I will not [Wolf] be tamed [Roleplay]

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8:30pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; "I am so epic win"
Join as the Omega? :D


8:35pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 7:21pm Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 1,120

I am so epic win.

Wolf Bio:
Name:  Starshine
Age: 2, human
Gender: Female
Wolf or "Dog":  "Dog"
Species of wolf: Ferid
Color:  White
Power:  Can shapeshift into any wolf.  It is useful in battle because she can shapeshift into another wolf and confuse others. 
Rank:  Just a member of the pack
Appearance: Long, white fur with ice blue eyes.  Average weight, with black star-shaped paw pads.
Personality:  Quiet, mysterious, wise, kind, can be playful.
Other: incredibly strong and fast


8:37pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,512
(( I am so epic win ........ can i join as a loner?))


8:54pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 9:19pm Jul 18 2010)

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Posts: 1,060
 ooc; Sorry for posting without getting your consent on having the omega slot, but I might not have any more time to get on later. :P
Name: Mordecai
Age: He's the equivalent of a 15 year old human. So about 2 years or so
Gender: Male
Wolf or "Dog": Wolf
Species of wolf: Ferid
Power: Being a Ferid wolf, Mordecai's power is not that of the six other types of wolves that inhabit the Ebony Woods. Instead, Mordecai is gifted with the power to harm others from a distance. And when I say "from a distance" I mean within his line of sight. However, it requires as much energy as it would take if he had actually attacked the enemy head on. One other thing he can do is slightly shift the direction of the wind and distort the current of water, although the change is temporary.
Rank: Omega duh
Appearance: Mordecai has an extremely skinny build. His legs are the longest part of his body and very slender and wiry. Medium sized paws with slightly oversized claws that look a bit strange on such a small wolf. His weight is a meager 60-70 pounds with a slightly visible ribcage. However, it fails to affect him in any way and is pretty much natural to him. He relies on his speed and stamina most of the time. His pelt is similar to the Kasumi wolf's. It's a misty blue colour, very faint cover of grey and maybe a purple-ish tint from time to time (Similar to this font except it takes on a more faded look). Three large white rings scale down his back, though they are almost invisible against his faint-coloured fur. His neck fur and tail fur can seem spiky at times as if the slightest poke or touch could induce bleeding. It often adopts that strange effect if he's angered, which happens to be quite rare. Mordecai's eyes are a ghastly grey colour with slight puffs of blue or purple from time to time. They may even seem cat or snake like, making them the most menacing-looking thing about him other then his long claws.
Personality: Unlike what is expected of the Omega, Mordecai is not happy-go-lucky or funny in any way. He is very mellow and neutral, but can be extremely clumsy at times. He's used to being teased and called names for his lowly rank and clumsiness, though he's all but gone numb to it all. Whenever he's lashed at with words it just slides off of him like rain. However, Mordecai is very quiet and a bit timid. He has a large imagination and is usually off in his own world when he's not being spoken too. If something is not of interest for him, he may have the attention span of a nat, and sometimes the social skills of one also.
Other: I'll edit if you want me to of course. c:


9:10pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
(( I am so epic.

Join with Rin wolf?... If its open..
e.e )) 


9:13pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 12:15pm Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 5,512
the equivelant of an 18 year old human
Wolf or "Dog":
Species of wolf:
Krash is like a cross between a Vesta Wolf, and A Senka wolf. She is brick red(This color, but a little more reddish XD), but her color is only on her back, head, tail, and shoulders. Her belly and legs are snow white, and her paws are small, and black. She has long, silver claws, and large feathery wings. Her wings are feathers and white, but each feather is tipped blood red. Her eyes are an intense emerald green, and looking into her eyes is like looking into her soul. Her muzzle and cheeks are white as well. Her ears are tipped black, as are all of her furs, it gives her a rusty look. You can see the red through the black easily however. She is small for her age, yet extrodinarily beautiful, she can break hearts by wlaking by, but thats no power, and she doesnt mean to, she hates seeing others in pain, but hasnt found the right male yet. She is a lover, not a fighter, but she WILL fight for what she loves, with intense ferocity. She has control over fire, but has the extrodinary knack for healing, and can use fire to do it. She is extremely intelligent and cunning. Krash is a shy wonlf, and can hide her scent easily, she smells not like a wolf, or fire, but like a forest, so she can be a few feet away, and you will never know she is there. SHe can sort of "feel" your emotions too, more, she will be able to tell a lot about you just by looking at you and studying your eyes, so she will make eye contact immeadeatly, no matter how disrespectful it may seem, and that is why she has no pack. She would make eye contact fearlessly with the alpha, so he banished her when she was only a young adult, about 15 in dog years, so she is still relitively new as a loner. So she is shy, yet bold, fun, but cunning, and swift, both with thoughts, and on her feet. She tends to think on the fly and will act without giving it much thought, and will gladly die for a friend, or her mate....if she could find one.
Personality: Kinda posted it with her descrition XD
She is young, extremely beautiful, looking for a home, and totaly available to any young male wolves out there ;D


7:59am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 11:03am Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 1,551

OOC: You may all join~ Lauren, there can be a couple of different types of wolves, and two or three of the same type. ^^ 

Snowy- It would be fine if you joined as a loner. By the way, 18 years old in dog years is ancient O.O But I love your character ^_^ 

Amh- you may join if you go back through your bio and make it so you use capitalization and punctuation, etc. i dnt like it when i read posts like this. It just somehow looks sloppy to me when roleplaying. If you fix that you may join. If not... I might have to ask you to leave. D;

Myth-  I don't know about that power. It seems a bit much. Maybe you can make it less... Less Mary Sue-ish isn't the right word. I'm not saying you'd roleplay your character as a Mary Sue/Gary Stew, but it would be hard not to... Maybe if they can shift into maybe three of the six types of wolves. O.o 

That's all right, Shadow :D Everyone who posted a bio is accepted.   


9:41am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,551

OOC: Oh yeah, Myth, if your wolf is a "dog" then they aren't part of the pack. They fight alongside of the humans. Either they have a human that's tamed them or they've separated themselves from the pack completely. ^^ And remember to use some form of ooc. :) 


10:28am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,551

OOC: I'm adding some more characters ;)




8 years old, in dog years.



||Wolf or "Dog"||


||Species of wolf||

Senka Wolf




Serah has a pelt that is a deep, earthy green in colour. The underside of her body up to her chest, however, is a chocolate brown colour. Around her muzzle there are many streaks of grey and white, as she is fairly old. Her eyes are a shocking violet. In terms of size and muscle, Serah is pretty average. But like most Senka wolves, Serah is unspeakably beautiful, even in her old age.







Serah is an exceptional healer, and is very experienced in battle. She is a fierce fighter and is well known in the Ikaros clan for this. 





3 years old in dog years



||Wolf or “Dog”||


||Species of Wolf||

Vesta Wolf


He isn’t a part of the Ikaros clan anymore; he cut himself off after becoming a dog.


Sirius has a burgundy coloured pelt. He has a thick pelt and is a large wolf, very fearsome to behold. His wings are the same exact colour of his fur, and they are very tattered wings. His eyes are coal black. His teeth are sharp and huge; he often uses them. Along his right side, stretching from the beginning of his shoulder to his hind leg, is a long scar from when he first declared he was to be a “dog” from that point on. He had received from an angered Dire Wolf, whom he had killed after the wolf had scarred him so.


You’ll see…





10:57am Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,060
ooc; Yay. :B
Do we need more humans or dogs?


11:09am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,551

OOC: Humans would be good. ;D And dogs are always good too. But I think right now we need more humans. I know we all want to be wolves, because wolves are epic, but without humans this roleplay won't be exciting xD 

Everyone can go ahead and write their intros and stuff. My intro for Amala is on the first page, but I'll repost it along with the intros with my other characters again, just because. ^^ I'll post a list of characters as well so you can get a good idea of where everything stands right now.  


11:20am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 11:21am Jul 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,060
ooc; Alright. I'll add a human in then. 
And get my intro in..  ;p
And I was wondering, would the humans be wearing armor and stuff? Or just casual clothing.. I know Chi is wearing just a T-shirt and shorts but I was just wondering... How casual? :P
I probably make ne sense at all. Hah.


11:23am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 2:25pm Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 1,551
List of Characters:
Serah-female-Senka-played by Mare [me]-->Healer
Mordecai-male-Ferid-played by Shadow-->Omega
Alpin-male-Dire-played by Mare [me]--> Alpha male
Amala-female-Kasumi-played by Mare [me]
Ash-female-Dire-played by Ashdog--> Alpha female
Ana-female-Rin-played by Amh 
Lunari-male-Tane-played by Wolf
Kuro-male-Dire-played by Snowy--> Beta male 
Sirius-male-Vesta-played by Mare [me]
???-female-Ferid-played by Myth
Krash-female-Ferid-played by Snowy
Chi-female-Tamer-played by Mare [me]
Crisis-female-Tamer-played by Shadow 


11:25am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,551
OOC: You make perfect sense. They basically wear casual clothing, but carry around weapons. Guns usually if they're a hunter and kill wolves, and for tamers they might carry a dagger, a whip, something that is potentially dangerous but could be used for not killing something. 


11:38am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 11:44am Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Alrighty.
Name: Crisis Kissaine
Age: Just turned16
Gender: Female
Tamer/Hunter: Tamer
Enhanced?: Yep
Power: Sixth Sense
Appearance: Crisis is a bit tall for her age, however she's not like a giant compared to other 14-year-olds, and extremely skinny with minimal mussle. She lookes like she could side-step through prison bars.  Her skin is extremely pale, while not being paper pale. Her pitch black hair clashes with her pale skin and falls below her shoulders. Her hair is usually choppy and unkept and she has more choppy and slightly uneven bangs falling onto her face, but she keeps them to the side so it won't impair her vision.
She usually wears a mummy-like bindings along the whole of her arms with a black t-shirt. Sometimes a large black hoodie. Black leggings that reach her ankles & jean shorts that reach her knees. Black buckled boots or slip-ones. Black backpack slung over her shoulder. & she carries around a pair of twin daggers, though she wishes not to use them.
Personality: Roleplay it out
Other: Nope


11:46am Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338
((Okay I'll fix it.))


12:15pm Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,512
((nu uh! i kinda meant the equivelant of an 18 year old human, sorreh XD))


12:38pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Hahaha, okay, Snoweh. Understandable xD Much, much better Amh. ^_^ Remember to keep it that way when you post. I'll allow some chatspeak in ooc, but none while roleplaying. Sound good? But nothing extreme. :D And remember the minimum post is four lines. But I accept your bio~ 
And awesome Shadow, thankies. :) 


12:39pm Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338
(Yeah sorry about my bio. I'm kind of braindead like all the time. especially last night.))


12:47pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,551
OOC: That's all right :D I forgot to mention; currently the Ikaros clan is staying around the heart of the forest; yes, that means the clearing. The only clearing in Ebony Forest. There's lots of prey, it's far away from the humans, its warmer than the rest of the forest, and you can actually see the sun. And there's a stream that is close. So for now they be stayin' there. ^^ 

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