I will not [Wolf] be tamed [Roleplay]

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12:12pm Aug 2 2010

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3:29pm Aug 2 2010

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((bump -.-' ))


11:18pm Aug 2 2010

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9:32am Aug 3 2010

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OoC: Uh... There's a lot to read, so, could someone just catch me up on what's going on? :)

11:50am Aug 3 2010

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OOC: Wolf~ Mainly, the beta female, Amala, has now become a dog. Ash {a dire wolf} found out. Now Kuro {another Dire wolf} is fighting Sirius, Chi {a human}, and Amala. The alpha male, Alpin, has just proclaimed that any humans or dogs should be killed on sight-- in other words, war between wolf and human is now official.

Snoweh~ I wish I could "trow" somebody xD ---> ...trowing her aside...

BiC: "It's not arrogance," Sirius heard Kuro say viciously. He grabbed Amala by the scruff of her neck and tossed her aside. Sirius growled as Amala yelped when she hit the ground. "It's pride. In who and what I am. I am Kuro. Beta of the Ikaros Clan. Not a dog, a wolf. Through and through." If a wolf could radiate power, this Dire wolf did. He licked his chops. "Now human, I will make a deal with you, that no other wolf from my pack would. Leave quickly and take that traitor with you. I will give you a head start, but I can't guarantee that my pack won't come after you... Or that I will try and slow them down at all." Sirius's hackles rose, his fur sticking up. He showed his teeth, but did not move an inch closer. Pride, he says. Sometimes we wolves get too prideful. Sirius's eyes met Kuro's. "As for you... I just don't like you. And I'm sick of talking." He suddenly lunged forward and bit down hard on Sirius's shoulder. Sirius didn't make a sound, but crashed into a tree. He stood his ground in front of Chi, not backing down one bit. 


It wasn't being tossed aside by Kuro that hurt-- it was the fact that he, one of the clan members, wouldn't call her a "wolf" at all. It was "traitor" or "dog"... Of course, she told herself, she knew this would happen. And it was then that Amala noticed how Sirius didn't yelp or do anything when the Dire wolf crashed into him and bit his shoulder. He must have been in many battles... Then she suddenly became curious about this Vesta wolf's past...


"Fine," Chi said. "We'll leave and take your generous offer. But watch out for your pride ,wolf. Something's about to happen to you..." She trailed off, her voice dark and ominous. She turned around sharply to face Amala. "Amala, can you help me teleport all of us to the edge of the forest?" she questioned. Amala got to her feet and gave a nod of her head. "Good. Sirius, you can come with us if you wish..." To her surprise, Sirius padded forwards as well. 

"You're my owner now," he said simply. Amala stood by Chi. Both concentrated on appearing at the edge of the forest... Suddenly, Amala grabbed Sirius by the scruff of the neck. The next moment, the human, the traitor, and the dog were gone. Amala's scent was the only one that remained, along with mist, floating... illuminated by the light of the moon. 


Alpin's eyes were amused at the shock Krash showed. He then glanced at the rest of the pack, hoping that they would agree with his sudden choice. One wolf padded forwards. 

"I agree with your choice, Alpin, on the choice of our new Beta Female." It was Serah. She walked gracefully. Even in old age, Alpin knew she was beautiful. "But," she said, her voice suddenly angry now, "I do not agree with-" she broke off and lowered her head. "Never mind. Alpin, you know where I stand." Alpin's eyes grew steely. Yes, Serah wanted peace. But that could never happen... He could see nothing but war ahead...  


12:12pm Aug 3 2010

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((XD you know what i meant Nightmare XD i didnt even noticed))

Kuro growqled, then let a vicious howl of fury rip from his throat. They got away again. The wounds on his shouler from where Amala had bitten him stung, and he spun around and started limping back toward the pack, to irritated to fly. Next time, He thought, I won't talk, and next time, i wont attack his shoulder. Even though that was only to provoke a fight. I could have gone for his throat, but that would have been too easy. And whats the point in that? He shook his head, No. Next time, there will be no mercy.


Krash dipped her head to Serah. She knew that Senka Wolves were peaceful and didnt approve of war. In the back of her mind, she realisedthat she looked for ways out of fighting as well. As she thought, her muscles began to relax and her flames extinguished, her entire body back to normal temperature, "Serah, I thank you for your acceptance, and I wish there was a way around war as well. I hate seeing my friends hurt. But sometimes, there is no other choice, sometimes, being strong and showing what you are capable of is the only option." she said, eyes full of understanding for what the Healer was feeling.


5:08pm Aug 3 2010

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Amala saw a whirlwind of colour; then, suddenly, she was standing with Chi and Sirius at the edges of the forest where the trees weren't as thickly together. Everything seemed quiet... The moon was low in the sky. Pretty soon the sun would start to rise. 
She felt like she had been traveling for days on end without stopping. Her muscles were soar and the pads of her feet felt like they were on fire. She stood there, panting heavily. Everything seemed to be tinged red... She had never teleported that far before; and she had brought Sirius along too. Even if Chi had helped, Amala felt dizzy and tired...So... tired...
"Are you okay?" Chi's alarmed voice sounded as though it were coming from far off, or as though it were being muffled by something.
"I'm fine," she answered. She then proceeded to collapse on the spot.
Sirius watched as Amala fell, most gracefully, to the ground. He suspected she had used much of her powers. He also felt partly guilty; she had dragged him along that huge span of distance. He looked to Chi, and she too looked sleepy-- but she didn't look as though she were completely drained. 
"Are you okay?" he asked, just to be on the safe side. Chi nodded and rubbed her eyes.
"Yes. My powers tend to just make me more and more sleepy the more I use them. I need rest, that's all." She paused and her eyes drifted to Sirius's shoulder. "It's that bite I'm worried about." Sirius gave a wolfy ex
pression that clearly said that he felt insulted. 
"That little thing? I'll be fine. You rest. I feel tired as well... Too much action, if you ask me," he said. He plopped down right next to Amala and drifted to sleep... Chi decided to do the same. 
Serah was surprised at how wise Krash's words were-- and how applicable. "Thank you," she said softly. Through Serah's life there had been many a war. War with humans and war with other fellow wolves... War within in very clan itself. She had fought in every on of them. Too many of her friends had died... Her very mate... And she herself had also killed wolves. It was all because of war. Maybe Alpin was right about the humans. Still, Serah couldn't shake the feeling of dread of losing somebody from the Ikaros Clan. After all, even though she could heal most injuries, she could not bring the dead back to life.   


6:57pm Aug 3 2010

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Sorry for not posting. >.<
I'll post when I can, but I'm not gonna be on for long. *Joins too many roleplays lol*


10:21pm Aug 3 2010

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((*doesnt know what to post* XD))


1:43am Aug 4 2010

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Kaze watched the goings-on quietly, swishing her tail to and fro. Her ears twitched silently as she sat motionless, wondering how she could be of as.sistance to her pack.

OoC: Sorry for the silly one-liner, but that's the problem with jumping in. I'll make my posts bigger, I promise :)  


11:18am Aug 4 2010

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Posts: 1,551

OOC: Wolf~ That's all right. :3 

Snoweh~ Yeah I kind of made it difficult...  

Shad~ That's all right as well. Sometimes I wish this roleplay were slower paced. xD It's going so fast. O.O And I know the feeling. Try and hang in there-- if you can't and you're feeling like you're under a lot of weight of roleplays, you can rmail me if you want to drop this one. 



9:34pm Aug 4 2010

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OOC: I'm going to be gone tomorrow and Friday. Just letting you know. Keep this roleplay alive, please. ^^


12:00pm Aug 6 2010

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OoC: Bump

5:17am Aug 7 2010

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OoC: And up you go..

11:10am Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 12:55pm Aug 9 2010)

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Posts: 5,512

Kuro padded back toward Alpin, and arrived during a pack meeting, "they are gone." he said, Sitting down and lifting his wieght off his injured leg, "The human is an enhanced one." he said. He was in slight shock that Amala had attacked him. But then again, she was jsut protecting her human. But it still stung deeper than the wound. After working together as Beta and Betess with her, Kuro had become attached to Amala, and had thought of her as a freind. It felt like she was betraying him personally, not just the pack. She was one of his only friends. He considred Alpin a friend, but he knew he wasnt only beta because he was favored. It was because of his size and strenght. He wasnt stupid. And he and Alpin would really be friends if he wasnt Beta, because of his anti-social nature.


Krash looked at Kuro, her eyes simpathetic. ((OH EM GEE epic phail ))


9:23pm Aug 8 2010

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10:01am Aug 9 2010

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OOC: Sorry! Apparently I was gone until Monday. Right after I was finished with the whole VBS thing, we went on a kind of last-minute-wild-vacation thing. ^^


10:04am Aug 9 2010

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((XD those are always fun!))


12:50pm Aug 9 2010

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OOC: I'm actually having writer's block now as well. O.o EARG! Yeah it was really fun. ^^


12:55pm Aug 9 2010

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((*flails* but i LURVE this rp >:O be gone writers block!!))

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