12:51pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 12:52pm Jul 19 2010)
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((I'm going to add a male wolf if thats okay ^_^ ))
1:20pm Jul 19 2010
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Name: Kuro Age: Equivelent of a 19 year old human Gender: male Wolf or "Dog": wolf Species of wolf: [Kasumi Wolf, Dire wolf, etc] Dire Rank: Beta male? is it taken yet? Appearance: Kuro is dark grey, he resembles a grey wolf in appearance, although he is much larger. He is incredibly strong and doesnt ob ject to throwing his wieight around. His wings resemble a dragons and are jet black. Kuros front, left paw is snowy white, while his front right paw is jet black. His eyes are a ghostly silver and seem mysterious. He is afressive, and bold. Nothing scares Kuro, not even dreath. His teeth are vary strong and he will bite you with little-to-no warning whatsoever. His growl is a very deep and threatening, as is his voice. He doesnt talk much, but when he does, he has something important to say and expects to be listened to. However, his voice is very quiet, making it hard to be heard. Although he enjoys fighting, Kuro is very thoughtful and intelligent. Hes a loyal wolf who is quick with a witty comeback, but sometimes he will just keep them to himself, just to avoid conversation. Personality: [optional] again, up in his descrition Other:
not really,......

2:23pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: That's awesome. ^^ No, Beta male hasn't been taken yet. Haha, all the high rankings are being taken by the Dire Wolves! :D
2:36pm Jul 19 2010
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((so are we going to start?))
3:16pm Jul 19 2010
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OOC: This little part is just a re-posting of my first two character’s introductions. I’ll post the rest here too. And yes, Amh, we are starting. ^^ BiC: Amala ran through Ebony Forest, skillfully and gracefully weaving in and out of the thick cluster of trees. Moonlight that was able to break through to the forest floor made intricate patterns on her ice blue pelt, making it shine as though it were silver. The earth underneath her paws was frozen; during night it often got like this, even during summer. In the morning it would be much warmer. But it was still almost always cold. Then Amala slowed; her run turned into a trot, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted. She had just smelled something interesting and vaguely familiar. She wondered what it could be; it didn't smell like a rabbit, or any other small rodent. Then it hit her. It was the scent of a human. Most wolves would immediately search until they found the human. Then they would rip its throat out. Amala, though, was simply curious and intrigued by human's behavior. Her sensitive ears picked up the sound of footsteps very nearby. The human was but ten feet away, and in clear view. It was a female human; she didn't look like she was holding a gun or hunting type of weapon. She must be a tamer. Instantly Amala was interested. She herself did not hate the humans at all... No, she wanted to be a dog, in fact. But Alpin would surely hate her for that. He would order the pact to kill her. But Amala couldn't help herself. She padded forwards slowly. She hoped the human would glance at her... But instead, the human suddenly was gone. Amala tensed her body; her fur stood on end. Ah. The human could teleport. She was enhanced. Her fur on her neck dropped and her tail hung back down again. "Amala." It was the voice of her pack leader. She felt fear seep into her; hopefully he hadn't seen what had been going on. Alpin padded up beside her. Next to him, Amala looked sickly, helpless, and weak. Alpin was growling. "I smell the scent of a human," he growled. "Yes," Amala said, "I saw one. It was a female. She teleported away before I could do anything." Alpin stopped growling, although the fur on the back of his neck stayed raised. "It is gone, then?" Alma gave a curt nod of her head in response. She heard Alpin sigh. "Don't stray so far from the pack next time," was all he said. Then he padded away, melting into the shadows, and was gone. Alma too let out yet another sigh. She often ran from the pack farther than she should; she wanted to spot a human and learn from it; not attack it. But usually that's what it came down to when with her fellow wolves. Currently the Ikaros clan was staying in the clearing in the very heart of the forest. Amala had a ways to run back; she decided to use her abilities to get her back. A second later, nothing but mist was left in her place, the moonlight filtering through it. -x-x-x- OOC: Okay, here’s the rest of my characters :D By the way, you can help me with any details I might need to know about wolves since I’m still shaky on the whole wolf-roleplay-thing. :P I know that wolves don’t have one place they stay, but they kind of have a “territory” that’s there’s. I don’t know, however, how they sleep (like, out in the open, in a den, etc). Oh yeah, and I put a little time skip in :P BiC: Brilliant sunshine pressed on Serah’s eyelids; the back of her eyelids looked red, then, until she opened them. Dew was all around; her pelt was now a little bit dampened. The gr*censored* all around in the clearing was much healthier and green looking than the gr*censored* in the forest. The rays of the sun touched it more here. Serah stood up onto her four legs. They were stiff since she had not moved all night in sleep. It came with old age. Still, all she need do was start running and the stiffness would go away. “Serah,” It was the voice of Alpin, right next to her ear. Most would usually be surprised to suddenly hear Alpin’s deep, growly voice coming out of nowhere. Serah was not surprised. Alpin could turn into shadow and therefore had a tendency to sneak up on his fellow pack members, so to speak. She was used to it, as well. This also comes with old age she mused. “What is it?” she questioned. Alpin’s multi-coloured eyes appeared angered. It must be the humans. Alpin had a habit of coming for her when something was bothering him because of the humans. Perhaps this was because she was wise because of all the things she had seen during the course of her life. “Amala saw a human last night close by to this clearing,” he answered. His voice, for an angered Dire Wolf, was surprisingly calm. “I see. It was only one, though, Alpin,” Serah said gently. Alpin let out a low growl. “I’ve been smelling there scent around here for a while now.” “What do you want to do about it?” “Fight.” “You must do whatever you think is best for the Ikaros clan,” Serah replied. She knew that there had been many a battle with dogs, mostly, and occasionally a human death caused by a wolf. Friction between human and wolf had been brewing. Every wolf knew that if a human strayed into Ebony Forest to chase them out… In some cases it was to kill. Dogs were always treated harshly. But if Alpin decided to go all out and go for a full-fledged fight then he would most likely order to kill any human when they were sighted nearby. The thought of that amount of bloodshed made Serah uneasy. But she really had no say in the matter; the wolves who wanted battle would get their way. It, after all, had only been a matter of time. She had always known this. How? It was a feeling in her gut and a knowing… A knowing that comes with old age. She sighed. -x-x-x- Sirius padded through Ebony Forest. He was near the clearing, where he knew for sure the Ikaros clan was. He had seen a Kasumi wolf the night before. A weak wolf at that, even for a Kasumi wolf he thought to himself. He thought that Kasumi wolves and Senka wolves were weak. Any other wolf was fine. Well, Tane wolves could be on the weak side too. They resort to trickery to get out of battles. Hah. I use my claws. Sirius liked a wolf that put up a good fight and could stand on its own four legs without having to have some other wolf have to come to the rescue. And then, suddenly, Sirius saw a light, ice blue flash; and there, not but 20 feet ahead of him raced a Kasumi wolf—the same Kasumi wolf he had seen the night before. It hadn’t noticed him. And it was racing somewhere. Instantly, his anger was switched on. That wolf had a thing against dogs and humans. Humans weren’t bad. And he himself was a dog. Humans were good—simply misunderstood. Those arrogant Ikaros clan wolves. He broke into a run, then felt his wings start appearing. He lifted off the ground and flew overhead. His wings hardly made any noise. He followed the flash of ice blue fur; he would corner the wolf soon… -x-x-x- Chi’s mind kept on coming back to that Kasumi wolf she had seen. It had stared curiously at her, thinking she hadn’t seen her yet. It wants to be a dog? She thought. Maybe. Wolves were so mysterious and interesting. That was why she wanted to tame them so badly. The wolf she had seen the night before was so small and yet graceful. She came to a decision. I’ll try and tame her she thought.
3:22pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((I'll post asap))
3:25pm Jul 19 2010
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OOC: Okay ^^
3:29pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((is there a beta female at all? just wondering XD)) Krash padded quickly through the trees silently, her wings folded neatly to her back. Her nose was to the ground and she followed the scent of a deer. She smelled other wolves, an entire pack, but was unconcerened. If they found her, which was unlikely, its not like she was their enemy. She wasnt a "dog." she wasnt part of another pack. She was just a young loner, p*censored*ing through. Her fur was dappled with shade from the trees above and her paws made almost no noise on the ground below her. Then she raised her head and crouched instinctively. There was the deer. It didnt see ner hear her yet. It was still grazing. Just a little closer. She thought. She slid forward on her belly, then pounced, a second too late. The deer spun and began to run. She growled then gave chase, jaws parted to allow her to breath better as she ran. ((g2g b back soon))
3:46pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 2,338
Ana woke to the sound of crunching footsteps on the ground around her. The gr*censored* around the snow white wolf was covered in sparkling frost. The moons icy beams of light shone on Ana's white pelt. She lifted her head. Her ears twitched as the footsteps came closer. Who was coming towards her? Ana stood up and walked towards the sound. She saw a human. She looked at the human. It was a female. Ana didn't go anywhere near the human. She didn't like humans as much as other wolfs. But then the human vanished. Ana turned her head to the side. What had just happened? Ana saw other wolves across from where she was. It was Alpin and Amala. She took a step forward then stopped. She liked to stay away from other wolves of the pack. She was indepentant. She liked to keep to herself. Ana turned around and trotted away.
3:52pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: @_@ Nope. I officially nominate Amala as Beta Female. Just to make things more confusing xD Amh, it is day time, just for the record. ^^ I had a little time skip in the posts... It went from day to night. -is being so confusing-
3:58pm Jul 19 2010
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OoC:// oh okay... sorry. but when she woke it was when it was night and Amala saw the human. so did Ana. soooo yeah....
4:04pm Jul 19 2010
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ooc; The time for Shadow to post is nigh. >:u
4:23pm Jul 19 2010
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Lunari was stalking a young deer. He crouched there, smelling the irresistable scent of fresh meat. Sure, he wasn't as strong and fast as the other wolves, but at least he should be able to catch prey for himself. The skinny wolf narrowed his misty green eyes at his target and starting to creep forward. The closer he was, the stronger the mouthwatering scent of his prey. Lunari's pelt shifted through many colors, as his mood was mixed. Excitement, worry, pride, joy. His heart thumped loudly against his chest. Lunari opened his mouth, revealing his fangs. Then, leaped at the deer. Lunari groaned at how clumsy he was as he missed the deer by inches. The deer sped off. Oh no you don't. Lunari quickly decided to chase after it. Always when the deer was close enough to reach, it soon again was out of reach. After a while, he soon was at the edge of the clearing. Lunari watched as the deer ran away. There goes my meal. Guess I better get away from here.
4:46pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 4:46pm Jul 19 2010)
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Luminous rays of sunlight poured through the trees. Speckles of light dotted the back of a young Ikaros clan member and , to be more specific, the Omega. Mordecai . The dusky blue-grey wolf was lying alone in a shallow dip, safe in the clan’s clearing. The wind carried scents of prey and other pack members, but the distinct scent of human was mingling with the other scents. Mordecai shifted into a more comfortable position and sat up correctly. The light rings that covered his back were strangely visible in the growling light. Left ear flopped over, Mordecai scanned the clearing. He shook himself and his ears became completely erect. Standing up nimbly, the light figure made it’s way to the edge of the clearing without a problem. Looking out into the woods, he realized the scent of loner also drifted in the wind. He looked back at the pack, as.suming the alpha’s must already be aware. Crawling away from the edge, he lied down beside a small tree with small, twiggy branches protruded outwards in every possible direction. Squeezing into a tight ball, Mordecai thought of the humans. He was aware that the tension was rising and the war was going to break out soon. However, he highly disagreed with fighting against the human. But what could the omega do? He had no say in it all. And even if he did speak up, there’d just be another tongue lashing from the rest of the pack. With a sigh, he contemplated the battle and just how high the casualties would be. The wolves may be powerful, the dire wolves’ would be completely unaffected by the powers that the humans weilded. He was also aware of the wolves that had left the pack to walk beside man, and hold the name of “dog” for the rest of their lives. And the humans, like the wolves, possessed great skills. Shoving the troubling thoughts to the back of his mind, Mordecai gazed around the camp. Most of the wolves were out and about, hunting and such. He guessed he should be out also, doing something that would help the pack. Shakily lurching himself up, Mordecai trotted quickly out of the camp and towards the nearest scent of prey. But as he continued, he grew conscious of how much stronger the loner’s scent was. Scorning himself for being so lazy as to not scent or even sense how close he was getting, he crouched down. Making sure he had the advantage of being downwind, Mordecai slowly crept towards the intruding wolf. He guessed it didn’t pose a threat, but he thought Alpin would like to know.
4:48pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 4:53pm Jul 19 2010)
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Krash snapped her powerful jaws onto one of the deers legs and it tumbled to the ground. She growled in satisfaction and leapt over toward its throat. She clenched her powerful jaws onto its throat, crushings its windpipe and suffocating it. The Deers struggles grew weaker and weaker, until they just stopped. She immeadeately tore into the deers still warm body, energy pouring back into her with each bite. It had been days since her last meal. Once she was full, she licked her lips to get rid of some of the blood. She twitched her ears. Still alone. She sighed and left the deer there, some foxes would probably eat it, or the resident wolf pack. She loped to a small brook running through the forest and lapped up some of the water. She had the sudden realization she was being followed. She spun around, teeth bared and fur on end, "come out ocme out wherever you are." she taunted. ((XD fail!!)) ___ Kuro lay in the shadow of a large oak tree, eyes closed. But he wasnt sleeping, he was listening. And waiting. Not much was happening in 'his world.' He twitched one ear as a bug landed on it and sighed. He was waiting for something to happen that affected him, or for someone to talk to him. Bu nothing ever happened, and nobody ever did. He supposed it was because of his m*censored*ive size and notoious temper that nobody wanted to talk to him. And nothing ever really happened to him because he was to smart to make a stupid mistake and allow something to happen.

5:00pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 2,338
Ana padded through the forest the next day. The burning rays of sunlight were pouring through the branches of the Ebony forest. The rays stung Ana's long fur. It was quiet around Ana. The bushes rustled from time to time in the wind. Soon Ana padded up to a river. She looked into it and glittering fish danced past. The scales on the fish sparkled like gems in the sunlight. Ana swiftly swiped one of the fish out of the water and caught it in her strong jaws. She padded back into the woods with the fish in her teeth. Ana rested in a small clearing guarded by tall trees. The frost that usually clung to Ana's pelt was gone. It vanished every day. She didn't like the summer. It was to warm for her liking. Winter was Ana's favorite season. One because it was cold andsnow covered the ground almost everyday. And if there wasn't snow, it was at least frost where ever a wolf of her kind was. Ana devored the fish quickly. she liked being alone. She enjoyed having a spot to herself. Although Ana knew she needed to find the pack and travel with it for a while Ana pushed the thought away and rolled onto her back. She closed her eyes and huffed an icy breath.
5:18pm Jul 19 2010
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Mordecai glared at the wolf through narrowed eyes, but refused to get up. His claws were submerged in earth as he continued to watch the loner. He could tell by her flashing teeth and bristling fur that she didn’t like the idea of being followed. He ignored it, and scented the air once more. The other pack members weren’t that close, but he could smell them. Remaining hidden in t he undergrowth, Mordecai was faintly aware of how easy his faint blue pelt could be seen against the lush, green scenery but he paid little attention to the matter.
5:21pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((gtg bye!))
5:23pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 5:24pm Jul 19 2010)
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Krash looked around, and spotted the other wolf. His fur stood out from the undergrowth, "who are you?" she asked, relaxing when she saw that he wasnt very big, or rather, very muscular. "are you a member of the pack that lives here?" she asked, tilting her head.
5:31pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 5:32pm Jul 19 2010)
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Serah decided to go hunting for herself; she had not eaten at all the day before. She smelled something. Rabbit. Yes. She could see it. She was almost sick of eating rabbits; they were small and one gets tired of eating them after having eaten nothing but rabbit for the last couple of days. She was nearly about to jump on the prey and bite its neck when she spotted a rather clumsy looking wolf. Its paws were much too large for its body. It looked hilarious, really. Serah's eyes glimmered with amusement. It's the Omega, Mordecai. She actually felt a sort of fondness, usually, towards whichever wolf ended up becoming the Omega. They tended to be the odd one out and full of character. She nearly barked a friendly greeting when she saw that he was crouched down, intently creeping towards something in the place where the clearing was beginning to turn to forest. Interested, she watched closely to see what would happen. -x-x-x- Sirius watched as the fragile wolf stopped running and then crouched down, its eyes locked on some prey. He scanned the area; they were still close to the clearing, but no other wolf seemed to be around in the general area. Perfect... He swooped down into the trees silently; his paws gently touched the earth. His wings retracted and then disappeared. Fire burned around his claws, and he felt his fur radiating heat. The Kasumi wolf hadn't seen him yet, but now that he was close he could see that it was a female wolf. She looked almost transparent and as though she were made of smoke. She was surprisingly pretty as well, but that didn't change Sirius's opinion of her one bit. "Looking for something?" he growled. The she wolf spun around quickly; her yellow eyes were sharp and strong for such a weak one. -x-x-x- OOC: Times for action >:3 BiC: "Looking for something?" The deep, fierce, unfamiliar voice made Amala whirl around to see one of the most fearsome Vesta wolf she had ever beheld. He was huge; maybe not as large as Alpin, but he could certainly rival Alpin in muscle. Amala had never seen him before at all. He must be a loner. Immediately, Amala gave a low, ferocious growl. "Just food," she answered. "What's it to you, loner?" The Vesta wolf gave a mischievous smile, showing exactly how sharp his teeth were; razor sharp. "I'm not a loner," the wolf said, his tone sharp and teasing. "I'm a dog if you want to know. And I feel like fighting..." Amala stood there, her eyes registering surprise; she hadn't expected a Vesta wolf to become a dog. Usually they were more like Dire wolves. It was mostly Senka wolves that ever became dogs. But now she was interested-- but she couldn't tell this wolf that. It was too risky. Her pack could find out. That would be awful, considering she was the beta female... She narrowed her eyes. "I don't want to fight you," she snapped. The other wolf let out a snort. His violet eyes clearly said: yeah, right. "Too bad," he said in a whiny, teasing voice; and without warning, before she could even defend herself, he launched himself at her, his fiery claws outstretched. He knocked her into a tree; she hit it with an audible thwak! She felt searing heat and sharp claws rip through skin on her left side. Then she felt teeth sink deep into her left shoulder. She let out a loud yelp. Get out of here she thought to herself in the back of her mind. She closed her eyes and felt herself be suddenly free of her attacker. She was ten feet away from him. She started running away towards the clearing. Speed was usually her forte. However, he had bitten so deeply into her shoulder it caused her to limp on that leg. The other wolf was gaining on her; she could hear his pawsteps. Without further hesitation, as she grew closer to the clearing, she let out a long howl.