6:09pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 12:39am Jul 26 2010)
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Welcome to a new world.
In this world people are acompanied by creatures called Daemons. Daemons have the ability to look like the animal that reflects your personality, but all daemons have cat like eyes and the whites of their eyes are black . In order to obtain a Daemon, one must enter the underworld by jumping into a deep dark well.
Once in the well you must face your fears, your past and the unthinkable.
Many people go through life without ever obtaining a Daemon. There is no age limit for the Daemon Quest. Just jump in prepared to die. Some people never come back out.
Are you ready to find your Inner Daemon?
Part II
Some sort of weird diesease is causing daemon's to vanish.
This doesnt seem to be contagious, it seems more like someone, or thing, was selecting who to give this too.
Normally, humans die without their partner daemons, but the humans are still alive.
Word gets out about a group of creatures that find daemons to be unfit to have humans and want to claim the humans as their partners and banish all daemons to a desolate place.
This group calls themselves Angaels.
They look like animals just like the daemons, but no matter what form they take their white wings and completely gold eyes remain the same.
These creatures werent ment to bond with humans. By bonding with a human, the angaels slowly drain the life from the human, eventually killing them. The Angaels do not care though.
When a human dies, they simply find a new one.
Who will banish the Angaels?
Only penple who can activate their Daemon's 3 kuro, ablities, can hope to defeat the Angaels and banish them from wince they came.
1. Whatever gender you are, your daemon is opposite.
2. Violence is incouraged, romance is allowed.
3. No pp,gm or sues.
4. To have a mythical creature for a daemon your persona better be hella awesome.
6. Dont just join and never post. And be atleast semi-lit. I will kill you if you break the rules.
6:14pm Jul 17 2010
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((Join... Again?))
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6:16pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 7:29pm Jul 17 2010)
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Persona (no rp outs)
((feel free to ask questions))
6:16pm Jul 17 2010
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Name: Dusk Mirls Ilisk Gender: Female Age:14 Personality: She is often quiet as if she knows something that nobody else does. Mysterious as she is, she makes a loyal companion if she grows to trust you. Many times, she closes herself up and becomes and emotionless ball of emptiness. She has anger management problems and will sometimes get mad for no clear reason, though she knows there is one. History: She was born in Relcore to a very poor family. When she was five, a bright light shot over her head, but it was too big to be a shooting star. She snatched it out of the air, for it was only a little ways above her head and held it in her hand. She screamed for a long time after her hands closed around the ball and eventually fell unconcious. When she awoke, she was drifting in the see with a note tied to her arm. If she couldv'e read it, she was only 5 and the light and made her blind, she would have read: Dear Dusk, We are giving you to the sea in the hopes that you will have a better life. We are sorry you had to find out this way, but your markings have scared us. Hope we see you again in a better lifetime. -Your loving parents Dusk was alone and heartbroken when a daemon told her what the note said. As she grew, she used this hate and anger to feul her. She grew to love the art of sword fighting and practiced everyday. She doesn't know what the markings are that her parents were talking about, but she vowed to get them back for breaking her five-year-old heart. Her parents moved, along with most of the population, away from the area. She chose to stay traveling in the hopes that they will come back and see her one day. She doesn't hate her parents, but she thinks she does and someday she will figure this out. Clothing: She is usually seen wearing a purple kimono-like top and blue jeans. A cloak wraps around Dusk's frail body and keeps her warm. Around her neck is a sapphire hanging on a necklace. Weapons: She has a long staff that she uses as cane to help with her blindness, though it is useful in a battle for knocking foes unconcious; it is called Frigid. She also has a sword attached to a belt that has a silver hilt and a bronze blade. This sword is called Silver Fyre. Family: Gone Looks: She stands 5'4" and weighs around 90 lbs, very skinny for her age, some might even go as far to say that she is underweight. Her hair is coal black and her eyes, though blind, are a bright purple color. Her skin is almost as pale as the albino cyid. On her right shoulder is a white thin trail that intertwines with the black one on her left shoulder. This resembles Yin and Yang. Other: I think I am brain-dead. Daemon: Name: Rel Age: Teen Gender: Male Species: Dragon Looks:
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6:17pm Jul 17 2010
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Kuro 1: Breathe Ice Kuro 2: Control Water. Kuro 3: Merge with Dusk and Dusk become a part of Rel.
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6:19pm Jul 17 2010
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((Of course Feyth. Hey could you be co-owner. I gotta wash my dog))
6:22pm Jul 17 2010
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6:54pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 11:06pm Jul 17 2010)
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Name - Aliluja Campbell
Age - 17
Gender - female
Looks -
Persona- She is quiet and tends to do things that benifit herself. Not saying that she is selfish, she was simply raised to look out for herself. She is 5"1 and hates being called short. She prefers warm weather and being on the ground. When she was younger she would dig holes in her yard to catch the bugs, moles and other things underneith, because she has an urge to find things under ground.
History - Aliluja has always played in dirt. She loves how it smells and feels. Everyone thinks she is so weird, but her mom says that's just her Daemon calling out to her. Her mom and step-dad are the only people in her family she knows that have Daemons. She is determined to either get hers or die underground.
Weapons- a raiper made of pure silver and a black and green colored boomerang
Bf/Gf - OPEN
Other - can not swim
Name - Tokko
Gender - male
-Daemons Kuro-
Kuro 1- A large trasparent sheild
Kuro 2- he can tell what another daemon's kuro are by stareing into its eyes
Kuro 3- manipulates the earth
7:27pm Jul 17 2010
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((Who ever joins I will give them tacos!))
7:27pm Jul 17 2010
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((Do we get tacos.))
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7:42pm Jul 17 2010
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((Of course we get tacos!))
11:32pm Jul 17 2010
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7:48am Jul 18 2010
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(( Join? =D ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:49am Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 6:54pm Jul 21 2010)
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~Bio~ Name: James Alexander
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Persona: Calm, Cool, And Collected. He’s Usually He First One To Get Bored Of Something And Make Up Some New Game To Occupy His Ever Wondering Mind. And ‘Unfortunately’, In His Opinion, He’s Really Smart And Has An Uncanny Ability To Understand Mostly Everything He Comes In Contact With; Even People. Even Though He’s Smart, He’s Easy To Talk To An Has A Natural Gift To Become Friends With Anyone He Meets. Loyal, Kind, And Understanding. History: Supposedly, according to his mother, his father was a great war hero and died on some battlefield far away from here. He never really believed that, but didn't blame his mother for trying to cover his father's absence with a heroic cover. She was a very kind woman but frail, getting sick easily or injured and James would have to care for her. When he was 15 his mother got cancer and he cared for her alone. Taking care of the house, her, and himself was hard to do while he was in school. So, he got a couple of jobs and dropped out of high school. When he was 16 his mom died, leaving him alone. He went back to high school, having to redo the year he'd dropped out, and he moved into a one bedroom apartment and dropped one of his jobs. He'd thought of suicide plenty of times, but resulted to just cutting. That's when Kiki came along and soon life didn't seem all that bad anymore. He stopped cutting and for once, he was taken care of instead of the other way around. Weapons: A gun. It isn't fancy or big, or very expensive to say the least. Just a simple black gun. But even a simple black gun can kill someone.
Bf/Gf: Nope
Other: He's very friendly Daemon~ Name: Kiki
Gender: Female

Kuro 1. She can grow and shrink to a very great extent, her strengths increase when she get bigger, but stays the same when she gets smaller. 2. Her roar can be amplified to become a sound wave, destroying anything that lays in its path 3. She can make herself invisible and anyone that is holding onto her at the time, which helps her replenish her strength by drawing some of the other holding onto her.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:08am Jul 18 2010
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((Accepted! Here is your taco miss Hokage))
10:11am Jul 18 2010
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(join? :D this looks veeery interesting)
Embrynn is : Offline :(

10:26am Jul 18 2010
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((Sure! I made the plot myself. Here is your free taco))
10:53am Jul 18 2010
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(Woo! a Taco!! I'll be going now! thanks!! JK :3) Name Ruka Keltar Age 17 Gender male Looks
Persona Often characterized by others for his bad mouth, he comes off as rude and blunt. People are convinced that he is always in a bad mood since he rarely smiles, yet he is strangely reliable. Underneath it all, he's simply an awkward person who doesn't know how to deal with people and his survival mechanism for that matter is to be very abrasive, especially when there are many people around him. When dealing one-to-one, though, more of his true personality shines through.
History Having been an orphan from a very early age, Ruka did not grow up in a loving environment. He learned ealy on to keep to himself and not attract attention from others. He met his daemon when he was ten, during a time in which he felt he could lose little from dying in the attempt to find said daemon. when he came through the ordeal alive, and with his daemon, Ruka struck out on his own. Though young, he managed to survive on the streets, learning the laws and ways of life there. A few years ago, he scrounged up enough money to rent a cheap aparment, while lying about his age of course. Weapons A silver, serrated dagger decorated with red sigils on the hilt and blade. Was given to him by a man he considered his mentor during his time on the streets. also has a pair of knuckle-blades, blades that rest over the knuckles.
Bf/Gf nada
S.O Could be BI ;3
Other nada Daemon Name Shiza Gender Female Looks http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=fox#/d822rb Kuro 1. Can sprout a pair of orange-feathered wings 2. Can set her entire body on fire 3. Can teleport, or 'flash step', short distances, recharges every few minutes
Embrynn is : Offline :(

11:17am Jul 18 2010
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((Lol, nice char.))
11:47am Jul 18 2010
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( fangjuu *means 'thank you' in Mymouthisstuffedwithtacos*)
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