I will find her. {Mythical creatures rp} And none of you can stop me.

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12:23am Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 2,264
((writers block))


9:44am Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 12,384

((I cant read the whole posts. D: ))

"Nessie..." Ash whispered lowly. She could hear him from even here. She flew to the lake as fast as she could, landing by Aqua.


4:04pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 2,264

"wait for me"

((me: i have tought you well=

 silver: wow who was that

me: im am your conchans , at least i think

silver: ok? ill just pretend i never heard you

me: what do you mean you heard me im right here see i can sing lalalala *sings horabley*

silver: shut up


silver: stop it!!!

me:no i am your teacher you listen to me

silver: never ok good bye?


4:07pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 9,641

'Homg, Fine her!'



Name: Kyhler

Age: Teen

Gender: Female

Personality: Nice and sweet, but she can turn from Mother Teresa into a hellion in moments.

Species: I call it Neither Hound...my own invention. :P

Powers: Control over ice, amazing agility and speed

Weaknesses: Not a lot of strength and is often easily cowed.

History: Blah D<

Looks: Kyhler is a large wolf-like animal with ice white fur. Mixed in with the white is silver, red and black. On her back she has two large white wings with black shot through it. Wherever she walks it seems as if the mist is rising about her, and it often surrounds her entire form.

Other: Nah


4:11pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 4,848
((Bio accepted Raithe <3))


4:12pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 9,641
{Thanks Galen ♥}


4:15pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 9,641
{Where are they? Setting, what's foing on?}


4:18pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 12,418
((I missed alot.))

(Banner made by Kina)

4:19pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 4,848

((foing? o3o xD

Nessie is trying to hurt Aqua.  Rika's character transformed into the thing Nessie loves the most, his dead mate, Pele, he still, however, wants to kill Aqua, and stuff.  o3o  The setting is a forest that has been transformed into a swamp with very deep water that even something as big as Nessie could fit in.)) 


4:23pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 9,641

{Ok then...}

Kyhler bounded through the swamp, her mist keeping her paws from touching the green-black sludge. Her white coat was stark against the gloomy background and she knew that any enemy would have no trouble finding her. She skidded to a stop when she saw a couple of other mythical creatures.


4:28pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 4,848
Nessie growled when he sensed someone else near.  He focused his cold green eyes on Kyhler.  He roared loudly, making the few birds that were in the trees scatter.  He dived into the sludge, seeming to disappear.  He resurfaced just behind Kyhler.  "WHO ARE YOU?!"  He demanded in his normal loud voice, "ARE YOU ANOTHER THAT IS GOING TO TRY TO STOP ME FROM KILLING THE ONE WHO KILLED MY LOVE?!" 


4:30pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Kyhler spun around in surprise. "What...huh?" she asked, completely confused and stunned at the beast's appearance. "Who are you and why would I stop you from killing somone?" she snapped, now thoroughly roused and mad.


4:33pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 4,848
Nessie, although he was bigger then Kyhler, flinched when she yelled at him.  "EVERYONE IS." He replied, not being able to help talking loud enough to shake the trees slightly.  His huge tail was slowly going across the sludge, making small waves, small to him at least, they could easily be surfed on by a human.  Not like any human would.  {o3o}


4:39pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 9,641


Kyhler sighed, "You big males are all the same. Why in the world would I stop you from killing whoever it is you're killing? I don't know you and I don't know who...or what, you're killing." she retorted angrily, her cold eyes staring right at the monster's.


4:40pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 2,264
((writers block))


4:42pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 4,848


"HMPH."  Nessie replied.  "I'M SORRY THEN.  I ADMIT I JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS TOO FAST."  He swam around Kyhler, creating small waves as he did so.  Then went over to Aqua, who was trying to hide behind a rock.  He sneered, "TRYING TO HIDE, EH?"  He laughed. 


4:46pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 9,641

{o3o x2}

Kyhler sighed and padded over the water and sludge again, wincing as some of the dirty water hit her pristine coat. Luckily, her mist also served as a cleaning-thing-a-ma-jigger and her coat was once again pure white, shot through with silver, black and red. 


4:50pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 4,848

((o3o x3))

Nessie picked up Aqua by her tail, making her squeal loudly out of fear.  "GIVE ME THE NECKLACE OF TRITON FIRST!  ONLY THE CHOSEN SHOULD WEAR IT!"  He shook Aqua making her become sick, but the necklace did not budge.  "WHY WONT IT COME OFF?!"  


4:52pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 9,641

{o3o x4}

Now this scared Kyhler. She leapt onto the monster's back and started to freeze the swamp and him, stalling him from killing the poor creature. She now ran up to his head and yelled in his ear, "What is this all for anyways?!"


4:55pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 4,848

((o3o x5))

Nessie growled at Kyhler for stalling him.  "SHE KILLED MY MATE!"  He replied louder then needed.  "AND FOR THAT SHE MUST DIE!" He roared again, trying to shake Aqua again.

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