9:28pm Apr 27 2010
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Caroline grinned as small water drops hit her. They weren't that cold since just about the rest of her body was numb. She pinched her socks and shoes on, smiling as she felt the instant heat. "Hmm... We could go to my place..." She said with a grin. She hadn't meant anything by it, she just felt 100% better being at her place instead of anyone elses. "Or anywhere you want to go." She added with a smile.
11:10pm Apr 27 2010
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Zane was shocked. "Not again.." He held the bear tighter and bent down near Jake. "Jake.. Jake.. Please Jake sit up. Do whatever he says.. He knows what's best for you.. This is the firts time you've noticed this, but you have coughed up blood before. Jake.. You need to rest. But, and this may be just a thought, but you might have broken ribs that are starting to puncture your lung." Jake was shocked. His eyes wide and he tried his best to sit up. He sat up and panted. His head felt light and he was still clutching his bear. He closed his eyes and began to breathe very slowly. He didn't want to die and he didn't want to worry Zane. "Zane.. Don't worry.. Please.." He smiled and leaned on his brother's chest.
12:42am Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 2,927
John quickly rushed into the room, carrying a small-ish wheelchair. "We had this from when Angel broke her leg," John said as he hoisted Jake into the chair. He rushed him to the car, placing him in a familular spot on the backseat. Buckling him in, John ran to the driver's seat. "Hurry Angel," Her father said. "Sit in the back with him and make sure nothing goes wrong." Angel nodded and dragged Zane to the car. She sat on the middle seat, not even bothering to buckle, and watched Jake carefully. One wrong bump, a lash of the head, could mess him up worse than he was now. ((Sorry for Power playing. xD Didn't know what else to do... o3o))
2:27pm Apr 28 2010 (last edited on 2:30pm Apr 28 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
((welp maybe when like they know each other better er he knows her better)) Sunni clamped her eyes shut and turned as he pulled out the gl*censored*.She fell a pinch and jump backwards slightly letting out a quiet yelp of pain she looked to jace and gulped seeing the blood on his hand.SHe saw him take off his shirt despite seeing jace's body that would have made her gasp she gulped in too much pain though it did help a little."ya sure i can pull em out itll be bloody'she warned also not likeing the control of her own pain and knowing when to prepare for it but she didnt detest."ill ruin yer shirt"She smilled and looked at him clearly in pain. ^^^...repost by the waaaay....
4:59pm Apr 28 2010
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Josh nodded, and swallowed, not meeting her eyes as he pulled on his shirt. "Your house sounds good," he said carefully, putting on his right shoe. "My dad won't be expecting me home for..." he thought about it. "Well, he won't be." He smirked a little, putting on the other shoe. Straightening out, he looked at her. ______ Jace frowned, and looked at her somberly. "Sunni, it's a shirt. It's a hell lot less important than your foot." He took her left hand. "Squeeze my hand when it hurts." He added with a little smile, "And try not to cry." He looked at her, a little confused for a moment, but went back to studying her foot.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:10pm Apr 28 2010
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Sunni put her small warm palm around his.She gulped it was the fear of pain more than pain."well okay"She breathed and shivered.Sunni turned her head and squeezed his hand "ojust get it over with"She bit her lip ready. ((sorry dead post))
5:17pm Apr 28 2010
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Jace bobbed his head, waiting for the pain in his hand to tell him when to stop. He carefully picked out a piece of glas s, chewing on his bloody lip with nerves. He didn't want to hurt Sunni; but he had to or she would get much worse. His heart thudded in his chest as he pulled out another shard. His pale fingers were dyed red with her blood. It made his stomach churn unhappily.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:38pm Apr 28 2010 (last edited on 9:41pm Apr 28 2010)
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Sunni’s heart thudded and her palms sweat into jace’s she turned and slowly opened her almost luminescent eyes. She let out a breathe she had been holding “is-is it all out?”She looked to her bloody gushing foot she shook and she gulped. She felt the pain throb in her foot. Despite waiting for jace’s answer she slid down off the bed keeping her foot still and sat down next to jace on the cold dark wood floor she flicked her hair out of her eyes and turned to jace every part of her wanted to put her arms around him and to never let go but she just looked at him aching. She bit her pierced lip as the silence carried through the air as the salty breeze. ((since my interenet get interupted then i have to refresh i have to make my posts small then restart now im using microsoft then pasteing it here to sum it all up my posts should be longer and more literate now))
9:40pm Apr 28 2010
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((Gr...I am going to have to quite this. It has gotten to far.8())
10:29pm Apr 28 2010
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Jake looked at John and Angel then Zane. He coughed and closed his eyes. He sighed and yawned slightly. He felt a sharp painb in his chest. He put his head forward and fell asleep slightly. He didn't want to die.. He didn't want to leave his only brother. Zane looked at Angel. "Jake. You'll be fine.." He said as she clutched his teedybear even tighter. "Please Jake.. Be okay.." He put his head on Angel's lap. "Dion't let Jake die.."
3:11pm Apr 29 2010
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Jace hissed though his teeth, "Quit moving!" He sighed, and ripped his bloody shirt into long strips. Then he started wrapping up her foot gently, moving the glas s splayed out on the floor away with the back of his hand. He got a few shallow cuts, but he would live. "You have to be more careful," he muttered. "I'm not always going to be here to fix you up, you know." He paused, completely still for a moment, but went back to tying up her foot in silence. His words had a shocking truth to them; he wasn't going to be here forever. He wanted to move away, to a warmer place, in a year or two. After he graduated at least. "How old are you, Sunni?" He asked, modestly curious.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:15pm Apr 29 2010 (last edited on 8:18pm Apr 29 2010)
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Sunni looked up she tilted her head then realized he had forgotton who she was which bluntly came t her as open and real as itwas somehing that had happened that she just had to wake up to it still hurt."i can keep without dying thank you i practically lived on m own my whole life..."SHe watched him wrap up her foot keeping her eyes on it "im sixteen just turned,why?"SHe paused her butt hurt keeping her foot up hile sittin on the floor but she said nothing.then turned to him "what your favorite color?"it just came out she realized besides on night she didnt really know anything abou him.
8:19pm Apr 29 2010 (last edited on 8:20pm Apr 29 2010)
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Jace stiffened and said, "Gray. Why?" He finished wrapping his her foot, and looked around the room. Glas s was flung all over; there was no way they could stay in here without hurting themselves. He stood up and placed his hands where his jeans were sitting, just on his hips. His blood-soaked fingers left two red lines on his pale stomach. He glanced back at the shattered door and frowned a little. But he stayed silent.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:55pm Apr 29 2010
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Sunni looked up "just wondering"She lookd at her foot and frowned this was gonna be another set back.She grabbed the side of the bed trying to pull herself up without using the other foot but fell to the floor on her butt,she laughed."hey wanna go to the beach?"SHe qeustioned looking tothe ar ocean that seemed to go on forever it sent chills up he spine ut something told her to go.
8:59pm Apr 29 2010
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"Not really," Jace admitted, poking his head out of the doorway for a moment. He came back in with a broom in hand. As he cleaned up the sharp, dangerous mess on the floor, he stared at the floor. His mind was numb, and somewhere else completely. He shook out his hair and sighed, stiffling a yelp when he stepped on a stray shard. He pulled it out of his foot easily, releaved it wasn't too deep a cut. He continued in silence, eyes distant and hollow as he thought.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:13pm Apr 29 2010 (last edited on 9:15pm Apr 29 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni's smile faded and she stopped laughing.She turned her head silent and pulled herself up on the bed.She gulped and sat on the bed looking out towards the ocean noticing he got cut but didnt saw anything.She got the vibes from jace and she got cut off bluntly she wasnt worried a little angry maybe.She got off the bed abd left the room to go outside maybe he didnt want to go to the beach but she did.SHe limped down the stairs onto the silent cold floor the house was empty and dark it was eery but she felt no fear.She silently opened the sliding gl*censored* door out onto the sandy solem beach.the sand wnet into the banage and stung but she didnt care she just walked to the black abyss...
9:16pm Apr 29 2010
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"Bye," Jace called after her briskly. His voice was sharp and angry. He started to mumble to himself crossly, "Kisses me, says she knows me when she doesn't, runs away and cuts herself like an emo, my parents pick her up and care for her, she breaks my ten thousand dollar glas s door, cuts herself, I fix her up, and then she just walks out because I don't want to go to the beach this second?" He shook his head, keeping his blazing eyes on the ground.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:37pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni sighed sat down in the warm deep crystal white sand, Letting her toes touch the black icy water as the tide pulled in and out in and out in and…out. She lost herself watching the waves her face unmoving, still. Her cool salty breeze shook her deep within and carried her to a distant place. Sunni slowly breathed trying to keep control she was clear yet stuffed with thoughts and emotions that she couldn’t express like a suitcase stuffed with clothes and about to burst. Her foot hurt and her chest even more. She couldn’t…just couldn’t. No one understood Sunni and she knew it and was okay with it but sometimes it felt lonely and empty,hollow.Her eyes wondered to the black abyss out into the moonless night only the swoosh of the tide and the white caps from waves far ahead told her it was the ocean she turned looking at the light from jace’s room she needed him but then again being alone is what she did best, wasn’t it?
2:36pm Apr 30 2010
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12:53am May 1 2010
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(heading out of town. Kink, plz post a reply if you get on...)