2:05pm Apr 18 2010
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((hmf i gotta figure a way to get sunni to talk to someone. shes just kinda there,lol))
2:09pm Apr 18 2010
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Jade kicked up some dirt. She sat down and leaned againt the tree. The shadows kept her company but even they didn't talk right now. Everything was silent, and it seemed like the world she had been born in changed. It was so quiet, it had never been so quiet. She put her head on her knees and closed her eyes. She didn't know where to go or what to do right now, and she just wanted to stay here for the rest of her life and not change anything around her. Just her, this tree, and the shadows.
2:13pm Apr 18 2010
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(( Jace, Charlotte, and Sarah are all free. xD Charlotte's sitting in the gras s, Sarah's on a swing, and Jace is sitting near a tree. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
2:15pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 2:16pm Apr 18 2010)
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Sunni saw a boy sitting near a tree she smiled and got up and walked to the boy and sat down.She still looked like she got in a fight and lost but why not she had no hopes dreams or the fear of what people thinked knowing what life had meant for her what it gave her."hello"She gulped and looked down.
2:15pm Apr 18 2010
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Josh grinned. "I still have have my bear. His name is simon." He chuckled, eyes sparkling. "He's little, and brown, and all torn up and worn out." He added in a hushed voice, "Some kid tried to take him when I was twelve. I pulled a pocket knife out on them." He rasied his voice again. "So, as you can see, I've always been a troubled kid." He adjusted his shirt, still struggling to hide the strip of bruise skin on his stomach.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:15pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 2:17pm Apr 18 2010)
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Jace looked at her, modestly puzzled. He closed his laptop. "Hi," he said slowly. "I'm Jason Willpwspring. You can call me Jace." He blinked, taken by surprise by her, well, injuries. "Oh my... Are you okaya?" His silver eyes flickered with concern.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:18pm Apr 18 2010
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Angel saw the bruises but ignored them. "A knife? Well... One time, when I was about five, my mom took away my dinner before I was finished and I picked up a pan and accidentally knocked her out. It scared me 'cause I thought I killed her..." Angel laughed at the memory. "No one takes my food away now."
2:22pm Apr 18 2010
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Josh grinned. "Want to go get some ice cream?" he asked. He added with a wink, "I won't take it away from you." A light breeze ruffled his hair again, making it fell in front of his eyes. He commented to himself with a frown, "Darn, I need a haircut again..."
wuss poppin jimbo
2:22pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni felt insane to come up to him,especially like this.She smiled and laughed "m'ya is pain good?"She had never been in pain or atleast remeberance of it she had blanked out.She breathed in the smell of summer air and shivered by the slightest breeze...she felt cold for some reason...not that is mattered "it feels good all dirty and hurt though it not being from a fight not as much,i feel alive i feel...relieved of everything...to let go ya know?"she locked eyes with him "im alive and i have nothing i am or atleast should be completely happy....completely"
2:23pm Apr 18 2010
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Angel grinned happily. "Sure," She said with a grin. Angel tapped her pocket, making sure she had money, she did. "And I like your hair long... It makes you seem mysterious..." Angel laughed at herself more than her comment. She loved that word: Mysterious...
2:29pm Apr 18 2010
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Jace nodded, absorbing her words. but he couldn't shake his concern. "Maybe I should take you to a doctor's or something and get you cleaned up," he said softly, biting down on his lip gently. "Or, y'know, at least tell you where a doctor's is or something." ______ Josh rolled his eyes at the words she used. Mysterious. That hardly made a dent in the surface of his dark personality. "Thank you, but it's getting hard to talk to people through a wall of dark hair." He moved his hair to the side again, and started to walk towards the ice cream store, keeping his pace matched with her's carefully.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:30pm Apr 18 2010
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((I think I may add another character.)) Jade heard another whisper. Aurora... She is here. A shadow said. Jade froze, "Are you sure?" She asked looking around. She felt something in her mind...An image. It was of a small albino girl walking through the park. It was Aurora! Jade got up. She hurried back towards where she had been practicing and grabbed the metal stick which she had dropped.
2:33pm Apr 18 2010
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wuss poppin jimbo
2:33pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 2:33pm Apr 18 2010)
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wuss poppin jimbo
2:34pm Apr 18 2010
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Angel 'pshh-ed' and rolled her eyes. "Whateva!" She said fakely with a laugh. Angel noticed his match in pace as hers, it made her smile. "You're like... side-stalking me," She teased him. Anegl laughed loudly, her cheeks turning red like they always did when she laughed.
2:34pm Apr 18 2010
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Sunni looked up she looked eyes with him her golden eyes sparkled clear with a spark of wit behind them "no,im okay i seem insane huh?"She looked at her leg "i geuss i just...i just have to realize life isnt something you complain about everday is a blessing live everyday like your dieing,ha"SHe smiled something about him sparked her natural happiness."im sunni by the way,jace"She looked to the river "i could go the doctor but honestly i dont care anymore what in the H*ll could they do? i feel good i could go clean up in the river if it bothers you"
2:36pm Apr 18 2010
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(( Um... Rocca, can you try to be a little bit more literate. It's starting to kinda bother me. )) Jace shook his head, silver hair bouncing slightly. "It doesn't bother me. Don't worry about it." He blinked, glancing up at the sky.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:38pm Apr 18 2010
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Name:Aurora Hawk Age:15 Gender:female Crush/Bf/GF:None Power?:Teleportation Personality:Aurora is very gloomy. She is always telling people what might happen if they do this, and it usually sounds bad. She is easily angered and once she is mad at you she doesn't let it go. She has a big oppinion and all of those together make her very annoying and hard to get along with. History:Her fatherkilled himself and her mother ran away leaving her older sister Jade to take care of the family. Aurora thought she could do a better job and let Jade know this. Jade got so mad she nearly killed Aurora and then ran away swearing to never get mad, happy, or sad again. Meanwhile Aurora took care of her younger sisters Kitty and Aloe until Aloe ran away to look for Jade. Aurora and Kitty travled for a long time until Kitty also left. Other:Nope Looks:Coming...
2:41pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Uhg... Goodness... I have to get off now. D:< Parents... Psh.))
2:42pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 2:46pm Apr 18 2010)
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Sunni felt the breeze in her hair and looked to the flowing green trees that brought a glow to the park of life and joy.She scrunched her nose and bit her lip tasting the metal from her peircing."ill just go anyway ill be back"She wasnt sure if jace wanted her to be back but she would look for and flicker of distaste in his voice as an answer/She stood up feeling the icy damp gr*censored* prick her toes she breathed in and limped to the old wooden dock that brought her memories of when she was little fiquring out her breathe for water.She slinked down to the muddy bank and slid into the cold clear water of the river letting the current wash away the blood and pain.She dipped her head in as a cloud of rusty water go down stream.Then crawling back out "better" she yelled from acroos the park ((better?))