you didn't have to cry, make it better..." Angel didn't know how to put what she thought into words. Maybe Jake had that motherly feeling she usually had around people. Angel sighed and looked at Zane, smiling as she did so. John paused as he walked up the stairs. "I'll have a look at you after I come back down and you give Zane his gift," He said in a pleasent tone. John walked into the bedroom, carefully grabbed the lighter colored bear, and walked downstairs again. He handed Jake the bear and smiled. "Hope he likes it."
1:11am Apr 27 2010
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Jake smiled and nodded. "Thank you oh so much.. Im grateful for what you are doing for me and Zane." He slowly walked back to Zane and held out the teddybear. "Happen one day early birthday Zane... It should be the first one you;ve gotten to keep right?" Jake handed it to Zane then looked at Angel. "Your father is a nice man." Zane took thee bear and snuggeled it. "OMG! Thank you so much Jake!! It's so fuzzy and soft and cuddly!" He nuzzled it and held it tightly. He looked at Angel. "Your father is a very nice man to get me and Jake a teddy bear.." He smiled. "This is my first one." He hugged it tightly." Jake suddednly doubled over in pain and coughed. He placed his hand over his mouth but a small amount of blooed dripped from between his fingers. He slumped to the floor and was on his hands and knees. He coughed but not blood. His eyes wide in shock. B-Blood.. F-Frist time...
1:16am Apr 27 2010
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((What's wrong with him? xD And I have to go after this post. D:< Parents... ha)) Angel couldn't help but grin at the sight of Zane's happy face. It somewhat amazed her that he had never had a teddy bear before. A small thing that Jake said caught Angel's attention. "It's your birthday tomorrow?" She asked Zane, a small grin appearing on her face. Angel turned around to the sound of Jake coughing. "Dad!" She yelled. "Dad!! Jake's... He needs your help!!" Angel jumped off the couch and went to crouch down to Jake's level. John rushed in the room and saw the blood. "He's got to go to the hospital..." John said imidiately. "Angel, go start the car." He threw the keys to Angel and she rushed out the door that second. "Try to sit upright, Jake.." John said thoughtfully. "It will help with blood flow."
6:08am Apr 27 2010 (last edited on 6:12am Apr 27 2010)
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(repost fer moo....) Sunni gulped she looked at her bloody foot and then to jaces eyes she felt emotion behind them it made her feel like maybe his mind forgot her but his body didnt.Her large eyes flickered with emotion then she looked down to her foot."it will be okay its not deep i just need tweezers to pull the gl*censored* chunks out"She sighed and then smiled "sorry about yer door i sorta freaked out"She flicked her thick teal hair out of her face it annoyed her.She looked to the ocean at night it made her feel eery despite her able of water.She looked back to jace and gasped at his beautiful face that she always semmed to get lost in.
6:01pm Apr 27 2010
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6:47pm Apr 27 2010
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((sorry I was gone... I was pulled away from my computer for a few days...))
Generic Signature
7:41pm Apr 27 2010
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Josh smiled, and unwillingly let her go. He shivered, and started to wade back towards the beach, where his shirt was sitting in the sand. "A heater; sounds nice." he mumbled, eyes sparkling. His feet sunk into the sand, slowing his pace. His breath swirled in front of him mouth, and his teeth chattered. "Damnit," he muttered. "It's freezing out here." He hugged himself to keep warm, shaking out his hair; it sent water flying everywhere. _____________ Jace shrugged, using careful, steady fingers to pull out a piece of glas s. He frowned, and studied her carefully. "None of the pieces are too deep," he murmured. "I can pull them out now." He pulled off his shirt, and then propped it under her foot. His cheeks grew hot, but explained, "Just so the bed doesn't bed too blood." He smiled, despite his worry, and started looking over her foot again.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:22pm Apr 27 2010
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(( It's okay Pyro. o3o I didn't do anything without you; Sarah's still sleeping... So... xD )) (( Hey Rocca; when do you think Jace'll break it to Sunni that he can turn invisible on commend? xD It's like, "By the way, o3o. I can turn invisible." "Um...Jace. What does that have to do with our current conversation? D: " ))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:22pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni clamped her eyes shut and turned as he pulled out the gl*censored*.She fell a pinch and jump backwards slightly letting out a quiet yelp of pain she looked to jace and gulped seeing the blood on his hand.SHe saw him take off his shirt despite seeing jace's body that would have made her gasp she gulped in too much pain though it did help a little."ya sure i can pull em out itll be bloody'she warned also not likeing the control of her own pain and knowing when to prepare for it but she didnt detest."ill ruin yer shirt"She smilled and looked at him clearly in pain.
8:43pm Apr 27 2010
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