I will not [Wolf] be tamed [Roleplay]

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7:55pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((Recap? ))


8:10pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((im here! recap??))


8:31pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 8:31pm Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; *is here*
But I don't know when I'm gonna get kicked off.
And why do I keep signaling my arrivals with actions? >.<


9:13pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:14pm Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 73

OOC: It looks like there's a lot of posts, but there actually isn't. It would be nice if you would go back and read. I can provide a recap if need be, though <3


(CRAP THIS IS NIGHTMAREDREAM. I accidently got on my sisters account. I have to go though....)


9:58am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,662
Name: Reoko
Age:  Three
Gender: Female
Wolf or "Dog": Wolf.
Species of wolf: Rin Wolf
Rank: Deltess? P:
Reoko is a white wolf.
Her paws are THIS color.
Her eyes are THIS color.
Her tail is a giant shard of ice, and is THIS color. It resembles the wolf tail, but is far different. 
Her flanks are THIS color.
Her wings are silver with darker tips, and have a crescent moon on the bend. 
Personality: Rp it out. Dx
Other: Nope..


11:24am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; I'll post in a min.


11:42am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,060
Ooc; Oh, and Mordecai’s paws aren’t oversized, it’s his claws that are. :B
I was just thinking, ‘whoa gigantor paws look funny’

Mordecai was still running, never slowing his pace until he finally reached Amala, and almost tripping on two large rocks that caught one of his paws between them. Mordecai appeared from out of the bushes, still full of energy like a little pup. He had run longer distances before at a quicker pace. Lashing his tail, he looked around the seen, realizing he had been much too late. “Oh, I see you’ve already gotten help.” he finally said, easily hiding the disappointment from his voice. What would he have been capable of? He was the omega. Padding up to Amala, he finally saw the extent of her injury. “Do you want to see Serah? She’s down this way.” he said, pointing with his muzzle down the path he had taken. But he also remembered the loner must be down there too, but that didn’t seem to matter right now so he pushed the thought away.


12:42pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((any one here????))


1:26pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 5,512
((bump!! :D))


1:35pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I'm here now ^^


1:41pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,551

OOC: Epic, Lauren. And Deltess? Sure. -doesn't even know what that is- Is it like third under the alpha female? o.O I'm working on my post now, by the way. ^^



1:58pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,551

OOC: Sorreh. I didn't mean to displease teh Snoweh. D; o0ps Shadow. Claws, paws, same difference. o3o. Haha xD 

This is going to be a bit of a shorter post ^^ 

"Yes. The Ikaros clan is well known for that," Serah answered. She was right. The wolf was a Ferid wolf after all. "What's your name?"


Amala now felt, that on top of all of the injuries she had received, that she now had sprained her pride. He thinks I'm weak, then she thought unhappily, tail drooping as Kuro flew away. She let out a sigh and sat down, starting to pant. 

"Oh, I see you've already gotten help. Do you want to see Serah? She's down that way," next to her the Omega said. Amala stood up again. 

"It would be a good idea," she said. Her injuries did sting quite a bit; especially the one on her shoulder. 


Her eyes looked like she wanted to tell me something Sirius thought to himself. He was thinking of that she-wolf he had attacked so suddenly and so viciously. Well, now he was starting to feel a bit guilty. He had just... Felt all fired up for a fight (quite literally in some cases). He thought back to the time. The Kasumi wolf had looked at him differently when he had told her that he was a dog. Now that he was thinking about it, her gaze had not changed to one of hate but of... something else. And he had attacked her unfairly. He probably judged her wrong as well. As he circled around, slowly descending into Ebony Forest, he caught sight of a human. It was a girl with raven black hair, a dagger in hand [it's Chi ^^ not Shadow's human character]. It was a tamer, and was walking very close towards the heart of the forest. Usually humans never strayed this far. He would follow; he was curious now. 


2:05pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 2:08pm Jul 20 2010)

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Posts: 5,512

Krash thumped her tail on the ground, "My name is Krash. What's yours?" she asked, tilting her head. Her green eyes were studying the other wolf again, but she didn't believe she was being lied to, "How far away is your pack?" she asked.


Kuro could see the Dog in the distance, but decided not to attack. He instead searched for Alpin. Once he spotted the alpha, he landed and his wings vanished, "There is a Dog here." he said, "He attacked Amala, but ran off when I showed up." some of his anger returned and he suppressed a growl of frustration, "but hes still in our territory." Kuro amazed himself, he had talked more in the last few minutes than he usually did in a day.


2:12pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 2,338
Ana lay in silence. her icy blue eyes flashed across the clearin, making sure that no wolf was near. She lay on her back her small stomache full from the fish. She loved that silence that surrounded her. She enjoyed lying in the silence that usually surrounded her. Sht thought about going to find her pack, again. But once again pushed the thought away. she closed her eyes and fell asleep under the burning sunlight.


2:25pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((*Brainfail* Ill come up wih something soon...probably XD))


2:29pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,551
"Not too far away at all. We are staying in the heart of the forest at the clearing," Serah answered. Krash.. Interesting name. "My name is Serah. I am the Ikaros Clan's healer..." She trailed off, looking within Krash's deep emerald eyes. "Though I bet you already knew that. Come, this way. We'll talk with Alpin, the pack leader." Padding away, she spotted Alpin in the clearing; Kuro was nearby him as well, telling Alpin something. Serah felt worried; Kuro hardly ever talked to any wolf... Even if it was the leader. Something must have happened. 
"There is a dog here." Alpin was broken out of his train of thoughts when he heard Kuro speak. He tilted his head upwards and looked at him; he watched as Kuro's wings disappeared. Instantly Alpin's anger flared. A dog? Just after seeing a human around here? "He attacked Amala, but ran off when I showed up... But he's still in our territory." Alpin let out a fierce growl of anger.
"If any wolf sees him or any other dog or human again, then kill it. I am tired of smelling their scents all over our territory," he said, his voice seething with rage. And it attacked Amala, the beta female, the smallest wolf in the pack? It seemed a bit strange that Amala would need aid.. The dog must have attacked her unfairly; Alpin knew Amala to be pretty good while fighting.   


2:30pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Hahaha Ash. Amh, we need to get you to interact with someone... Hm...


2:37pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 2,338
OoC:// some one come find me!


2:49pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 5,512

Krash stuck to Serah's side closely, "they are really big." she whispered nervously, eyeing Kuro and Alpin, "which one's the Alpha?" she asked.

((Woah 0.o epic fail.))


Kuro nodded, "i would have tracked him down, but he was faster than me, and he got Amala really bad so I had to check on her." he growled, "but believe me, he wouldnt have been able to walk away if I was able to catch him." he shook his head. He didnt know how the Dog had gotten hold of Amala, but he hurt her badly, and to Kuro, hurting a member of his pack was just as bad as hurting him.


3:24pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 3:30pm Jul 20 2010)

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Posts: 1,060
“Alright.” Mordecai said, “Follow me.” He looked over the wounds for a moment, and noticed burns on her side. “Need any help?” he asked, finally studying the wound on her shoulder. It looked pretty bad to him, but he knew they had a reliable healer. “Who attacked you?” he asked, hesitating at first before looking back towards where Serah and the loner where, he hoped they  were still there.

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