2:47pm Apr 18 2010
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Jace glanced at her sideways, a small smile tugging at the edge of his lips. "Okay; I'll be waiting," he said quietly, pulling out his laptop again. "Don't take too long." ______ Josh rolled his eyes, then pointed out gently, "You blush a lot." He added more mischieviously, "But I like it." He grinned, pulling out his wallet when they approached the ice cream store. "Am I paying for yours, or are you?" he asked, glancing back at her. (( Okay. )) ((Accepted. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
2:47pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 2:48pm Apr 18 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
((sorry my comp interenet fails then refreshes over like every 5 minutes (im not sure why)so i have to fit it all in and post befor it does)) ((btw i added more to it but ill just use the added part as the other post))
2:51pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,361
She stood up feeling the icy damp gr*censored* prick her toes she breathed in and limped to the old wooden dock that brought her memories of when she was little fiquring out her breathe for water.She slinked down to the muddy bank and slid into the cold clear water of the river letting the current wash away the blood and pain.She dipped her head in as a cloud of rusty water go down stream.Then crawling back out "better" she yelled from across the park before trying to run over but forgeting about the cast and tripping."ha be right there"She walked over to him and sat back down playing with the gr*censored*"sorry i just came up to you like that i feel kinda stupid for doing so"She looked off to the distance towards town and eventually the pink old house she dreaded to go home to she planned to run but where she didnt know just to take one step at a time.
3:10pm Apr 18 2010
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Jade walked through the park. She didn't want to see Aurora...At least not right now. Jade heard the shadows whisper stuff in her ears. She couldn't tell what they were saying because what ever it was they were saying it all at the same time. She walked a little bit faster wondering if Aurora knew she was here. She ran down a small path and jumped as there was a bright flash of light and the next thing she knew Aurora was standing in front of her. Aurora narrowed her eyes, "Were you trying to run away?" She asked teasingly, "You always were kind of slow." She let out a dark laugh. Jade froze in place, "Don't make a scene, Aro." Jade said using Aurora's old nickname. "Don't call me that!" Aurora snapped, "Who was that boy you were talking to?" She asked. "You were spying on me! Unbelievable." Jade said. Aurora shrugged, "I was just curioous what you were like these days. I guess people were right about you."
3:18pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 3:18pm Apr 18 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
((could i add a girl who walks through walls? its kinda dull with just sunni...))
3:28pm Apr 18 2010
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(( We have enough characters for now, Rocca. )) Jace grinned, shutting his laptop again with a toss of his silver hair. "Don't feel stupid." he said, noticing her distant look. "I'm glad you came; I was starting to get kind of bored and lonely." He stared at her for a moment, before turning away and putting his laptop in his bag.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:39pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((okay...X.x)) Sunni smiled satisfied with his answer.She slowly got up feeling the dampness on her bottom from the gr*censored*.She breathed in streching and cracking her back.She felt refreshed and recovered from her sickness earlier.She looked at him and decided to go for it and ask "ya wanna..um go inta town with me?"She held her breathe nervous for an answer "its kinda boring ya know in the park"She lout out a akward nervous laugh.She felt out off place normally always being so sure of herself.
3:41pm Apr 18 2010
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Jace looked up at her in the middle of throwing his bag strap over his shoulder. "Sure," he said, almost cheerfully. "What are you going to do in town?" He stood up, straightening out his shirt and hair. Then he pulled off his glas ses and wiped the fog off the lenses. He placed them back on his face with alight annoyance.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:48pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni smiled so large it would have swallowed her whole face "welp...we could go to the gas station and get slushies er sumthin like that?"She shook off the nervous feeling but failed.Her skipped to the side walk trying to look as dignified and graceful as possiable in her clunkly neon pink cast.She had butterflies in her stomache and the breeze was sweet with cherry blossoms and cool river water all was right with the world.Her eyes darted back to him and she waited for him to catch up. ((sorry i drew a blank))
3:51pm Apr 18 2010
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(( Sókay )) (( RAWR. -rants to self- )) Jace followed her, an amused ex pression plastered on his face. "I like your cast," he said as he walked up beside her. "It's very....pink." He chuckled softly, looking of at the sun with narrowed eyes. "It's so hot out today.." he commented quietly. "What I wouldn't give to go swimming..." He glanced back down at Sunni. "Let's go get those slushies." He tried not to walk too quickly, so he adjusted his stride to match her's.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:56pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((I can't think of what to write...>())
3:58pm Apr 18 2010
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(( I'll help you out Snaky 8D )) Charlotte got onto her feet, and weaved her way between Aurora and Jade. Tension crackled through the air, so she tried to lighten the mood. "Hi!" she squeaked, pretending to gush like a brainless blonde. "My name's Charlotte! Who are you!?" She smiled, looking at Jade and then at Aurora.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:04pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Thanks.XD)) Aurora looked at Charlotte like she had grown a second head, "I am Aurora...This is my sister Jade." Aurora said glaring at Jade. Jade smiled glad for a distraction.
4:07pm Apr 18 2010
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Sunni flipped her air and tried to look pretty.She looked down at her eye burning cast "haha thanks i didnt pick it out i geuss they just figured since i was a girl..."She laughed "ugly little thing isnt it?"She saw the him walking by her and smiled "thanks fer walking with me sorry im so slow"She paused and looked at the river and frowned "yea me too but i cant with the eye sore on my ankle"She got to the hot blistering road and stopped looking to cross the street to the gas station "my favrite flover of slushie is blue....er r*censored*berry"She looked at his and smiled at his pretty face "whats yours?"
4:18pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte flashed her a look, too quick for Aurora to see, that meant she knew what had been going on before she arrived, and that she was helping Jade out. She turned back to Aurora. "Oh! It's so nice to meet you!" She fake-gushed, with round blue eyes. "I'm staying just around the corner! How old are you? Where do you live?" _______ Jace smirked. "I like banana, or blueberry. But I guess banana beats all." He shook out his hair again, and glanced back up at the sun. "I wish it wasn't so god damn hot outside today," he said under his breath, stepping into the gas station. When he pushed open the door, a bell rang loudly, and the clerk looked up at him. He pulled out a twenty dollar bill. "Two large slushies please. One Razzberry, one banana. Keep the change." The clerk nodded, and started to make their slushies.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:24pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni looked to him and smiled "i coulda paid!"She stepped back a little and shifted her wieght to help the pain in her leg."so uh you around here?"she almost laughed for not asking.She grabbed the slushie as the man p*censored*ed it out and almost sucked it gone "brain freeze!"she yelled and laughed."oh uh ya know the ugly little pink house? i live er lived there" (sorry drew another blank))
4:27pm Apr 18 2010
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Jace took his slushie in silence, and sucked on it quietly without answering her. He didn't want her to know he live in a big, expensive house with rich parents that gave him his every wish. He didn't want anyone to know. But he didn't want to lie to her, so he stayed silent. He pushed open the door and walked outside, waiting for her to follow. His mind wandered, making his eyes take on a darker, distant storm gray colour.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:33pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Sunni felt a little unsettled by him not answering but she brushed it away.She limped out by him and reached out to touch his shoulder "you okay?"she said with concern as his sparkling silver eyes darkened.She sniffed and turned to face him and smiled to cheer him up "its okay you dont have to tell me if you dont want too i didnt mean to seem pushy"She felt bad almost to ask.SHe wandered down the street towards the city "i feel like i never want to go home...especially to my grandmother"SHe sighed she felt the heat but she liked heat for some reason heat meant happiness in her eyes.The sun was setting and the air became muggy and damp she sighed "such a pretty day"
4:33pm Apr 18 2010
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Aurora looked at her, "I erm...I don't really live at one spot. I am just visiting for right now." She answered. Jade felt something whisper in her ear. What should we do about her? A shadow asked. I don't know. Jade answered. Maybe her sister was just here to visit.
4:39pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte nodded, smile slipping off her face; she was getting tired of her stupid blonde charade. "Alright, Alright." She turned to Jade, gave her a stern look and grabbed her hand, regain her fake smile. "Let's go hang out!" She started to drag her away from Aurora. ___ Jace glanced at her, eyes lightening only slightly. "What's wrong with your Grandmother? I mean, why don't you want to go home to her?" Curiousity picked at him, making him forget his previous silent phase. He finished off his slushy in record time, and tossed it into the garbage can nearest to him. He glaned at the horizon, where the sun was starting to sink beneath the foaming waves of the ocean. "You're right, it is pretty." He added teasingly, "But hot as hell."
wuss poppin jimbo