4:47pm Jul 19 2010
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"Why do you want to help me? I haven't done anything for you..." He asked, sadly thinking that people only do stuff for people when they want something or only after something had been done for them. Kiki was saddened, knowing that not all humans were that way and her human believed it without a doubt.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:48pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"BEcause I*m lonely." she admitted, "And you seemed nice. I thought that maybe you would stay and keep me company." She stared blindly at the ground, thouroghly embarressed...
 <-- Click me
4:48pm Jul 19 2010
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Nero jumped down from the branch of a nearby tree. He had been sleeping for a while and had woken by everybody talking. He looked at the Daemons and their owners. Syla, his own Daemon, was hanging from another tree branch. She now flew over to Nero and landed on his shoulder. Syla glanced at Nero and said,"Daemons like myself. What a delight." Her voice was hard to hear, a faint whisper, even though she had not spoken like that on purpose. Nero looked at her before looking at the others. "Who are you?" he said warily.
5:01pm Jul 19 2010
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"Oh. Uh..." James said, embarr*censored*ed too. Kiki hit him with her tail. "I-I guess I could keep you company." He said lamely, glaring at Kiki and rubbing his arm. He didn't know how to keep someone company, didn't that mean they would have to talk? He didn't have anything to talk about.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:44pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Tokko snickered.
"That Kiki is afraid of my Kuro senseing ability."he taunted as he adverted his attention to a bat.
"Who are you?"he asked in his clear voice.
Aliluja looked over at the bat daemon then to her human.
"Its really getting crowded here"Ali said aloud.
7:08pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm Jul 19 2010)
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Kiki purred, "Don't flatter yourself Tokko..." She murmured, flicking her tail slowly and close to the ground. James shifted on herback uncomfortably, waiting for her to respond.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:15pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk sighed, "Okay, then. Follow me." she shoved her hands into her pockets and started to walk up hill, away from the well where she had to face her worst nightmare, fire. Rel had taught her not to be afraid of it thoguh and she wasn't...
 <-- Click me
7:16pm Jul 19 2010
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"I am Syla," Nero's Daemon said. "And this is my human-" "I am Nero Shryght." Nero glared at Syla with his blue eyes. "I can introduce myself," he whispered to her. Syla glanced at Nero, returning the glare. "Well, excuse me for trying to be polite and save you from talking," the bat Daemon said, turning her head away from Nero disdainfully. Nero continued glaring at Syla. "Stop glaring," Syla said. "Just because my head is turned away doesn't mean that I don't know from the time I have spent with you that you tend to stare at who angers you." Nero groaned and glared at Syla even more. Syla softly laughed at how foolish her human could be.
7:29pm Jul 19 2010
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Kiki followed Dusk, keeping up with her easily with her long strides. "You ok?" James asked her. "Oh yeas." Kiki answered. "I could go for days, James." She as$ured him, looking over her shoulder at him. He nodded. "Uhm... Thank you." He said to Dusk.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:29pm Jul 19 2010
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Tokko laughed at the bantering of Syla and Nero.
He opened his mouth to speak, but got distracted.
"What kind of Daemon is that?"he questioned looking down the hill.
He saw a man fall to the ground next to a cheeta with golden eyes and white wings.
9:36pm Jul 19 2010
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Nero stopped glaring at Syla and walked towards where Aliluja and Tokko were. Syla released her grip on Nero's shoulder and flew upwards, looking down the hill. "Never thought a Daemon could look like that," she commented. Syla flew back down and landed again on her human's shoulder.
9:44pm Jul 19 2010
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Kiki stopped, feeling the presence of an Angael and stopped. "James...?" She asked, wondering if he could feel it too. "Yeah... I feel it." He whispered, looking around. "But where is it?" He asked in another whisper. "There." Kiki said, nodding to where the creature was, her eyes flashed angrily. "It's got someone..." James observed. "Yeah..." Kiki said, turning around and growing to an even bigger size, about the size of a full grown horse.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:54pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,058
Aria woke up and then walked around. Soon enough she ccame upon a few people talking. She walked ouy and Caper her sea turtle daemon followed her. "Whats all the fuss about?" Aria asked then saw a boy by a tree that made her feel warm. ((She likes Nero))
9:45am Jul 20 2010
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10:09am Jul 20 2010
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Rel heaved a breath and blew out a bout (sp?) of frigid air, freesing the Angael in its tracks. Dusk ran over to the man and felt for a pulse. She shook her head sadly...
 <-- Click me
10:19am Jul 20 2010
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Aria saw this happen and was shocked... She didn't know that they could have a person. ((Ugh Brain))
11:31am Jul 20 2010
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((jumping in :3 )) Ruka stirred from his nap in an irritable mood; Shiza had woken him with a sudden excited pouce onto Ruka's chest and was now saying, "Ruka, wake up Ruka, there's somethign big going on!" Groaning, he drew up to a sitting position, brushing the fox off with a sweep of his hand. She barked in agitation though neither of them were really angry, it was just a game they played with each other. His back ached from having slept on a park bench for the last hour and a half but Shiza gave him no remorse, the daemon eagerly waiting for him. he sighed, standing up and following the overexcited fox to whatever it was that was causing such a ruckus. She said, "A bunch of people with daemons have gathered up, I've never seen this many in one place before. Look!" She pointed with her snout at the group of people, each accompanied by a daemon, and flashed to his shoulder, adding, "We should join them, that's what I think." He promptly flicked her on the nose and growled, "I never asked you what you thought." Nevertheless, he approached, Shiza's fluffy red tail wrapped around his neck. The fox suddenly froze, muttering, "Angeal..." He glanced at the daemon, asking, "What?" she shook her head, saying, "Don't worry about it, it's dead now anyways."
Embrynn is : Offline :(

11:32am Jul 20 2010
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"What is that thing?"Tokko asked leaping onto Nero's shoulder and clinging next to Syla.
"It has completely gold eyes? Daemon's eyes are black...always."Aliluja questioned.
2:11pm Jul 20 2010
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"That was an Angael." Kiki murmured, she didn't mean for her voice to be so quiet it was naturally that way. "They pair up with humans and slowly suck the life out of them." James explained, "And efter the human is dead they find o new source of prey." He turned to Aliluja and Tokko. "Thats why I wanted to see if you could activate Tokko's Kuro." James said to her.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:58am Jul 21 2010
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