11:15pm Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 11:24pm Jul 27 2010)
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Name: Oath
Age: 2 years( 17 human equivalent)
Gender: Male
Wolf or "Dog": Wolf
Species of wolf: Ferid
Rank: Member
Appearance: Oath is a slim wolf(ugh like all my characters -.-). His fur is a dark grey, blue shade. Unless there's a strong beam of light on his pelt it will most likely look black. He has white fur around his right eye shaped as a cross and a white slash on the underside of his neck. Oath's eyes are dark red. His ears are a bit long, but not awkward looking. His fur is medium in length with a feather-like texture to it. Oath has one feathered wing. It is on his right side and is the same colour as his fur. His wing hangs limp slightly when he's sitting. Oath, almost, can't feel his wing and it doesn't allow him flight. Personality: Oath is a very trusting and friendly wolf. A negative side is the fact that he can hold grudges for the longest time. He is usually quiet most of the time unless spoken to. Other: Oath has the same power os the Kasumi wolf ooc; Sorry for adding a lot of characters. xDD;
11:35pm Jul 27 2010
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Kai watched as Kuro appeared, she had to look up to see the wolf's face. She listened as Ash told him about Amala's betrayal and Kuro went off in the direction Amala had ran off and Ash flew towards the pack's clearing. Kai sniffed the air fretfully and caught the faint scent of human. Human and another wolf. She strained and tried to make out what type of wolf this might be, but to no avail. She guessed it might be a dog, but she couldn't be sure. She tried to listen for the sounds of the others, but they were too far off. She felt foolish, but she knew she would be in serious trouble if she headed towards the others. -- Mordecai sighed and began walking back towards the pack. He felt ignored again and lied down on the side of the clearing. He was unsure of what to do at that moment. However, his ears perked as he heard the scound of flapping wings. He lifted his head sharply and looked upwards. Kuro was flying overhead and he looked in a hurry. Where's he going now? Mordecai thought, Maybe I should follow.. But he remained where he was. -- Oath was trotting back to camp. His pitch black fur shone with a blue tint where the sun filtered through the canopy of leaves and hit his fur. He held two rabbits in his jaws and a scrawny looking infant deer dangled on his back, the product of two days spent hunting. Small crimson droplets fell from the deer's neck, having just recently been taken down. Oath sniffed the air and his fur bristled, he was nearing the Ikaros. But the scent of human and another wolf drifted in the air, and Oath just knew this wolf wasn't a member of the pack.
11:39pm Jul 27 2010 (last edited on 4:18pm Jul 29 2010)
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Posts: 98
I am so epic win. Name: Elora Age: 3 years (dog years) Gender: Female Wolf or "Dog": Wolf Species of wolf: Tane Wolf Rank: Werewolf Appearance: Elora is a thin wolf with fairly long fur. Her pelt knows an array of colors and often shows all of them, her bipolar attitude causing it to change often. Her eyes are a warm golden shade that often lead others to think that she's friendly but her bipolar tendencies often change their initial ideas. The tip of her tail is missing from a younger experience when she was caught in a human trap, but Elora doesn't like to talk about it. Her front left paw remains a dull brown color at all times due to a "glitch" that occurred when she was just a few months old and couldn't control her bipolar feelings as well as she can today. Her eyes change color with her pelt. Personality: As Elora is extremely bipolar for a wolf, her personality changes often and is almost impossible to describe. Her "craftiness and cleverness" are impaired because of her changing personality that causes her plans to often backfire on her when a mood swing comes about at the worst time. Other: none

11:39pm Jul 27 2010
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Kuro could smell that Oath was nearing them, Stay out of this. He thought, anger increacing. This is my fight, and If he comes here, he might get hurt too. His thoughts raced, He could handle the Dog and the human, but he wasnt sure he could even harm Amala. Even though she was now a dog, she had been a part of his pack, and as the Betess, his partner in helping the Alphas run it.
12:53am Jul 28 2010
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When Ash saw Kuro fly in their direction, she sighed. This can wait, she thought, and slowly turned and made her way in their direction. She gained speed, and landed behind a bush near them silently, and melted into the shadows. She watched, ready to intervene if necessary.
1:40am Jul 28 2010
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((*needs Nightmare*))
12:24pm Jul 28 2010
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7:03pm Jul 28 2010
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((>.< bump again))
7:05pm Jul 28 2010
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((*Waits for nightmare*))
8:20am Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Wowz! More people want to join <3 Give me a sec to respond, and give me a second to catch up and break free from this braindeadness that has settled upon me. xD
10:32am Jul 29 2010
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((bump D:))
1:29pm Jul 29 2010
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1:45pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 1:46pm Jul 29 2010)
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((*flails* Kuro is about to take on two wolves and a human! WHERE ARE YOU NIGHTMARE XD he doesnt want Ash's help though, even though shes right there XD))
4:37pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 98
Elora padded through the forest, heading nowhere in particular. Her fur was a dull brown color that emphasized her mellow mood, also cloaking her off-color front paw. Suddenly, she heard a snapping sound just ahead and her pelt turned yellow in anticipation and glee at finally finding some food. She traced the origin of the sound to the scent of a doe, a small one that must've just come out of adolescence. She planned on springing on the deer from where she was, it wouldn't know what hit it. Then she changed her thought pattern completely and focused her mind, setting up the illusion of a wolf ripping out the deer's throat. She watched as the deer bellowed in shock and threw itself to the ground, writhing as if it were actually being attacked. Throwing off her illusion, Elora pounced, biting into the deer's throat and dispatching it swiftly. Suddenly her pelt changed color to blue and Elora let out a mournful howl. Fantastic! This deer probably had a family who loved her and now I'm the one to blame for it! I'll never forgive myself! Just as quickly as her pelt turned blue, it was yellow once again, this time filled with happiness. At least the pack will be happy. My pack is more important than anything else. Newly re-energized, Elora wiggled her lithe body under the deer and heaved it onto her back, jauntily heading back towards the pack's camp. ((This is only the beginning of bipolar wolf fun. x3))

6:12pm Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((BUMP!!!! >:O))
10:41am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Awesome character, Rolie <3 Hehehe can I ask for a recap? Today I'm busy I might not be able to post. >.>
11:22am Jul 30 2010
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((Not that much has been posted........))
11:33am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((-Pokes nose in- Too late to join?))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:52pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 12:04pm Jul 31 2010)
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OoC: It isn't, is it? =3 I just adore roleplaying wolves. ~I am so epic win~ Name Kaze Age Nearly two years old (About 15 in human years) Gender Female Wolf or "Dog" Wolf Species of wolf Ferid wolf Rank Member Appearance Kaze's pelt is basically ebony black and silverish white, with no other colour to mark her out in any particular way from normal wolves. Her build is slender but strong, with powerful hind legs which enable her to gallop like a mustang, which is her power, and a favourite pas.s-time. Her face is black, except for around the eyes and cheeks. The upper part of her snout is black, which lightens to become white in the lower part, a little like a blaze. Her cheeks have a streak of ebony, which stretch out to the white part of her muzzle and curves a little at the end. From below the cheeks, to the underpart of the tail, it is pure white. The rest of her body is raven dark, except her fore and hind legs, which have white stockings, somewhat like a Kiger Mustang's. Kaze's dark coat accentuates her bright, turquoise blue eyes, with tiny flecks of silver in them. Running is her specialty; she has awesome stamina and can run like a cheetah for miles without having to stop for breath. Also, when she is out of energy, or has a lot of it, or is angry or showing strong emotions, something like a small crescent on the center of her forehead glows bright silver. Otherwise, it is the colour of her pelt. Personality I'll RP it out. Other N/A
8:48pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((*growls* dont let this die! >:O))