11:34am Jul 31 2010
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OOC: It's not dead. It was just.. Taking a nap. ^^ I went to Wolftrap and saw the national symphony orchestra-thingy perform music from the Final Fantasy video games, while clips from the actual game were put on this huge screen... O.O omigosh, I'm still wound up. I'll post today! I promise! Let me read through the posts.... Rolie~ Wait... What's with the rank 'werewolf'? I just noticed that. Ferro~ You may join! Wolfwinx~ Does your wolf have a "power"? Or does it not? Because it's all right if she doesn't.
11:55am Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 7:48pm Jul 31 2010)
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Serah watched as Ash disappeared yet again. She stood by Kai. "Alpin will not be forgiving to Amala when he finds out about her betrayal." Suddenly, she turned around; it was rare to see Serah show her emotion to anybody, but you could see it plainly, now, etched on her face; she was angered, and mad about the war that was unfolding. Plants that were nearby her seemed to slowly wilt and fade away. Serah knew this was because she was letting her feelings get in the way and they made it hard to control her powers... Her powers that were supposed to be used to mend, to grow, and to heal. Not to destroy. The moonlight shown down on her. For a mere second, one might have thought her a Dire wolf as she stood tall and walked slowly, menacingly towards the middle of the clearing. Alpin had just let out a long, drawn out howl; he wanted all of the wolves of the Ikaros clan to meet him in the clearing [those who aren't fighting, mind you. ^^]. -x-x-x- Amala felt good. She felt fast, free... For once, all her secrets were out in the open. There was no need to hide anymore. At the same time, she felt for the Ikaros clan. They, at one point, had been family to her. Now she would be considered an outcast... A wolf with no pride and undeserving of mercy. They wouldn't stop at anything to kill her if they saw her as well. But this is what I want she thought as she ran on through the forest. The pads of her paws hurt now. The ground was frozen. She stumbled as a sharp rock pricked her and drew blood. She stopped for a moment. And then, up above, soaring above her head was the silhouette of a large wolf, illuminated by moonlight. It seemed like it was almost made of nothing but shadows... It landed right in the middle of her, Sirius, and Chi. "Kuro," she snarled. -x-x-x- Great... Sirius thought to himself as that Dire wolf he had encountered a while ago landed in front of him. I don't feel like fighting right now. He was feeling lazy, as always. "You know," he said, slowly circling around Ash, "there's nothing I hate more than having to fight when I don't feel like it." In other words: you're wasting my precious time. Go away. Of course, he knew that the Dire wolf probably wouldn't just go away. That wasn't necessarily in their nature. Nope. He would most likely be drawn into a fight. Great he thought yet again.
12:05pm Jul 31 2010
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OoC: I edited it. Is it okay now? :)
12:12pm Jul 31 2010
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Khaos laughed darkly, "and theres nothing I hate more than a dog." he said. He waited for Sirius to move. Or the human to come closer. He would rip her to shreds easily. In the distance, he could hear Alpins howl, but ignored it, "Ash." he barked, "you should go to Alpin, tell him all that is happening, I can handle this by myself." he growled. He kept himself braced, musles ready to obey when he chose to use them. His silver eyes glared at Sirius directly, but for a split second, he glanced at Amala with a look of betrayal. Then his attention went back to the other dog. ____ Krash sat with a very large tree to her back, that way nothing could sneak up behind her. She watched for the other wolves to start to arive. ((wow Krash fails miserably...but i dont know what to make her do really XD))
12:42pm Jul 31 2010
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2:38pm Jul 31 2010
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Ash chuckled. "Fine, I'll go tell him." She glanced at Amala as if to say, I'll deal with you later, before taking off flying once more. She landed not to much later near Alpin. "Alpin. Amala's a traitor. " She said flatly.
2:56pm Jul 31 2010
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((Nightmare: Lucky. Final Fantasy is epic. XD)
7:30pm Jul 31 2010
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8:09pm Jul 31 2010
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OOC: Woops. I mixed up Ash with Kuro. O.o Oh well. Hahaha ^^ And Krash is cool. She's awesome. She just needs to become more involved with the plot somehow... -thinks- Ash~ Mwahahaha I know! I got a sneak peak of Final Fantasy XIV there as well. -evil grin- Wolfwinx~ That's fine :D BiC: "And there's nothing I hate more than a dog," the Dire wolf, Kuro, growled. Chi narrowed her eyes. So this Dire wolf thought her weak, then? Sirius was circling Kuro, and Amala's eyes seemed pained for a moment, then hardened. Getting rejected by her clan must feel painful... A wave of guilt washed over Chi, but she threw it off. I saved her from a terrible fate, though she thought darkly. Then she spoke up as the other Dire wolf, Ash, left. "So you think I'm easy to kill, do you, wolf?" Chi said. For a human, Chi's voice was rough and much louder than how she usually spoke. Nearby her, she felt Amala brush up to her side. Amala's fur felt cool to the touch. "You're mistaken..." -x-x-x- What a fierce voice for a female human Sirius mused. He vaguely wondered whether or not this Kuro wolf knew that Chi happened to be Enhanced. Probably not. Finally, he could hold himself back no longer. For a few seconds now he had felt the rush of adrenaline and the want to feel ripping fur in his fiery claws. The plants where his paws touched spontaneously burst into flames. He leapt, claws outstretched, searing with heat.... -x-x-x- Alpin watched as the wolves of the Ikaros clan come to the middle of the clearing in the forest, the moonlight making all of their pelts seem silver [-hint hint- get over here if you aren't already]. He looked out at all of them. He was about to speak when, quite suddenly, Ash landed next to him. "Alpin. Amala's a traitor." The words were heard by everyone-- they probably didn't anger any wolf as much as they did Alpin. He ripped the ground with his claws. "Wolves of the Ikaros clan," he began, "Too much secrecy... Too much division has been caused because of the humans. Now I am making this official: there will now be an all-out war between wolf and humans-- that means traitors and dogs as well. See any dog or human and kill them at first sight." Silently, he thought to himself, even Amala. He glared at all of them.
8:19pm Jul 31 2010
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((Can I make another charrie?))
8:23pm Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 8:26pm Jul 31 2010)
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Kuro melted into the shadows, seeming to disapear as he dodged Sirus's attacks with ease. He slipped over to Chi and took a menacing step toward her out of the shadows, ""It will be easy my dear human." he growled fiercley, "like snapping a twig. YOu humans are incrdibly fragily, enhanced or not." he said, pouncing at her and pinning her to the ground beneath him. He bit into her shoulder, his sharp teeth easily piercing her skin. The taste of blood filled his mouth and he crunched down harder, untill his teeth met bone. ___ Krash stood beside Alpin, "I may be new here." she told him, as well as the rest of the pack, "but I will fight alongside you." She said, her fur growing warm, then her paws burted into fire, her power. The fire spread up her legs and onto her back. The black tips of her fur spread, as her fur 'burnt' istelf. She spread her wings as they too were engulfed in flame. To the touch, any wolf would be burned. ((when she uses her fire powers, she looks like this XD 
^not my art!! it si copyrighed to cycyuis. im just using it as a reference))

9:59pm Jul 31 2010
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1:33pm Aug 1 2010
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2:25pm Aug 1 2010
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2:35pm Aug 1 2010
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OOC: Ash, you can. ^^
3:03pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 3:04pm Aug 1 2010)
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"It will be easy, my dear human," Kuro snarled, "like snapping a twig. You humans are incredibly fragile, enhanced or not." Chi felt the weight of the Dire wolf as he pinned her to the ground. For one split second she looked in the wolf's eyes; it was not a look of terror. He bit into her shoulder. It was so quick she hardly felt a thing until the wolf's teeth found her bone and crunched down hard. Then she let out a heart-wrenching scream. She teleported away from him and stood nearby Sirius. She clutched her shoulder and stood, panting. Blood trickled through her fingers. "Physically we're easier to kill," she said, her voice lashing out like a whip, "but you wolves are much more arrogant." From the corner of her eye, Chi saw Amala suddenly disappear and reappear right next to Kuro and viciously rake his right side and bit hard where his shoulder met his neck [not fatal. ^^] -x-x-x- "I may be new here," a voice said, startling Alpin. He spotted Krash, stepping forwards. "But I will fight alongside you," she finished. Suddenly all around Krash, the temperature dropped. The fire started at her paws, then slowly engulfed her whole body. Slowly wings grew from near her shoulder blades. Alpin dared not draw any closer to her. He had heard of experienced Vesta wolves able to perform such a thing, but for this young she-wolf who was a loner, it was amazing to see. He dipped his head towards her. "Would you be our new beta female?" he asked.
3:33pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 3:33pm Aug 1 2010)
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Name: Cynder Age: 2 dog years Gender: female Wolf or "Dog": wolf Species of wolf: [Kasumi Wolf, Dire wolf, etc] Ferid wolf Rank: Lone Appearance: Has jet black fur with burgandy patches. Her fur also has gray tips. She has icy blue eyes, and her paws are white. The tip of her tail is white. She has black wings. Personality: Other: She is Ash's sister. She has no abiility.
4:26pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 7:22pm Aug 1 2010)
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Kuro snarled viciously, "It's not Arrogance." he said, grabbing Amala by the back of her neck and trowing her aside, but not attacking. He Looked back at Chi, "Its pride. In who and what I am. I am Kuro. Beta of the Ikaros Clan. Not a dog, a wolf. Through and through." he said. Kuro could feel the blood sticking to his fur, but easily ignored the pain. So the human could teleport. He licked his lips to clean Chi's blood off of them, "now human, I will make a deal with you, that no other wolf from my pack would. Leave quickly, and take that traitor with you. I will give you a small head start, but I can't guarantee that my pack wont come after you." he smirked, "or that I will try and slow them down at all." he looked at Sirius, "and as for you. I just don't like you." he stepped forward, "and I'm sick of talking." He lunged forward, slamming into Sirius with his full weight and biting his shoulder. ____ Krash blinked in suprise, then dipped her head, "of course Alpin." she said. She glanced at the other wolves, hoping for their acceptance.((Uber phail XD))

7:23pm Aug 1 2010
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8:44am Aug 2 2010
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))Bump again((