3:31am Apr 18 2010
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Sunni's eyes widened in horror as she saw jake being carried out "what happened!!"she screamed"Frantic to find out she couldnt figure why she cared so much for him.She barely knew him ad that whole break down earlier but she oddlt felt attached and she couldnt put her finger one it.
9:28am Apr 18 2010
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((Wow...No idea what is going on?))
9:31am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Well. You guys had fun without me. )) ((What's going on? Recap please? ))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:13am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((I just red most of it...Um, Jake and Sunni were talking when Jake ran away because he thought Sunni didn't like him for being bi, or somethinglike that. He ran to his house and was yelled by his mother for not bringing home bread, then his father beat him for blaiming Zane(I think), and Zane and Angel followed him home. Sunni broke her leg or something and Aaron helped her get to the hospitol, she just walked out of the hospitol and is wondering what happened to Jake...And I think that is it.))
10:18am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( -snort- Nice. Well, I'm not sure how to bring in my characters... :/ Charlotte is sitting in the park, Josh is walking to the park, and Jace just walked out of his house. And Sarah just got out of the shower and left her house. )) (( -thinks- Where to bring them in.... ))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:52am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Jade sat down in the park. The gr*censored* under her was itchy but she ignored it as she tried to practice her powers. Both of her dark brown, almost black eyes were closed and in front of her stood a long pointy metal stick looking thing. A darkness covered the bar and lifted it us. The next second the pointy end of the metal stick was stuck in the middle of the tree. Jade smiled. She got up and pulled the stick out and watched some sap roll down the tree.
11:02am Apr 18 2010
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Charlotte whistled, too quietly for anyone to hear, and one of the chipmunks detached themself from his friend and darted to her side. She smiled, and patted the top of it's head gently with one finger. It squeaked, and raced back to his friend, where they started chirping rapidly. Charlotte couldn't help but giggle a little bit. Sarah ran a hand through her hair, smirking a little at it's softness. In the bright sunlight, it shined like woven gold, which was harshly accurate when it came to Sarah. Her icy blue eyes scanned the park, and instead of going to bother someone, she sat down on a swing, and kicked her flipflops off. Josh, eyes darting from side to side to ssee if anyone was watching, sighed quietly to himself when he saw there was nobody around. He focused his scary indigo eyes on a tree branch about thirty feet in front above him, and then jumped, kicking off the ground with inhuman strength. He hit the branch, and grabbed onto it, swinging his legs over to stare at the ground beneath him. There was a girl, who had just pulled a metal stick out of a tree. He whistled, loudly, like he would whistle at a dog, to get her attention. He smirked playfully. Jace pulled a pair of square black-rimmed glas ses out of his backpack, and put them on. All the blurriness in his vision faded, and he smirked a little to himself, although he hated his glas ses with a strong pas sion. He sat down on the gras s, and pulled out a sleek black laptop, switching it on. He let his silver eyes wander as he waited for it to completely turn on. A light breeze ruffled his silver hair.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:32am Apr 18 2010
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Jade heard a loud whistle. She looked up to see someone up in the tree above. She waved, "How did you get up there?" She asked looking at the tall tree. It looked to high to climb. Her neck started to get soar from looking up so she took a step back so that she could see the boy a little better without having to look up so high.
11:50am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni felt fed up walked out of the house too much drama,just too much.She turned and went to the river though with a broken ankle swimming wasnt an option but she needed to push far away she thought if she should even see these people again.She sat down in the gr*censored*.She casted heel hit the earth with a thud and she saw two people one up in a tree.SHe watched them for a while.Bored she got up and walked by them to get there attention "hey"SHe said limping by.
11:53am Apr 18 2010
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Jade looked at the girl. She smiled friendly and waved to the girl. She yawned and sat back down in the gr*censored*.
11:58am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni looked torwards her and gave a weak fake smile.For once in her life she felt angry and sad and worried all of this mad her so confused mixed up inside and she couldnt get out.She just wanted to run away from it all. Just to escape even if it meant never coming back.She closed her eyes feeling the pain in her leg.It locked her here.But so did her grandmother whom seceretyl she had grown to hate she would leave her to die but that didnt matter her grandmother was to crazy to notice
12:30pm Apr 18 2010
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Josh looked down at her, and said, "Trick of the trade." He grinned, swinging his feet back forth. His eyes narrowed, and he pricked his ears when he thought he heard something in the distance. He froze entirely for a minute. Then, with a little exhale, he looke back at Jade. "Thought I heard something," he explained weakly.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:33pm Apr 18 2010
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Jade looked up at him, "What did you hear?" She asked curious.
12:37pm Apr 18 2010
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Josh shrugged, indigo eyes modest, but distant like he was thinking. "I thought I heard a scream. But I'm probably imagining things; don't worry about it." He glanced at the ground, then, wwithout warning, he dropped out of the tree and landed in a crouch, both feet planted on the ground. He stood up, and adjusted his shirt and hair. "I'm Josh, by the way."
wuss poppin jimbo
12:53pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Can she like...Talk to the shadows or something if she can control them?)) Jade smiled, "Nice to meet you, Josh. I am Jade." She said. Her eyes still had a small curiosity in them about what he had heard. She twirled her medal stick around her fingers and stabbed it into the dirt.
12:57pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Mhmm. o3o Pretty much anything to do with shadows, I guess. )) Josh smirked, black hair falling in front of his puzzled and curious eyes like a dark curtain of shadows. "So, what exactly are you doing with that thing anyways?" He nodded towards the stick, and couldn't help but chuckled a little bit. "I really do hope you weren't stabbing someone to death with it or something." (( Computer's gonna die. BRB. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
1:03pm Apr 18 2010
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Jade giggled, "No...I was practicing with it." She looked over at the tree, sap was still coming out of it.
1:05pm Apr 18 2010
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Josh rolled his eyes. "Remind me not to make you mad, okay?" He let out a little chuckle. "Anyways. What're you doing in the park all alone? Some creep could just come and pick you up." He snickered and ran a hand through his hair. "But, as long as you have that stick, I guess nobody's going to get within fifty feet of you."
wuss poppin jimbo
1:14pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Jade laughed, "I can protect myself." She said. Her voice turned dark at the end and her eyes seemed to wonder into the past. She shook her head as though she was trying to get the memory out. Jade looked back at Josh. She looked around trying to remember where she was.
1:17pm Apr 18 2010
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Josh pulled down the edge of his shirt again nervously when he noticed a strip of his stomach was showing; a deep purple bruise marred his skin there. He pulled another dazzling smile on his face, and hoped Jade hadn't noticed it. His stomach twisted itself in knots. "I can see that."
wuss poppin jimbo