8:11am Jul 19 2010
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Tokko didnt like that the daemon and her human were getting so close.
"I said stay back!"he growled as a force pushed the tigress and the boy away.
A tinted transparent sphere was around the confused girl and the black mongoose daemon.
"Answer my human! Who are you?"he shouted
8:19am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 8:24am Jul 19 2010)
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James grinned excitedly, "Ok kiki. You can stop now." James said and kiki back off a good 20 feet from them. James jumped off of kiki's back, "I'm James Alexander." he introduced himself. "And this is Kiki, my Daemon." Kiki dipped her head and blinked. "Pleased to meet you." She said, shrinking to kitten size and jumping to James' shoulder. She was careful not to look at the other daemon's eyes, she didn't like the way he was looking into her eyes earlier so she kept her eyes on the girl and James.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:13am Jul 19 2010
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Tokko kept trying to catch Kiki's eyes, but she wouldnt look at him.
"Im Aliluja Campbell."she said cautiously as her daemon lowered the sheild sphere.
"This is my daemon, Tokko."she introduced as he climbed up her body and rested on her shoulders.
"Why were you har*censored*ing us? And now you seem excited."Aliluja asked as Tokko continued his gaze at Kiki.
He wanted for her to look at him and badly.
"Im starting to growl very suspecious. Were you watching us?"Aliluja continued to question.
9:57am Jul 19 2010
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"We didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to see if you could activate Tokko's Kuro or not." James admitted, absentmindedly petting Kiki. "And yeas, we were watching you." James added, grinning crookedly. "I come down to the well often." He said. "Why do you want me to look at you, Tokko?" Kiki asked, pawing the paw but keeping her eyes on James' face.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:23am Jul 19 2010
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"So I can read you."he mused as he began to move in a danceing way to catch her attention.
"Look at me."he said in a luring way.
"Kuro are myths."Aliluja said sternly. "Daemons are only reflections of who we really are."
10:31am Jul 19 2010
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Dusk appeared out from behind a tree, having been hiding there and listening to the entire conversaton. Rel, the white dragon, stepped out with her. Dusk could see through his eyes. "If Kuro's aren't real, then why can Rel do this." Rel nodded at Dusk and froze Dusk in a block of ice. He pushed his claws down without touching the ice and it broke...
 <-- Click me
10:41am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 10:48am Jul 19 2010)
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Aliluja stared at the girl.
She thought about how she saw Kiki shrink and the ice trick the dragon, Rel, did.
"Tokko has Kuro?"she breathed confused.
Tokko look at Rel and stared into his eyes.
"You can melt into water and use ice."Tokko said as he stared into Rel's eyes.
10:43am Jul 19 2010
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ooc: Dream, can you not say the first one, I wanted Rel and Dusk to figure it out on their own. Because they are that connected, if Rel fades, Dusk will too.
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11:01am Jul 19 2010
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11:03am Jul 19 2010
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Rel nodded, "Yep, we figured that out when were flying back to the mainland." Rel said with a smile. He nudged Dusk's head and she rubbed his underbelly...
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11:12am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 2:33pm Jul 19 2010)
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((Sorry this is me bio)) ~Bio~ Name Aria Omen Age 187Gender Looks tle="http://www.blingcheese.com/image/code/72/sparkles.htm" width="151" height="160" /> Persona (no rp outs) Nice and caring but protective of the people she loves... History Ugh you gouys should know i dont wanna type again. Weapons little tiny gl*censored* balls filled with water that she throws at people Bf/Gf None yet S.O Straight Other None really other than shes deaf.
Daemon Name Caeper Gender Male Looks its a sea turtle people
Kuro 1. Ummm can dissolve into a puddle 2. Can control fish for a short time 3. Aria can see through his eyes
11:13am Jul 19 2010
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((Lake, power two is basically the same as mine, can you change it?))
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11:34am Jul 19 2010
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((Accepted Lala))
2:33pm Jul 19 2010
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3:56pm Jul 19 2010
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Kiki observed Tokko 'read' the other Daemon. "I'm not so sure I want you to to 'read' me." Kiki mused, letting her tail curl around James' head. "Yeah, he protected you with some sort of shield when me and Kiki were circling you. And he's doing it now trying to read other Daemons." James explained. Kiki, realizing James' desire to leave jumped down and grew to her normal size, offering her back to him. James climbed on and she grew bigger so that she could carry him easily. "Its getting crowded." James observed, holding Kiki's scruff. "I think i'll be off." James said as Kiki sowly padded past Dust and Rel in the direction he had come from. "Sorry if we scared you." James said over his shoulder.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:02pm Jul 19 2010
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Dusk raced after the boy on Rel's back. "Wait! Do you need a palce to stay!" she called...
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4:16pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 4:20pm Jul 19 2010)
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Kiki stopped for Rel. "Ah, no." James lied, he'd been kicked out of his apartment for a long time now.. "But thanks for the offer..." He nodded. Kiki looked at him from over her shoulder apprehensively, but she didn't say anything. She understood him, a plus between a Human and their Daemon. He had grown away from people, making it hard for him to interact with them. And he also didn't want to be a bother to anyone, he would much rather take care of someone else instead of them do anything for him because of the condition he was raised. he was even skittish when Kiki took care of him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:24pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Your a horrible liar." Rel rumbled to Dusk, who repeated this to James. "Oh come on, I*m not used to people either, but you can't always live alone, you need someone." Dusk folded her arms, not taking no for an answer...
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4:37pm Jul 19 2010
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James smiled and patted the side of Kiki's neck, "I've got my Daemon... I don't need anyone else." he said, truly believing this. Kiki flicked her ear and turned around to face them. "My human is stubborn and stupid." She breathed, her voice like silk. He's been hurt... She thought, but didn't say anything. James frowned at her.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:43pm Jul 19 2010
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"That's what I thought after my parents abandoned me in the sea after I got markings and was crowned as a demon." Dusk growled and then shut her mouth. She hadn't meant to say so much and she definately didn't want people to know that she was an evil thing...
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